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[Judgment(s) are listed and published here for free but can be procured in electronic PDF copies for a fee in singles or compendium. Research support is also available. Email us through and or text 07067102097]


SAIDU JILAWA V. SAMAILA SULE RELIGION AND LAW ISLAMIC LAW:– Contract of sale of – three essential requirements of a valid sale under Islamic Law.
TASIU RABIU V. AISHATU AMADU ISLAMIC LAW AND PROCEDURE – PATERNITY OF A CHILD:- Paternity of a child and how confirmed under Islamic law – Three ways – Marriage –  Acknowledgment – Evidence – Whether marriage is the most important of the three – Importance and justification for paternity of a child under Sharia – Authority of Hadith in determining applicable principles relating to paternity and legitimacy – Whether a child which is born outside wedlock is not considered legitimate – Whether where illicit relationship is established leading to the birth of an illegitimate child appropriate sanctions on the parties involved are given
THE QUEEN V, GIDADO AKANBI RELIGION AND LAW:- Belief that charm can confer invisibility against gunshot – Death arising therefrom – Criminal liability of person who shot the gun at the behest of person dressed as a masquerade – How treated
THE REGISTERED TRUSTEES OF THE APOSTOLIC CHURCH V. RELIGION AND LAW:- Civil proceedings – Where a religious body is found to have taken the law into its hands or acted in a manner deemed contemptuous of the court – Attitude of Court thereto- Readiness of court to invoke religious creeds/dictum – “Love thy neighbour as thy self” as a law binding on Christians
THERESA NWAFOR ONWO V. OKO RELIGION AND LAW:- Customary burial rites requiring widow’s shaving of her hair, and restriction of movement as incidents of mourning for late husband – Where offends widow’s religious belief and devotion – How treated
UBUDU  V. BULAMA ABDUL-RAZAK RELIGION AND LAWISLAMIC LAW AND PROCEDURE – Succession – Person not a Muslim at the time of death of deceased Muslim – Whether can inherit estate of deceased
UDOFA V. THE KING RELIGION LAW: Nature of Oath administered in Court – Whether a court oath sworn in the name of a pagan deity by a married person rebuts the presumption of monogamous marriage otherwise attributable to a spouse who swears by the Bible
UKADIKE V. THE STATE RELIGION AND LAW:- Mental health and belief system – Belief in Spirits of the ancestors – Where complained of as basis for illness – Resort to herbalist – Implication for justice administration
UMARU  V. MUTALLABI SHARIA LAW:- Proof of a fact under Sharia law – Rules governing.
UPETIRE V. A.G. WESTERN NIGERIA RELIGION AND LAW:- Belief in witch-craft and juju – `Usigho’ an Urhobo juju used for acquiring money – Implication for crime and justice administration – Attitude of court thereto
USUMAN ACIDA V. THE KING ISLAMIC LAW AND PROCEDURE:- Gift of land – Death of donee before taking possession of – Whether nullifies gift
USMAN   V.  KAREEM ISLAMIC LAW AND PROCEDURE:- Gift of land – Death of donee before taking possession of – Whether nullifies gift
USUMAN ACIDA v. THE KING SHARIA/MOHAMMEDAN LAW:- Murder – Whether Sharia law recognizes a distinction between murder and manslaughter – How treated
USMAN V. KUSFA ISLAMIC LAW:- Proof – Burden and standard of proof in civil cases – Procedure under Islamic (Sharia) law
WILLIE  V. THE STATE RELIGION AND LAW: – Belief in witchcraft as cause of stomach-ache – Implication for crime and justice administration
YARZABAINA V. KANO N. A. SHARIA LAW:- Murder – Interpretation of causing death by ‘accident’ as admission of murder – Options available to accused – Need to call evidence to disproof the interpretation
ZAGWAI YARIMA V. BABA MAIWAKA GBAIGAN RELIGION AND LAWISLAMIC LAW:– Oath taking – different types of oaths which can be offered or administered under Islamic Law

RELIGION AND LAWISLAMIC LAW:– Oath taking – Whether the Sharia Court of Appeal has inherent power to administer an oath which the trial court ought to have administered but failed to do

ZAIDAN V. MOHSSEN RELIGION AND LAW:- Islam – Moslem law relating to intestate inheritance – Whether global in nature – Applicability to foreigners in Nigeria – Statutory justification




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