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AMEH A. AKPA DIGA V. ADAM TONYJURISDICTION – AN APPELLATE COURT:- Determination of – Whether it is the grounds of appeal that activates the jurisdiction of an appellate court – Whether appellate court can only assume jurisdiction over the substantive suit if the court below had made pronouncement touching on the substantive matter
A. G. ANAMBRA STATE V. A. G. FEDERATIONJURISDICTION – Appellate jurisdiction of the Supreme Court – Scope of.
A. G. BENDEL STATE V. AGBOFODOHJURISDICTION:- Ouster clauses – Attitude of court thereto – Hon’ interpreted. JURISDICTION:- Ouster of courts’ jurisdiction provision in sections I & 2 of Decree No. 18 of 1977 – Whether saves provisions of Ekpan and Ubeji Communities Riots and Clashes (Determination) Edict No. 7 of 1978 of Bendel State.
A. G. FED. V. GUARDIAN NEWSPAPERS LTD.JURISDICTION:- Jurisdiction of court – ‘Jurisdiction’- Meaning and ingredients of: JURISDICTION:- Jurisdiction of court – Existence or absence of in a court to try a matter- What determines. JURISDICTION:- Jurisdiction of court- Ouster clause in a statute- Dun, on court faced therewith – Whether has power to examine same.
A.G OF CROSS RIVER STATE V. A.G OF THE FEDERATIONJURISDICTION:- Jurisdiction of Supreme Court in respect of boundary delimitation – Whether exercisable subject to the determination of boundary dispute by the National Boundary Commission.
A.G, FEDERATION V. AJIBOSEJURISDICTION:- Original jurisdiction of Supreme Court – Limited to justiciable disputes between the Federation and a state – Actions instituted in 3 State High Courts against Federal Electoral Commission – Declaration that State High Court has no original jurisdiction to entertain legal proceedings involving disputes between the commission or executive branch of Federal Government and others
A.G. FEDERATION V. SODEJURISDICTION:- Courts – Effect of Ouster Clauses Assumption of Jurisdiction – Propriety of Jurisdiction of Court – When determined
ABASI V. ESINJURISDICTION:- Public Lands Acquisition Ordinance, Cap 185, 1948 – Claims arising therefrom – Jurisdiction of court to hear.
ABBAS  V. COP (CA)JURISDICTION – Federal High Court – Jurisdiction of in respect of civil and criminal matters – Nature and scope of – Sections 230(1) and 230(1A) of the 1979 Constitution (as amended by Decree 107 of 1993). JURISDICTION:-Jurisdiction of court – Fundamental nature of- Basis of- Whether can be expanded by the court – Extent of power of court in respect thereof.
ABDULLAHI V. HASHIDUJURISDICTION:- the Election Tribunal on the qualification of a candidate
ABIETO ALAGOMA & ORS V. SHELL PET. DEV. CO. LTDPRACTICE AND ROCEDURE – PRELIMINARY OBJECTION – JURISDICTION:– what determines jurisdiction of court- jurisdiction over mining operations- proper order to make when a court declines jurisdiction
ABIODUN OLAOSEBIKAN V. INDEPENDENT NATIONAL ELECTORAL COMMISSION & ORS.JURISDICTION – LOCUS STANDI:- importance of locus standi as it relates to jurisdiction of a court to hear a matter
ABIODUN V. ADEHINJURISDICTION:- High Court (Northern Nigeria) – Statutory Right of Occu­pancy granted by a Native Authority – Sec. 21(3) of the Land and Native Rights (Amendment) Law 1955 – Whether High Court has jurisdiction.
ABOUD V. THE REGIONAL TAX BOARDJURISDICTION:- High Court – Power to entertain appeal against tax assess­ment under section 55 of the Income Tax Law.
ABU AND ORS. V. ODUGBO AND ORS.JURISDICTION:- What determines the jurisdiction of court to entertain a suit before it.
ACB  PLC V. EMOSTRADE LTDJURISDICTION:- Action initiated by a juristic person whose incorporation status was unproven by evidence of the incorporation certificate – Whether invalidates competence of the court to entertain the action
ACHEBE V. NWOSUJURISDICTION:– Significance of – Effect of lack of jurisdiction on judicial proceedings.
ACHIAKPA V. NDUKAJURISDICTION:- Jurisdiction of court – where court gives judgment without or in excess of jurisdiction – Effect of. JURISDICTION:- Native court – Nature of jurisdiction – Where derived.
ADAMA  V. ANAJA (CA)JURISDICTION:– Jurisdiction of court – Whether a court can entertain jurisdiction in a cause or matter – Determination of. JURISDICTION:– Jurisdiction of court – Where court lacks jurisdiction to adjudicate over a matter – Appropriate order to make therein.
ADANI & ANOR V. IGWEJURISDICTION:- Absence of at time of commencement of action- Confer­ment at trial – Attitude thereof
ADEBANJO OLAYINKA V. ADEBOLA ADEPARUSI & ANORJURISDICTION – ISSUE OF JURISDICTION:- Court taking upon itself the exercise of power under jurisdiction which it does not possess – Effect of
ADEBUSUYI  V. BABATUNDE ODUYOYEJURISDICTION:- Jurisdiction of court – How determined – What Court looks at
ADEDIRAN  V. INTERLAND TRANSPORT LIMITEDJURISDICTION:- Point as to whether a set of facts which reveal private or public nuisance is one which involves at the same time the issue of the competence of the plaintiffs to institute the action at all – Where there is evidence on record in support – Whether matter which could be raised and/or taken at any stage of the proceedings
ADEGOKE MOTORS LTD. V. ADESANYAJURISDICTION:- Null orders of court -Jurisdiction of court that made order to set same aside. JURISDICTION:- Court jurisdiction over persons outside of its jurisdiction – Basis of
ADEGOKE V. ADIBIJURISDICTION:- Jurisdiction of court – When can be raised
ADEGOROYE  V. ALLIANCE FOR DEMOCRACYJURISDICTION:– Jurisdiction of court – whether trial Judge was right to have declined jurisdiction in entertaining suit – circumstance of case considered.
ADEIGBE V. KUSIMOJURISDICTION:- Canon and test of jurisdiction – Nullity and irregularity distinguished – Customary Courts – Variations in bench membership – Effect on jurisdiction
ADEKO V. IJEBU-ODE DCJURISDICTION:- High Court – Master and Servant – Dismissal wrongful being in breach of natural justice – Whether that in itself precludes court from finding out if there is justifiable ground for the dismissal.
ADELEKAN  V. ECU-LINE NVJURISDICTION:- Exercise of appellate jurisdiction – Source of. JURISDICTIO:- Federal High Court- Whether has jurisdiction in cases of simple contract or damages for negligence.
ADEREMI ADEDAMOLA AJIDAHUN  V. MRS. DAPHINE OTERI AJIDAHUNJURISDICTION:- Rule that due appearance by the party or his Counsel are the fundamental conditions precedent required before the Court can have competence and jurisdiction to hear a matter – Justification under Principle of Natural Justice
ADESINA  V. KOLAJURISDICTION:- Issue of compensation on land compulsorily acquired – Jurisdiction of High Court of State to determine prior to and after commencement of the 1979 Constitution. JURISDICTION:- Where court lacks jurisdiction – Whether can clothe itself with jurisdiction.
ADETUNJI AKANDE V. I.N.E.C & ORSJURISDICTION:- Conditions precedent for a court to assume jurisdiction on any proceedings
ADEYEMI  V. STATEJURISDICTION:- Absence of jurisdiction in court – Proceedings conducted thereto – Competence
ADEYEMI AND OTHERS V. OPEYORIJURISDICTION:- Jurisdiction of High Court of former Western State – Section 9(I) High Court Law Cap. 44, Vol 11, Laws of Western Nigeria 1959 – Customary Law.
ADEYEMI V. OLAKUNRIJURISDICTION:- Jurisdiction of court – Issue of – Where raised – Duty on court to deal with timeously.
ADIGUN  V. AYINDEJURISPRUDENCE:- Sentiments – Whether has any role in law.
ADIGUN AND OTHERS V. A-G. OYO STATEJURISDICTION:- Inherent power of Supreme Court to amend a judgment after delivery – Nature, source and extent of the power
ADO IBRAHIM & COMPANY LTD V. BENDEL CEMENT COMPANY LTDJURISDICTION:- The effect of well written judgment delivered without jurisdiction
ADOSCO NIGERIA LTD. & ANOR V. CHILEWA INVESTMENT LTD.JURISDICTION:- Defect in writ of summons – Whether will affect the competence or jurisdiction of a court over a matter
AFISI V.  LAWALJURISDICTION:- Jurisdiction of court – Nature, essence and importance of – Attitude of court thereto.
AFRICAN CONTINENTAL BANK PLC V. LOSADA NIGERIA LTD. & ANORJURISDICTION:- Jurisdiction of court- Non-service of process – Effect on jurisdiction of court.
AFRICAN INTERNATIONAL BANK LIMITED  V. PACKOPLAST NIGERIA LIMITEDJURISDICTION:– Jurisdictional issue involving procedural irregularities – Whether can be raised for the first time on appeal.
AFRICAN NEWSPAPERS OF NIGERIA LTD. V. FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF NIGERIAJURISDICTION:- Federal High Court – Charge of seditious publication – Criminal jurisdiction of court – Whether limited to offences connected with or pertaining to revenue of Federation – Preliminary objection to courts’ competence – When can be overruled
AFRO-CONTINENTAL NIGERIA LTD. V. JOSEPH AYANTUYI & OrsJURISDICTION:– Fundamental nature of – Duty of court to resolve issue of jurisdiction before proceeding to hear a case on the merit.
AGBAJE & ORS.  V. ADELEKAN & ORS.JURISDICTION:– Importance of – When issue of jurisdiction can be raised – Whether can be raised for the first time at Court of appeal – Duty of court thereto
AGBAJE V.  ADELEKANJURISDICTION:– Jurisdictional issue involving procedural irregularities – Whether can be raised for the first time on appeal.
AGWUNA  V. ATTORNEY-GENERAL OF THE FEDERATIONJURISDICTION:- High Court – Supervisory jurisdiction thereof over tribunal – Whether extends over Special Tribunal on Recovery of Public Properties.
AJAKAIYE  V. IDEHAIJURISDICTION:- Chieftaincy Declaration – Where validly made under enabling law – Limitation on power of court in respect of – Whether court can declare it null and void. JURISDICTION:- Power conferred by statute on bodies other than courts – Whether court has jurisdiction to exercise such power. JURISDICTION:– Statutory function – Where statute imposes function on an office – Whether court can exercise such function – Power of court in respect of such function- Extent and scope.
AJAYI  V. OMOROGBEJURISDICTION:- Inherent jurisdiction of court – Meaning of – When it will be invoked.
AJIDAHUN  V. AJIDAHUNJURISDICTION:- Rule due appearance by the party or his Counsel are the fundamental conditions precedent required before the Court can have competence and jurisdiction to hear a matter – Justification under Principle of Natural Justice
AJOMALE  V. YADUATJURISDICTION:- Appellate jurisdiction – Sources of – Supreme Court – Whether can hear matters emanating from a High Court -Jurisdiction and Power – Difference between.
AKANBI  V. SALAWUJURISDICTION:– High Court of a State – Whether competent to adjudicate on title to Land in non-urban area.
AKINBI V. MILITARY GOVERNOR, ONDO STATEJURISDICTION:‑ Preliminary objection to jurisdiction of court ‑ How and when determined
AKINBOBOLA  V. PLISSON FISKOJURISDICTION:- Court making order without jurisdiction – Whether has jurisdiction to rescind the invalid order. JURISDICTION:- Judicial power of court – Relationship with jurisdiction of court. JURISDICTION:- Jurisdiction of appellate court- Condition precedent exercise thereof. JURISDICTION:- Trial court – Lack of jurisdiction thereof over a subject matter -Whether an appellate court has jurisdiction to make consequential order on the subject-matter.
AKPABUYO LOCAL GOVERNMENT V.  G. O. DUKEJURISDICTION:– Entering of appearance and implication for jurisdiction – where period within which to enter appearance is specified – Whether court has jurisdiction to enter judgment before the expiration of same.
AKPAN  V. UMANAJURISDICTION:- Competing customary courts – Duty of appellate court
AKU  V. ANEKUJURISDICTION:- High Court – Jurisdiction of to entertain Chieftaincy disputes – Whether ousted by section 11 of the Chiefs (Appointment and Deposition) Law Cap 20 Laws of Northern Nigeria – Effect of Section 236 of the 1979 Constitution.
ALADE V. ALEMULOKE AND OTHERSJURISDICTION:- Types and Meaning – Customary Courts Law of Western State – Stating value of land in writ – Order 3 Rule 3(3) & Order 4 Rule 1(2a) of Customary Court Rules.
ALASAN BABATUNDE V. THE GOVERNOR, W.RJURISDICTION:- Effect of law excluding court’s jurisdiction on antecedent proceedings.
ALFOTRIN LIMITED  V. THE ATTORNEY-GENERAL OF THE FEDERATIONJURISDICTION:- Act of State – Whether an act is “an act of state” – Jurisdiction of court to determine JURISDICTION:- Jurisdiction of court to determine whether an act is an “act of  state” – Whether extant.
ALFRED ELIJAH & ANOR V. THE STATEJURISDICTION:- Ways by which loss of jurisdiction by a court may occur
ALH. MOHAMMED MOHAMMED V. MARTINS ELECTRONICS COMPANY LTDJURISDICTION  – COURT OF APPEAL: Who is competent to invoke the jurisdiction of the Court of Appeal
ALHAJA AFUSAT IJELU & ORS. V. LAGOS STATE DEVELOPMENT AND PROPERTY CORPORATION & ORSJURISDICTION – LOCUS STANDI: When a plaintiff is deemed to have locus standi JURISDICTION – LOCUS STANDI:- Test to determine the locus standi of a party JURISDICTION – LOCUS STANDI:- General principle of locus standi
ALHAJA R. O. SANNI V. ALHAJI I. S. LATEJU & ORSJURISDICTION:- Fundamental nature of- when issue can be raised
ALHAJI ABDULLAHI ATANDA KOLAWOLE V. ALHAJI SALAMI ADISA OLORIJURISDICTION OF COURT:- Whether the Trial Judge must pronounce on the jurisdictional issue raised by the Plaintiff
ALHAJI ADO IBRAHIM  & CO. LTD. & ANOR V. ELDESTEIN (NIG.) LIMITEDJURISDICTION:- Federal High Court – Claim relating to quarrying operations – Whether Federal High Court has jurisdiction to entertain JURISDICTION:- Jurisdiction of court – Determinant of  – Where issue of jurisdiction established on writ and statement of claim
ALHAJI AMINU JUBRILLAH ABDULLAHI & ORS V. MRS. CHRISTIANA IYABO ADETUTUJURISDICTION:- Whether court has jurisdiction to make a valid declaratory order against a person who was not a party to a suit before the court
ALHAJI ISOLA ARE OGELE V. ALHAJI BANNI GAA BUDO NUHUJURISDICTION – AREA COURT: Jurisdiction and power of upper area court to adjudicate on civil and criminal matters
ALHAJI MUHAMMADU MAIGARI DINGYADI V. INDEPENDENT NATIONAL ELECTORAL COMMISSIONJURISDICTION:- Importance of jurisdiction in the adjudicating processes of Courts -Whether Court can have its judgment or order set aside on the application of an affected or aggrieved party or even sue – When a court can be competent to exercise jurisdiction in respect of any matter
ALHAJI RABIU NUNKU V. JOHN AYA & ANORJURISDICTION:-Special defences –  When to raise a challenge to jurisdiction based on a special defence such as laches, acquiescence and/ or statute of limitation
ALHAJI T. A. OGBORIEFON V. ISMAILA O. OGBORIEFON & ANOR.JURISDICTION – COURT: Whether a court can assume jurisdiction in a case where the condition precedent has not been fulfilled
ALIDU ADAH  V. NATIONAL YOUTH SERVICE CORPSJURISDICTION:– Commencement of an action challenging the validity of an administrative decision taken by a Federal Government Agency – Whether State High Court and Federal High Court have concurrent jurisdiction to adjudicate on such matter
ALIDU ADAH  V. NATIONAL YOUTH SERVICE CORPS (SC)JURISDICTION:- Jurisdiction of Court – Court vest with jurisdiction over the Federal Government of Nigeria and its agencies. JURISDICTION:- Jurisdiction of Court – How conferred JURISDICTION:- Jurisdiction of Court- Applicable law – Whether the law applicable to a cause of action is the same with the law which confers jurisdiction on Court
ALIMS NIGERIA LIMITED V. UNITED BANK FOR AFRICA PLCJURISDICTION:- Fundamental nature of – When can be raised – Whether can be raised by court suo motu- Whether failure to invite learned counsel to address the court automatically renders a decision on the question of jurisdiction a nullity
ALL STATES TRUST BANK LTD. V.  KING DAVIDSON ENTERPRISES (NIG.) LTDJURISDICTION:– Jurisdiction of court in relation to an action for breach of contract and specific performance – How determined.
ALLI V. ELEPOJURISDICTION:- Courts —High Court –Jurisdiction — Original — Family Status -Whether High Court has original jurisdiction in matters of status where there is competent authority to entertain such matters-High Court Law (W.N.) S.8
ALUKO V. D.P.P. (W.R.)JURISDICTION:- Criminal procedure – High Court – Power to try summary offences – Ss.8 and 9, High Court Law of Western Nigeria, Cap. 44. JURISDICTION:- Jurisdiction and procedure – Distinction between.
ALUMINIUM MANUFACTURING COMPANY (NIGERIA) LTD. V. NIGERIAN PORTS AUTHORITYJURISDICTION:- Limit of jurisdiction of Federal High Court in Admiralty Matters – Transfer of cases from Federal High Court to State High Courts – Whether decided by 1979 constitution.
AMES ELECTRICAL CO. LTD V. FEDERAL AIRPORTS AUTHORITY OF NIGERIAJURISDICTION – Non compliance with pre-action notice – whether can be raised at any time. JURISDICTION – Non-service of a pre action notice – whether a matter of fact or law.
AMOO V. ALABIJURISDICTION:- Jurisdiction of Court- Where raised-Duty on Court to first decide the issue of jurisdiction.
AMOS ORIJA & ORS. V. THE CHAIRMAN NATIONAL POPULATION COMMISSION & ORSCOURT – JURISDICTION: Whether failure to comply with a condition precedent to the exercise of a court’s jurisdiction is fata
ANAEKWE V. COPJURISDICTION – Court of Appeal – Jurisdiction of under Section 219 of the 1979 Constitution – Whether- original jurisdiction to grant bail inclusive. JURISDICTION – Appellate. jurisdiction – Where derived. JURISDICTION – Inherent jurisdiction of court – Where derived – Scope of – Whether exercisable where court lacks jurisdiction.
ANATOGU AND OTHERS  V. A-G., EAST-CENTRAL STATE AND OTHERSJURISDICTION – Jurisdiction of court – whether determined by plaintiff’s claim.
ANSALDO (NIG.) LTD. V. N. P. F. M. B.JURISDICTION – Federal High Court- Jurisdiction thereof in respect of revenue of the Federal Government – Meaning of “revenue” in section 7(1) (a) of the Federal High Court Act, 1973. JURISDICTION – Federal High Court – Sections 74 and 149 of the 1979 Constitution – Whether derogates from jurisdiction thereof.
ANUNOBI V. OBIWELOZOJURISDICTION – High Court of a State -Number constituting same – Demarcation of into judicial divisions – Rationale for
APAMPA V. ABEOKUTA GOLF INTERNATIONAL LIMITEDJURISDICTION:- Issue of jurisdiction and locus standi – Whether must be pleaded before court can consider same
APOSTLE PETER EKWEOZOR & ORS V. THE REGISTERED TRUSTEES OF SAVIOURS APOSTOLIC CHURCH OF NIGERIAPRACTICE AND PROCEDURE – ACTION – JURISDICTION:- Ancillary issue – Where a party’s claim falls within the jurisdiction of two separate courts – Whether it is the court that has the jurisdiction to adjudicate on the principal claim that should be approached
AREWA PAPER CONVERTERS LTD V. N.D.I.C. (NIG. UNIVERSAL BANK LTD.)JURISDICTION AND CONSTITUTIONAL LAW – Jurisdiction of court – Source of – Whether derived exclusively from the Constitution.
ARIBISALA V. OGUNYEMIJURISDICTION:- Jurisdiction of court – Fundamental nature of – Absence of – Effect.
ARJAY LIMITED V. AIRLINE MANAGEMENT SUPPORTJURISDICTION:– Demurrer application and a preliminary objection challenging the jurisdiction of the court – distinction between – whether trial court could have decided the issue of jurisdiction before pleadings are filed.
ARUBO V. AIYELERUJURISDICTION:– Inherent jurisdiction of court – Extent of use of.
ASKI V. ALUJURISDICTION:- Sharia court of Appeal – Whether has no jurisdiction to determine any issue involving title to land – Whether has jurisdiction to determine any question of Islamic law regarding a wakf, will or succession where the endower, donor, testator or deceased person is a Moslem.
ASORE  V. LEMOMUJURISDICTION:- Appeal – Filing of appeal after expiration of time limited by rules and after extension granted by court – Whether amounts to mere irregularity or whether fatal to proceedings. JURISDICTION:- Appeal – Filing of appeal after expiration of time limited by Rules and extension granted by court – Effect of on court jurisdiction
ASSOCIATED DISCOUNT HOUSE  LTD. V. AMALGAMATED TRUSTEES LTDJURISDICTION:- State High Court- Whether has jurisdiction to determine dispute over money lent to a customer or a financial institution.
ASTRO EXITO NAVEGACION SA V. SOUTHLAND ENTERPRISE CO LTD AND ANOTHERJURISDICTION:- Execution of commercial instruments – Letter of Credit – Jurisdiction of Court to order specific performance of
ATAGUBA AND COMPANY V. GURA NIGERIA LIMITEDJURISDICTION:- Juristic personality – Absence of competent parties – Effect on jurisdiction of court.
ATIKU ABUBAKAR V. THE ATTORNEY-GENERAL OF THE FEDERATIONJURISDICTION – Office of President and Vice President of Federal Republic of Nigeria – Question relating to term of or vacancy therein – Which court has original jurisdiction with respect thereto. JURISDICTION:- Jurisdiction of court – Office of President and Vice President of Federal Republic of Nigeria – Question relating to term of or vacancy therein – Which court has original jurisdiction with respect thereto.
ATTAH IDIH V. BEN UTENOJURISDICTION – ISSUE OF JURISDICTION: Whether or not the issue of jurisdiction is crucial in the adjudication of any matter
ATTORNEY-GENERAL OF ABIA STATE AND 35 ORS V. ATTORNEY-GENERAL OF THE FEDERATIONPRACTICE AND PROCEDURE –JURISDICTION- Supreme Court-Original jurisdiction of-When may be invoked – Section 232(1), Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. 1999.
ATTORNEY-GENERAL OF THE FEDERATION  V. ATTORNEY-GENERAL OF ABIA STATEJURISDICTION – COURT:- Jurisdiction of court – International boundaries – Dispute over same Jurisdiction to try same – Where resides.
ATTORNEY-GENERAL OF THE FEDERATION V. ATIKU ABUBAKARJURISDICTION- Court of Appeal – Original jurisdiction of-Nature and scope of- When can be invoked – Section 239(1)(c), 1999 Constitution.
ATTORNEY-GENERAL, EASTERN NIGERIA V. ATTORNEY-GENERAL OF THE FEDERATIONPRACTICE AND PROCEDURE- Jurisdiction-Original jurisdiction of Supreme Court under s.114(1) of the Constitution.



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