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Donate to lawnigeria.com

lawnigeria.com, based on the most credible stats available (Alexa.com), is the 2nd most googled and visited law website in Africa: and 1st in West Africa and Nigeria. The massive traffic it draws is because of the technical, policy and legal expertise that went into its design and resourcing: those depend on the funds, time and commitment that Team lawnigeria.com devotes to this legal clearing house everyday through the agency of two sponsoring principals: Tree & Trees JusticeMedia Group and Child in Law Foundation.

Traditional media platforms with wide-ranging advertisement income, are finding it challenging to survive, maintain standards and evolve technologically based on their revenue streams alone. The difficulty is more pronounced for niche media entities, like lawnigeria.com, that provides free access to contents which are critical to informed nation-building, business-policy, family and personal responsibility decisions.

Nonetheless, we are fully committed to staying open and free. The Nigerian project needs a platform like lawnigeria.com to survive and serve as a model for the rest of West Africa.

You can partner with us in that commitment by making a donation on a one-off, monthly, quarterly or annual basis. Every donation is received and managed by Child in Law Foundation, [a nonprofit dedicated to the development of legal resources and projects that work to secure substantive functionality in the Nigerian justice administration space for on a generational basis] and Tree & Trees as technical strategist, project managers and administrators. Child in Law is directly responsibly for ensuring that critical contents on this website remains full and free.

You may donate to this project:

  1. by clicking on the “Donate” Button at the top of this page or by clicking HERE (covers Naira donations only);
  2. through cash or electronic transfers to our designated accounts (email us at lawnigeria@gmail.com for details) for both Naira and foreign currency denominated donations.

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