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This Project provides Lists and Profiles of Nigerian POLICY EXPERTS AND CONSULTANTS for local, state, national, international, multinational, corporate policy projects within or across professional disciplines. For inquiries or references, email: lawnigeria@gmail.com and info@lawnigeria.com


ABARA, Enagu is a Professor of Food and Nutritional Biochemistry in the Faculty of Science, Cross River University of Technology. He holds a P.hD from the University of Calabar. He was Director of Academic Planning (2002 – 2006), Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) and Dean, Postgraduate School (2014-2018) His current research interest is on food compositional analysis. His email address is abaraae@yahoo.co.uk. His Telephone Number is +2348037134934.

Download CV: CV_ABARAABARA-ENAGU_curriculum-vitae-of-prof-a-e-abara-updated.docx

ABASS, Mojeed Olayide is a Professor in the College of Natural and Applied Science, Bells University of Technology, Ota. He holdhs a Ph.D from the University of Waterloo (1973). He was a Dean of Science (1986-1990) and Deputy Vice Chancellor of University of Lagos (1993-1995). He is a Fellow of the Nigerian Academy of Science. His current research is on modelling and simulation. His email address is olayide.abass@yahoo.com. His telephone number is +2348022237278.

Download CV: CV_ABASS-MOJEED-OLAYIDE_prof.-abass.docx

ABDULLAHI, Gambo Laraba is a Professor of Analytical Chemistry, Faculty of Science, University ofAbuja. She holds a Ph.D from Loughborough University of Technology, U.K (1984). She was Vice-Chancellor, University of Abuja (1999-2004), and has served as a member of: State and Federal Executive Councils; Reform Committees, Governing Boards, Constitutional and National Conferences. She is a Fellow of Chemical Society of Nigeria-FCSN, FICMAN, FICA, and a member of the Royal Society of Chemistry (MRSC CChem). Her email address is asmau50@yahoo.com, and telephone number is +2348034522379.

Download CV: CV_Abdullahi-Laraba -Gambo_gl-abdullahi2018-cv.docx

ABDULLAHI, Isa O. is a Professor of Microbiology in the Faculty of Life Sciences. He is currently the Head, Department of Microbiology, ABU, Zaria. He is a member, NSM; NIFST; IFT(US). His email address is isobab”yahoo.com or Obansa@gmail.com. His Telephone number (mobile) is +234 803 7033 146

Download CV: CV_Abdullahi-Isa-Obansa_ioa-cv-2017.docx

ABDULLAHI, Mohammed Bello is a Professor of Ecology in the Faculty of Science, Federal University, Kashere. He holds a Ph.D from The Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University, Bauchi (2011). He was Dean of Students Affairs (2012-2014) and Dean of Science (2014-2016). He is a member of several professional bodies such as the Ecological Society of Nigeria, British Ecological Society, Society for Ecological Restoration. His current area of research is on biodiversity and ecosystem management. His email address is abdullahimb2000@gmail,com. His telephone number is +2348060920525.

Download CV: CV_Abdullah-Mohammed -Bello_mbacv.docx

ABU, Gideon is a Professor of Microbiology in the Faculty of Science, University of Port Harcourt, Port Harcourt. He holds a Ph.D from the University of Maryland, College Park (1988). He was Acting Head of Department, Microbiology (2003-2006), Director Central Instruments Laboratory (2007-2012) and Director Local Affiliations and Accreditation (2017 – till date), University of Port Harcourt. He is Member American Society for Microbiology (ASM), Nigerian Society for Microbiology (NSM) and Nigerian Environmental Society (NES). His current research is on niche mining and translation or process microbiology. His email address is gideon.abu@uniport.edu.ng. His telephone number is +2348033423726.

Download CV: CV_ABUGIDEON-ORKWAGH_goabu-nuc-2018-june-full-Professors-inventory.doc

ABUBAKAR Mu’azu Gusau is a Professor of Toxicology in the Faculty of Science, Department of Biochemistry, Usmanu Danfodiyo University Sokoto. He holds a Ph.D from the University of Surrey United Kingdom (2003). He was Dean of Science (2014-2018) and a Complex Coordinator Science and Agricultural Complex. He is a member of the Nigerian Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. His current research is on toxicity testing and safety evaluation in biochemistry. His email address is magusau@udusok.edu.ng and magusau@hotmail.com. His telephone number is +2348035052912 & 08181959199.

Download CV: CV_Abubakar -Mu’azu-Gusau _cv-Professor-mu-azu-gusau-abubakar-21-06-2018.doc

ABUBAKAR, Danbaba, he attended Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto (1990 – 1993) where he earned a degree in Mathematics. He also attended University of Ilorin where he obtained M. Sc. and Ph.D. (statistics) in 1998 and 2009. He served as the Examination Officer of Mathematics Department (2001 – 2004) and Faculty of Science (2011 – 2016). In addition, he served as Head of Statistics Unit (2014 – 2017) and Head of Mathematics Department (2016 – 2018). Currently, he is the Dean of Faculty of Science, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto. He supervised

6 Ph.D students. Download CV: CV_Danbaba-Abubakar-_cv-koko.doc

ABUMERE Oamen is a Professor of Solid State Physics in the Faculty of Science, University of port Harcourt. He holds a Ph.D from the Victoria University of Manchester (UMIST) Manchester (now The University of Manchester). He was Dean of Science (2010-2012). He is a Fellow of the Nigerian Institute of Physics and the Renewable and Alternative Energy Society of Nigeria. He is currently researching into harnessing and efficient use of alternative and renewable energy. His email address is : abuatuniport@gmail.com. His telephone number is +2348101700111.

Download CV: CV_Abumere-Oamen-Eronmonsele_abu-cv-long1.doc

ADAMU, A. Aliero is a Professor of Botany in the Faculty of Science, Usmanu Danfodiyo University Sokoto. He holds a Ph.D from the University of Fort Hare, Alice, South Africa. He was the Deputy Dean Faculty of Science (2013- 204), Dean Student Affairs Division (2014-2018). His research interest is on unlocking the potential of indigenous floral species for sustainable development. His e-mail address is aaaliero@gmail.com. His contact number is +2348084703601.

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ADAMU, Harami Malgwi is a Professor of Chemistry in Faculty of Science, Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University, Bauchi. He holds a Ph.D from the University, (2006). He was Head of Department of Chemistry (2010-2014). He is a member of Chemical Society of Nigeria and Institute of Chartered Chemist of Nigeria. His current research is on natural products chemistry and chemomtrics and health risk assessment of heavy metals in edible vegetables and non-edible vegetables. His email addresses are: ahmalgwi@atbu.edu.ng and hmadamu@gmail.com. His telephone number is 08068587570.

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ADAMU, Manga Muhammad is a Professor of Applied Mathematics in the Faculty of Science, Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University, Bauchi. He holds a Ph.D from the Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University, Bauchi. (2010). He was a seminar coordinator in the Department of Mathematical Sciences and an Exams Officer with the Directorate of Remedial Studies. He is a member of International Congress of Mathematicians and my current area of research is on predictive modeling and simulation of real life problems. His e-mail addresses are: mmadamuatbu@gmail.com and mmadamuatbu@yahoo.com. My telephones are: 08185555336 and 08053641397. 

Download CV: CV_ADAMU-MUHAMMAD-MANGA_adamu-m.-m-updatedcv-


ADEBAJO, Lawrence is a Professor of Mycology/Microbiology in the Faculty of Science, Olabisi Onabanjo University, Ago-Iwoye. He holds a Ph.D from the University of Ibadan (1988). He was the Head, Department of Microbiology (2004-2006 and 2010-2012). His current research is on microbial association and water relations in food and allied substrates. His email address is adebajo.lawrence@oouagoiwoye.edu.ng. His telephone number is +2348033661616, +2348057985799.

Download CV: CV_ADEBAJO-LAWRENCE-OLUBUKUNADE_oouaca-p76-20798.docx

ADEBAYO, Albert is a Professor in the School of Sciences, Federal University of Technology, Akure. He holds a Ph.D from the Federal University of Technology, Akure (2006). He is a registered member of Chemical Society of Nigeria (CSN) and Institute Chartered Chemist of Nigeria (ICON). He has successfully supervised 5 Ph.D. His phone number is 08033728021 e-mail: aoadebayo@futa.edu.ng.

Download CV: CV_Adebayo-Albert-Ojo_curriculum-vitae.docx

ADEDIRE, Chris Olukayoode is a Professor of Entomology in the School of Sciences, Federal University of Technology, Akure (FUTA). He holds a Ph.D from the Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile- Ife (1990). He was the Dean of Science, (FUTA) (2007 – 2011) and Director of Industrial Training Unit, FUTA (2011/2012). He is a Fellow of the Entomological Society of Nigeria. His current research interest is Management of Insect Pests of Stored Products and Environmental Biology. His email address is coadedire@gmail.com; coadedire@futa.edu.ng. His telephone number is +2348034734923.

Download CV: CV_ADEDIRE-CHRIS-OLUKAYODE_adedire-cv-2018.doc

ADEKEYE, Kayode Sam is a Professor of Statistics in the College of Natural Sciences, Redeemer’s University, Ede. He is the current Deputy Vice-Chancellor at Redeemers University, Ede, Nigeria. He holds B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in Statistics (Hons) from the University of Ilorin, Nigeria in 1990 and 2001, respectively, and Ph.D in Statistics from the University of Dortmund, Germany in 2004. He is a Fellow of the Nigerian Statistical Association and Fellow of the Royal Statistical Society, United Kingdom. His current research is on process capability analysis for non-normal processes. His email address is adekeyek@run.edu.ng. His telephone number is +2348035824428.

Download CV: CV_ADEKEYE-KAYODE-SAMUEL_adekeye-ks-cv-2018.doc

ADEKUNLE, Adelusi. His email address is adelusi_adekune@yahoo.com. His telephone number is 08033763448.

Download CV: CV_ADELUSI-ADEKUNLE-AJAYI_prof.-my-new-cv.docx

ADELABU, James Sunday Adebowale is a Professor of Physics in the Faculty of Science, University of Abuja, Abuja. He holds a Ph.D from the Essex University, Colchester, U. K. (1987). He was Dean, Faculty of Science (2002 – 2005) and Vice-Chancellor of University of Abuja (2009-2014). His current research is on solid state physics. He has successfully supervised 10 Ph.Ds. His email address is princejsaadelabu@yahoo.co.uk His telephone number is +2348055603175.

Download CV: CV_ADELABU-JAMES-SUNDAY ADEBOWALE_chief-ex-cv-1-autosaved-9.doc

ADERIBIGBE, Esther is a Professor of Microbiology in the Faculty of Science, Ekiti State University, Ado-Ekiti. She holds a Ph.D from the University of Ibadan (1988). She was the DVC (Development) (2012-2014) and Director, CGDS (2015-2017). Her current research is on fermented plant seeds. Her email address is esther.aderibigbe@eksu.edu.ng. Her telephone number is 07065588963.

Download CV: CV_ADERIBIGBE-ESTHER-YETUNDE_curriculum-vitae-2-.doc

ADERIBIGBE, Felix is a Professor of Mathematics in the Faculty of Science, Ekiti State University, Ado Ekiti. He holds a Ph.D from the University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Nigeria (1988). He was Director Postgraduate Diploma (Computer Science, 1990-1992), HOD Mathematics, (1992-1994), Director ICT (2010-2015). His current research is on ant colony optimisation algorithms. His email address is felixaderibigbe@eksu.edu.ng. His telephone number is +2348034962552. Download CV: CV_ADERIBIGBE-FELIX-MAKANJUOLA_portalcv.1.doc

ADERIYE, Jadesola Babatunde Idowu is a Professor of Microbiology in the Faculty of Science, Ekiti State University, Ado-Ekiti. He holds a Ph.D. degree from Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife. He was Head of Department (1990-1994; 2014-2016), Director, Pre degree Science Programme (1995-1998), Director, Centre for Research and Development (2000-2005), and Deputy Vice Chancellor of Lead City University, Ibadan (March to June, 2011). His current research is on fermentation of maize grains. His email address is jadesolaaderiye@yahoo.com. His phone number is +2348033505146.

Download CV: CV_ADERIYE-JADESOLA BABATUNDE-IDOWU_nucdatabase-of-nigerian-Professors.doc

ADETUYI, Abayomi is a Professor of Chemistry in the School of Sciences, Federal University of Technology, Akure. He holds a Ph.D from the Federal University of Technology, Akure (2004). He is currently the Head of Chemistry Department (2016-2019). He is a Member of the Chemical Society of Nigeria (CSN), Polymer Institute of Nigeria (PIN) and Institute of Chartered Chemist of Nigeria (ICCON).

His current research is on fibre science and natural dyes. He has successfully supervised 5 Ph.Ds. His email address is aoadetuyi@futa.edu.ng. His telephone number is +2348033801359.

Download CV: CV_ADETUYI-ABAYOMI-OLAGUNDOYE_adetuyi-cv-2018-latest.doc

ADEWOYE, Olayinka is a Professor of Environmental Toxicology and Aquatic Pollution in the Faculty of Science, LAUTECH, Ogbomoso. He holds a Ph.D from the University of Ilorin (2007). He was Heads; Depts of Science Lab. Tech. & Pure & Applied Biology in 2010/12 & 2012/15. He was also Head, Dept. of Environmental Mgt & Toxicology, KWASU, Malate (2016/17). He is a registered Senior Superintendent Environmental Health Officer, Nigeria and Associate member of NISLT. His current research is on bioremediation of aquatic pollution. His email address is soadewoye@lautech.edu.ng. His telephone number is +2348033892828.

Download CV: CV_Adewoye-Solomon-Olayinka_prof.-adewoye-cv.docx

ADEWUMI, Sunday is a Professor of Computer Science in the Faculty of Science, Federal University Lokoja. He holds a Ph.D from ATBU, Bauchi (2005). He was Head, Dept. of Computer Science, Director, ICT (2012-2016) and Dean of Science (2017-Date) Federal University Lokoja. He is a Fellow of the Nigerian Computer Society (NCS). His current research is on computer security and data compression.  His email address is sunday.adewumi@fulokoja.edu.ng. His telephone number is +2348034041590.

Download CV: CV_Adewumi-Sunday-Eric_adewumicuricullum-vitea-june17-2018.docx

ADEYEMI, Babatunde is a Professor of Physics in the School of Sciences, The Federal University of Technology, Akure. He holds a Ph.D from the University of Ilorin (2004). He was acting Head of Department Physics (2011-2012). He is a member of Nigerian Institute of Physics. His current research is on solar radiation Physics and applications. His email address is badeyemi@futa.edu.ng. His telephone number is 08033898917.

Download CV: CV_Adeyemi-Babatunde-_my-cv-2018-.docx

ADEYEMI, Olalere is a Professor of Chemistry and currently the Dean, College of Natural Sciences, Redeemers University, Ede. He holds a Ph.D in Organometallic Chemistry in 2000 from University of Ilorin. He is a recipient of Taiwanese National Science Council Research Assistance in 1997 to 1999, National Research Foundations Postdoctoral Fellow at WITS, Johannesburg, 2001. DST and NRF

research Fellowship grant in 2007 and tenable at WITS. Two time recipient of TWAS visiting scholar in the Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry, China, 2010 and 2012.

Download CV: CV_ADEYEMIOLALERE-GABRIEL_adeyemi-cv-2017.doc

ADEYEWA, Debo is a Professor of Meteorology in the School of Earth and Mineral Sciences, Federal University, Akure. He holds a Ph.D from the Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife (1997). He was Dean of the School of Earth and Mineral Sciences (1997), Deputy Vice-Chancellor (2007-2011) and current Vice-Chancellor of Redeemers University (2011-2018). He is a Fellow of the Nigerian Meteorological Society (FMetS). His current research is on satellite meteorology. His email address is vc@run.edu.ng, deboadeyewa@gmail.com. His telephone number is +2347034086633.

Download CV: CV_ADEYEWA-ZACHARIAH-DEBO_adeyewa-cv-062018.docx

ADINNA Emmanuel is a Professor of Geography and Meteorology, Faculty of Natural and Applied Sciences, Godfrey Okoye University, Enugu. He holds a Ph.D from the University of Jos (1992). He was the Dean of Faculty of Environmental Sciences (2006-2009). He is a Fellow and Founder of Environmental Management Association of Nigeria (EMAN) and Institute of Strategic Management Nigeria. His current research is on integrating the marginalized urban fringe into the de facto urban area in Enugu State. His email address is emma.adinna@gmail.com. His telephone number is +2348033332689.

Download CV: CV_Adinna-Emmanuel-Nnanyelu_curriculum-vitae-prof.-adinna-in-a-4.docx

AFOLABI, Israel Sunmola is a Professor of Nutritional Biochemistry and Phytomedicine. His current research interest focuses on food quality; spoilage and preservation; and harnessing the nutrients and health benefits of underutilized bio-resources. He has previously served as the Head of Biological Sciences Department, Covenant University (2012-2014). He served as Assistant Quality Assurance Manager at GlaxoSmithKline Consumer Nigeria PLC (2007-2008). He obtained his Ph.D. degree (Biochemistry) in 2008. He is a recipient of the 2003 The United Nations University, Tokyo, Japan Fellowship award for outstanding advanced research in Food Science and Technology conducted at the Central Food Technological Research Institute, Mysore-India.

Download CV: CV_Afolabi-Israel-Sunmola_resume-dr-is-afolabi-update-mar-2018.docx

AGARRY, Oluwabunmi is a Professor of Microbiology in the Faculty of Science, University of Abuja. She holds a Ph.D from the Federal University of Technology, Akure (2006).She was Director of School of Basic and Remedial Studies (2014-2016) Head of Department (2009-2014). Her current research is on food microbiology. Her email address is oluagarry@yahoo.com. Her telephone number is +2347081215629.

Download CV: CV_Agarry-Oluwabunmi-Olaitan_curriculum-vitae-updated.doc

AGBAGWA, Ikechukwu is a Professor of Taxonomy and Molecular Biology in the Faculty of Science, University of Port Harcourt. He holds a Ph.D from the University of Port Harcourt (2002). He is the current Director, Quality Assurance & Quality Control, and Focal Officer SERVICOM, University of Port Harcourt. He is a Life Member, International Association for Plant Taxonomy. His current research is on plant genomics and domestication. His email address is Ikechukwu.agbagwa@uniport.edu.ng. His telephone number is +2348037045315.

Download CV: CV_Agbagwa-Ikechukwu-Ozoemenam_agbagwa-cv-academic.doc

AGBO, Ediga Bede is a Professor of Microbiology at the Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University, Bauchi. He holds a Ph.D from the Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University, (1995). He was Dean of Science (2009 – 2014) and Head of Biological Sciences (2004 – 2006 and 2007 – 2009) He was member of Governing council of ATBU and later University of Abuja (2013 – 2017). He has supervised 13 Ph.Ds. His email address is ediga_agbo@yahoo.com. His phone number is +2348098600543.

Download CV: CV_AGBOEDIGA-BEDE_copy-of-updated-curriculum-vitae-of-prof-ediga-agbo.doc

AGBOGIDI, Mary is a Professor of Botany in the Faculty of Science, Delta State University, Abraka. Sheholds a Ph.D. from Delta State University, Abraka (2006). She was Head of Department (2007-2011, 2013-2018) and Director, Plant Conservation and Utilization (2017 till date) She is a member of Botanical Society of Nigeria. Her current research is on aquatic plant ecology. Her email address is agbogidiom@delsu.edu.ng/omagbogidi@yahoo.com.  Her phone number is +2347038679939.

Download CV: CV_Agbogidi-Oghenertoborue-Mary_curriculum-vitae-for-prof.-mrs.-o..m.-agbogidi-cv.docx

AGBOOLA, Femi Kayode is a Professor of Biochemistry in the Faculty of Science, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife. He holds a Ph.D from the Obafemi Awolowo University in 1989. He was the Head of Department of Biochemistry between, August 2012 – August 2014. His area of specialization is Enzymology and Protein Science. His email address is fkagbo@oauife.edu.ng and fagboola@yahoo.com. My telephone number is +2348034738078.

Download CV: CV_Agboola-Femi-Kayode_cv-nuc-2a.docx

AGU, Ogaba is a Professor of Reproductive Physiology in the Faculty of Sciences. He holds a Ph.D from the University of Manitoba (1990). He was Head of Department of Zoology, University of Port Harcourt (2006-2008). His current research is on corpus luteum function in domestic and wild mammals. He has successfully supervised 3 M.Sc. and he is supervising 3 Ph.Ds. His email address is agugabe12@gmail.com. His telephone number is 08036668240.

Download CV: CV_Agu-Ogaba-Gabriel_cv-2018-1-.docx

AHMAD, Uba is a Professor of Applied and Analytical Chemistry in the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Usmanu Danfodiyo University Sokoto. He holds a Ph.D from the same university, (2017). He was Head of Department Pharmaceutical and Medicinal Chemistry (2010-2014), Department of Pharmacognosy (2014-2017) and presently Dean Faculty of Science Sokoto State University. His current area of research is method development and analysis. He is member of many professional bodies including Chemical Societies, Institute of Chartered Chemist of Nigeria. His email is ahmadubaonline@yahoo.com, ahmaduba@gmail.com. His phone number is +2348029629477.

Download CV: CV_Uba-Ahmad–_curriculum-vitae-2018.doc

AIGBEDION, Isaac is a Professor of Exploration Geophysics in the Faculty of Physical Sciences, Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma. He holds a Ph.D from the University of Benin, Benin-City (2004). He was Dean of Students Affairs (2011-2016) and Director of Industrial Training (2007-2011) and head of Department (2017-18).His current research is on maturation and derisking of a frontier exploration prospect through integration of seismic, CSEM, AVO fluid inversion and analogue borehole data. He has successfully supervised 4 Ph.Ds and 5 are near completion. His email address is :isaacaigbedion@yahoo.com. His telephone number is 08037192278.

Download CV: CV_Aigbedion -Isaac-_cv-isaac-updated-2.doc

AIGHEWI, Isoken Tito is a Professor of Environmental Science/Health, Faculty of Life Sciences, University of Benin. He holds a Ph.D from the University of Minnesota, USA (1988). He was Coordinator of Graduate Toxicology Program (2006-2009). He is a Fellow of the Chattered Institute of Environmental and Public Health Management of Nigeria. His current research is on geospatial

technology applications in pollution & zoonotic diseases. His email address is isoken.aighewi@uniben.edu. His telephone number is +2349092863976.

Download CV: CV_AIGHEWI-ISOKEN-TITO_aighewi.-isoken-tito-cv-june-2018.docx

AISIEN, Martins is a Professor of Parasitology in the Faculty of Life Sciences, University of Benin, Benin City. He holds a Ph.D from the University of Hamburg (1993). He was Head of Department of the Department of Zoology (2000-2002). He is a Fellow of the Parasitology and Public Health Society of Nigeria. His current research is on land use and parasitic infections of amphibian hosts. His email address is aisien@uniben.edu. His telephone number is +2348023397370. Download CV: CV_Aisien-Martins-Siaka Ozemoya_curriculum-vitae-of-m.s.o.-aisien.docx

AIYESIMI, Yomi is a Professor of Applied Mathematics in the Faculty of Physical Science, Federal University of Technology, Minna. He holds a Ph.D from the University of Ilorin (1997). He was Head of Department of Mathematics (2011-2015) and Dean, Faculty of Science (Jan, 2018 to Date). His current research is in magnetohydrodynamic flow of non-newtonian fluid. His Email address is yomi_aiyesimi2007@yahoo.co.uk and his contact phone number +2348134809593.

Download CV: CV_AIYESIMI-Yomi-Monday_2018ymacv.doc

AIYOHUYIN, Emmanuel is a Professor of physics in Faculty of Physical Sciences, University of Benin, Benin city. He holds a Ph.D from AAU, Ekpoma(1994).His current research is in particle physics.

Download CV: CV_AIYOHUYIN-EMMANUEL-OSAYOMWANBO_expanded-cv-of-profaiyohuyin.docx

AIZEBEOKHAI, Ahzegbobor Philips is a Professor of Applied Geophysics in the College of Science and Technology, Covenant University, Ota. He holds a Ph.D from Covenant University, Ota (1986). He has been Departmental Coordinator of Postgraduate studies since 2013. He was a Fellow of the CSIRTWAS Postgraduate Fellowship at the National Geophysical Research Institute (NGRI), Hyderabad, India. His main research focus is near-surface geophysics for environmental, engineering and hydrogeological applications.

Download CV: CV_Aizebeokhai-Ahzegbobor-Philips_cvaizebeokhai.doc

AJANAKU, Kolawole Oluseyi is a Professor of Industrial Chemistry in the College of Science & Technology, Covenant University, Ota. He holds a Ph.D degree from the University of Ibadan (2009). He was Head of Chemistry Department for two terms (2011-2012; 2013-2015) and currently Dean of College of Science & Technology (2017 till date). He is a Professional Fellow of the Chemical Society of Nigeria. His current research is on materials chemistry. His email address is kola.ajanaku@covenantuniversity.edu.ng or ajanakukolawole@gmail.com. His telephone number is +2348033575624.

Download CV: CV_Ajanaku-Kolawole-Oluseyi_ajanaku-kolawole-cv.docx

AJANI Olayinka is a Professor of Organic Chemistry in the College of Science and Technology, Covenant University, Ota. He holds a Ph.D from Covenant University (2012). He is currently the Chairman of College Research Facilitation Committee. He is a member of Chemical Society of Nigeria and Institute of Chartered Chemists of Nigeria. His email address is wajanfresh@yahoo.com. His mobile number is +2348061670254.

Download CV:

AJAO John is a Professor of Materials Science and Engineering at the Centre for Energy Research and Development, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife. He holds a Ph.D from the Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble, France (1988). He is the Head of Division of Materials and Electronics Division of the Centre for Energy Research and Development (2010 to date). His current research is on composite materials development and characterization. He has successfully supervised 2 Ph.Ds. His email address is adegbindinajao@gmail.com. His telephone number is +2348033739514.

Download CV: CV_Ajao-John-Adegbindin_ajao-cv-2016-2017-new-format.doc

AJAYI, Adesola Adetutu is a Professor of Microbiology in the Faculty of Science, Augustine University, Ilara Epe, Lagos State. She holds a Ph.D from the Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile Ife (2006). She is the Dean, Faculty of Science. She is a member of the Organization for Women in Science for the Developing World (OWSD). Her current research is in the area of characterizing differentially expressed genes involved in the deterioration of fruits and vegetables by Microorganisms. Her Email address is adesola.ajayi@augustineuniversity.edu.ng. Her telephone number is +2348030460901.

Download CV: CV_Ajayi-Adesola-Adetutu_ajayi-cv-augustine-university-2018.doc

AJAYI, is a Professor of Radiation & Health Physics in the Faculty of Science of Adekunle Ajasin University. He holds a Ph.D from the University of Ibadan (1994). He was Head of Dept.(2001-2007), Dean of Science (2008-2010) and Deputy Vice Chancellor 2010-2014) in the University and currently serving as Vice Chancellor, Crawford University since 2015. He is a Fellow of the Nigerian Institute of Physics. His current research is on Dosimetry in radiation exposures. His email address is isajayi@yahoo.com. His telephone number is +2348067445389.

Download CV: CV_Ajayi-Isaac-Rotimi_latest-cv-prof.-i.-r.-ajayi-vc-cru.docx

AJAYI, Nathaniel Ajayi is a Professor of Biophysics in the Faculty of Science, University of Benin. He holds a Ph.D from the University of Ibadan (1970). He was once the Head of Department, Physics and Electronics (2012 – 2017) in Adekunle Ajasin University. His current research is on the effect of maganetic field on biological material. His email address is nathaniel_ajayi@yahoo.com. His telephone number is +2348065244565.

Download CV: CV_Ajayi-Nathaneil-Oluwadusi_cv.docx

AJAYI, Olubode is a Professor of Chemistry in the School of Sciences, Federal University of Technology, Akure. He holds a Ph.D from University of Strathclyde (1988). He was the head of Chemistry Department (2006 -2010). His current research is on Environmental assessment of dump sites. His email address is ooajayi@futa.edu.ng. His phone number is +2348035923176.

Download CV: CV_AJAYI-Olubode-Olumuyiwa_curriculum-vitae.bode-2.docx

AJAYI, Olubunmi Bolanle is a Professor of Biochemistry in the Faculty of Science, Ekiti State University, Ado- Ekiti. She holds a Ph.D from the University of Ilorin (2000). She was coordinator, Biochemistry Department (2000-2002), Sub Dean of Science (2003-2005). Assist Director, Pre-degree Science (2006-2008), Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic) (2016 till date). She is a member American Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and also Nigeria Association of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. Her current area of research interest is on functional foods in the treatment and prevention of chronic diseases. Her email address is olubunmi.ajayi@eksu.edu.ng. Her phone number is 08035286531.

Download CV: CV_Ajayi-Olubunmi-Bolanle_trifoliate-yam-antihyperglycemia.docx

AJELE, Joshua is a Professor of Biochemistry in School of Sciences, Federal University of Technology, Akure. He holds a Ph.D from Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife (1990). He was at different times coordinator (1995-1996), Acting Head of Department(1998-2000,2002-2004) and Head of Department(2012-2015). His current research interest is on some enzymes of industrial relevance. His email address is joajele@futa.edu.ng. His phone number is +2348036710447.

Download CV: CV_AJELE-JOSHUA-OLUWAFEMI_current-and-updated-curriculum-vitae.doc

AJETUNMOBI, Michael Olusanya is a Professor of Mathematics in the Faculty of Science Lagos State University, Ojo. He holds a Ph.D from University of Ibadan (1984). He was Dean of Science (2010-2012). He is a Fellow of the Nigeria Mathematical Society. His current research is on KO-theory of flag manifolds. His Email Address is ajet2008@yahoo.com. His telephone number is 08037146401.


AKAN, Williams is a Professor of Chemistry in the College of Science and Technology, Covenant University, Ota. He holds a Ph.D from Covenant University (2011). He is the Head, Department of Chemistry and was Dean of Students (2011-2012); Director, Academic Planning (2013-2015) and Director, Vice-Chancellors Office (2015-2016). He is a Fellow of Chemical Society of Nigeria. His current research is on environmental chemistry. His email address is akanwills@yahoo.com. His telephone number is +2348036706086.

Download CV: CV_Williams-Akan-Bassey_cv-prof.-williams-june-2018.doc

AKANEME, Florence is a Professor of Genetics and Plant Breeding in the Faculty of Biological Sciences, University of Nigeria, Nsukka. She holds a Ph.D from the University of Nigeria, Nsukka (1999). She was Associate Dean of the Faculty of Biological Sciences (2012 -2014). Her current research is on assessment of variability among neglected and underutilized crops and also plant tissue culture. Her email address is florence.akaneme@unn.edu.ng. Her telephone number is +2348036698201.

Download CV: CV_AKANEME-FLORENCE-IFEOMA_prof.-f.-i.-akaneme-scv-2018-unn.docx

AKANYA, Helmina Olufunmilayo is a Professor of Biochemistry in the School of Life Sciences, Federal University of Technology, Minna. She holds a Ph.D from the University of Liverpool (1986). She was HOD (2000-2003) and Dean of Science (2003-2005). She is a member of the Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of Nigeria. Her current research is on purification of cellulosic enzymes from mushrooms and production of edible films from organic polymers. Her email address is f.akanya@futminna.edu.ng. Her telephone number is +2347034130100.

Download CV: CV_AKANYA-HELMINA-OLUFUNMILAYO_prof.-akanya-helmina-olufunmilayo-cv-26thjune-2018.docx

AKAOLISA, Chukwuemeka C.Z. is a Professor of Geology in School of Physical Sciences, Federal University of Technology, Owerri. He holds Ph.D from Ahmadu Bello University Zaria (2006). He was Associate Dean Student Affairs (2010 – 2014), Head of Department of Geology (2014-2016) and Director of SIWES (2016 – Date) He is a member of the 11th Governing Council (2017 – Date), member of the 6th Endowment Fund FUTO (2013-2016), and member NMGS, SEG and COMEG. His current research is control source seismic, inversion and potential fields. His email is casakaolisab@yahoo.com. His telephone is +2348036436007.

Download CV: CV_AKAOLISA-CHUKWUEMEKA-CASMIR ZANDERS_casmir-akaolisa-cv-2012-june.docx

AKARANTA, Onyewuchi is a Professor of Industrial Chemistry in the Faculty of Science, University of Port Harcourt. He holds Ph.D from the University of Port Harcourt (1995). He was Head of Department of Pure and Industrial Chemistry (1999-2001), Director of three (3) different Centres (2006-till date), and Deputy Centre Leader, ACE-CEFOR (2013-till date). He is a Fellow of the Polymer Institute of Nigeria and Member, Chemical Society of Nigeria. Current Research: Conversion of Agro-Wastes to Industrial Chemical Products. Email address: onyewuchi.akaranta@uniport.edu.ng. Phone No: +234 8033845642.

Download CV: CV_Akaranta-Onyewuchi-_prof.-o.-akaranta-cv-updated-june-2018.doc

AKINDAHUNSI, Afolabi is a Professor of Biochemistry in the Faculty of Science, Federal University of Technology, Akure, Nigeria. He holds a Ph.D from the Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife (1992). He was Director, FUTA International Office, (2014-2017) and presently Director, University Advancement Centre, (2017 to Date). He is a Member of the Nigerian Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. His current research is on nutritional biochemistry and toxicology. His email addresses are aaakindahunsi@futa.edu.ng and aaakindahunsi58@gmail.com. His telephone number is +2348033883820.

Download CV: CV_AKINDAHUNSI-AFOLABIAKINTUNDE_prof-aa-akindahunsi-nuc-cv-.docx

AKINPELU, Folake is a Professor of Applied Mathematics in the Faculty of Pure and Applied Science, Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, Ogbomoso. She holds a Ph.D from the University of Ilorin. She was Acting Head (2005-2008) and Deputy Dean (2014-2016). Her current research is on analytical dynamics. Her email address is foakinpelu@yahoo.co.uk. Her telephone number is +2348035605721.

Download CV: CV_Akinpelu-Folake-Oyedigba_cv.docx

AKINWANDE, Ninuola is a Professor of Mathematics in the School of Physical Sciences, Federal University of Technology, Minna. He holds a Ph.D from the University of Ibadan (1997). He was Head of Department of Mathematics (2006 – 2010). He is President, Nigerian Mathematical Society (2015 – 2019); and Fellow of the Nigerian Mathematical Society, FNMS. His current research interest is Mathematical Biology/epidemiology. His email address is ninuola.wande@futminna.edu.ng. GSM no. 08035980262.

Download CV: CV_AKINWANDE-Ninuola-Ifeoluwa_cv-akinwande-nuc-2018-.doc

AKINWUMI, Felix Olusegun is a Professor of Fish Post-Harvest Technology in the Faculty of Science, Adekunle Ajasin University, Akungba-Akoko. He holds a Ph.D from the Federal University of Technology, Akure (2007). He is Head, Department of Animal & Environmental Biology (2017 – Till date) and has chaired many statutory committees of the University. He is a member of Fisheries Society of Nigeria. His current research is on role of bio-preservatives on fish nutritive value. His email address is olusegun.akinwumi@aaua.edu.ng. His telephone number is +2348035037827.

Download CV: CV_Akinwumi-Felix-Olusegun_cv-akinwumi-to-nuc.docx

AKINYEMI, kabiru olusegun is a Professor of Microbiology in the Faculty of Science, Lagos State University (LASU). He holds Ph.D from University of Lagos, 2001. He was Acting Head of Department (2006-2008), Dean, Students Affairs Division (2011-2016) and Member Governing Council (2014 -2016). He is a Fellow of Alexander von Humboldt, Germany and Fellow of Royal Society for Public Health, United Kingdom. His research area is molecular epidemiology, antimicrobial resistance, surveillance and monitoring of infectious diseases. students. E-mail is akinyemiko@yahoo.com, Telephone is +2348029088676.

Download CV: CV_Akinyemi-Kabiru-Olusegun_akinyemi-ko-cv-june-2018.docx

AKOGUN, Oladele is a Professor of Public Health Parasitology at the Modibbo Adama University of Technology, Yola Nigeria. He was the founding Director of Research and Development (1999-2008). He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Health and Hygiene and Member of the Faculty of Public Health. He has supervised 6 Ph.D students. His email is akoguno@yahoo.com and his phone number is +2348037220460.

Download CV: CV_Akogun-Oladele-Benjamin_oladele-akogun-cv-2018a.doc

AKONYE, Love is a Professor of Plant Physiology/Ecology in the Faculty of Science, University of Port Harcourt, from where she obtained her Ph.D in 1993. She is a recipient of International Foundation of Science award. She was Dean, Faculty of Agriculture from 2011 – 2013. Her research interests are environmental and stress physiology, phytoremediation and biofortification with essential micronutrients. She is currently working on hydroponics. She has supervised 8 Ph.Ds. Her email is

love.akonye@uniport.edu.ng and telephone number is +2348033427604.

Download CV: CV_AKONYE-LOVE-AKAJA_Professor-love-akaja-akonye.docx

AKPABIO, Idara Okon is a Professor of Geophysics in the Faculty of Science, University of Uyo. He holds a Ph.D from the Rivers State University, Port Harcourt. He was Head of Department of Physics (2011-2015) and currently Dean of Science, University of Uyo (2016 – date). He is a member, Nigerian Institute of Physics; Nigerian Association of Petroleum Explorationist and Nigerian Mining and Geosciences Society. He is currently a member, Governing Council of the University of Uyo. His research interest is in Petrophysics and Seismology. His email address is idaraakpabio@uniuyo.edu.ng. His telephone number is +2348023230794.

Download CV: CV_AKPABIO-IDARA-OKON_cv-prof-idara-akpabio-2018-nuc.docx

AKPABIO, Kingsley is a Professor of Plants Genetics and Systematoics in the Faculty of Science University of Uyo. He holds a Ph.D from the University of Ife (OAU) 1986. He was Dean of Science 2003-2008. He is the Shell Chair Professor in biodiversity and climate change Uniuyo. His current research is on biodiversity conservation and climate change mitigation. Tel no. 08037070520 Email: kokoakpabio@yahoo.com web site; www.kingsleyakpabio.com.ng. Download CV: CV_Akpabio-Kingsley-Essien_curriculum-vitae-Professor-kingsley-akpabio.docx

AKPAN Anthony is a Professor of Geophysics in the Faculty of Physical Sciences, University of Calabar. He holds a Ph.D from University of Calabar (2009). He has served as Head of Department of Physics (2015-2017) and presently, Director, Information and Communications Technology. He is a member, Nigerian Mining and Geosciences Society and Nigerian Institute of Physics. His current researches are evaluation of hydrocarbon potentials of the Calabar flank and evaluation of spatio-temporal variations in the offshore wind energy resource of the Gulf of Guinea. His email address and telephone number are anthonyakpan@unical.edu.ng and +2348030894698.

Download CV: CV_Akpan-Anthony-Effiong_curriculum-vitae-of-prof-anthony-effiong-akpan.docx

AKPAN, Efiong Bassey is a Professor of Animal Physiology in the Faculty of Science, University of Uyo, Akwa Ibom State. He holds a Ph.D from the University of Ibadan(2000). He was Head of Department(2005-2008). His current research is on feeding and digestion . His email address is bassyakpan2015@gmail.com. His telephone number is +2348036389261.

Download CV: CV_Akpan-Bassey-Efiong_curriculum-vita1.docx

AKPAN, Etie Ben is a Professor of Palaeontology/Marine Ecology in the Faculty of Physical Sciences, University of Calabar. He holds a Ph.D from the University of Glasgow, Scotland (1981). He was the Head of Department of Geology (1992-1993 and 1997 – 2000). He is the first and foremost Nigerian Ichnologist. His current research is on the reconstruction of cretaceous palaeoenvironment of the Calabar flank south east Nigeria and ecological studies of the adjacent coastal environments.

Download CV: CV_Etie-Ben-Akpan_prof.-etie-bakpan.docx

AKPOKODJE, Enuvie is a Professor of Engineering-Environmental Geology in the Faculty of Science, University of Port Harcourt. He holds a Ph.D from the University of New South Wales, Sydney Australia (1983). He was Head of Geology Dept (1986-1988; 1996-1998), Managing Director, University Consultancy Centre (CORDEC) (1998-2005) and Director, INRES (2011-2015). He is a Fellow of the Nigerian Assoc. for Eng. Geology and the Environment. His current research is on remediation of hydrocarbon polluted sites. His email address is enuvie.akpokodje@uniport.edu.ng. His telephone number is +2348033129414

Download CV: CV_AKPOKODJE-ENUVIE-GODWIN_curriculum-vitae-fupre-nigeria-local-content-1-latest-latestlatest-2018a.doc

ALADEKOMO, Johnson Bamidele is an Emeritus Professor of Physics at Lead City University, Ibadan. He holds a Ph.D from Manchester University England in 1965. He was appointed a Professor in Obafemi Awolowo University (1978). His research fields include molecular physic, photoluminescence spectroscopy, exciton dynamics in molecular crystals, materials science and properties of carbon. He has served as Head Departments of Physics, Provost College of Science and Agriculture, Vice-Chancellor. He is a Fellow of the British Institute of Physics.

Download CV: CV_ALADEKOMOJOHNSON-BAMIDELE_prof.-aladekomo.docx

ALAO, Felix Ilesanmi is a Professor of Mathematics in the School of Sciences, Federal University of Technology, Akure (FUTA). He holds a Ph.D from the FUTA in Mathematics (2003). He is an Associate Director, Pre-Degree Sciences (2010-2014}, H.O.D, Mathematical Sciences Department, (2010-2014}. He has successfully supervised 5 M.Tech degrees. His email address is fialao@futa.edu.ng. His telephone number is +2348034727707.

Download CV: CV_ALAO-Felix-Ilesanmi_fialao-cv.doc

ALI, Bashir is a Professor of Mathematics in the Faculty of Physical Sciences, Bayero University, Kano. He holds a Ph.D from University of Nigeria Nsukka (2007). He was the Head of Department of Mathematical Sciences (2014-2018) and Vice-President Nigerian Mathematical Society (2013-2017). His current research is on nonlinear operator theory. He has successfully supervised 2 Ph.Ds. His email address is bashiralik@yahoo.com. His telephone number is +2348033732245.

Download CV: CV_Ali-Bashir-_balicv.doc

ALIYU, Buba is a Professor of Chemistry in the Faculty of Physical Science, Modibbo Adama University of Technology, Yola. He holds a Ph.D from Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria. He was coordinator Centre for Distance Learning (CDL)(2004-2011)Dean School of Pure and Applied Sciences (2016-2017) and currently Dean School of Physical Sciences 2017 to date.

Download CV: CV_ALIYU-BUBAARDO_prof.b.a.aliyu-cv.doc

ALIYU, Haruna Dede is a Professor of Inorganic Chemistry in the Faculty of Science, University of Abuja. He holds a Ph.D from the University of Abuja (2004). He was Head of Department (2005-2009) and has held several other positions within the University of Abuja. He is a member of professional bodies such as Chemical Society of Nigeria and Institute of Chattered Chemist of Nigeria. His current research is on complexes of hydrazides, hudrazoes, and hydroxamic acids of biological importance. His email address is haruna.aliyu@uniabuja.edu.ng. His telephone number is +2348055252289.

Download CV: CV_ALIYU-HARUNA-DEDE_cv.docx

ALONGE, Samson is Professor of Plant Physiology in the Faculty of Life Sciences, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria. He holds a Ph.D. from the same university. He was Postgraduate Coordinator in the Department of Biological Sciences Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria (2008-2009). His current research is on control of parasitic weeds with mycorrhizal fungi. His email address is drsoalonge@yahoo.com. His telephone number is +2348037014244.

Download CV: CV_Alonge-Samson-Oluwagbemileke_cuvitae17.doc

AMAKOROMO, Ebiokpo is a Professor of Microbiology in the Faculty of Science, University of Port Harcourt, Port Harcourt. She holds a Ph.D from the University of Ibadan (1993). She was Head of Department of Microbiology (2008-2010), Associate Dean, Student Affairs Department (2010-2012) and Director of School of General Studies (2010-2014). She is a member of Nigerian society for Microbiology and American society for Microbiology. Her current research is on food fermentation and preservation. Her email address is ebi.amakoromo@uniport.edu.ng. Her telephone number is +2348037510208.

Download CV: CV_Amakoromo-Ebiokpo-Rebecca_amakoromo-cv-2018.docx

AMINU, Maryam is a Professor of Microbiology in the Faculty of Life Sciences, Ahmadu Bello University (ABU), Zaria. She holds a Ph.D from ABU, Zaria (2006). She is the Deputy Dean of Life Science (Jan 2018-Date). She is a member of the African Rotavirus Network (2004-Date) and the National Verification Committee on Elimination of Measles (March 2018). She is a UNESCO-LORAL Fellow (2004) and a Senior Fulbright Scholar (2014/2015). Her current research is on rotaviruses and human papilloma viruses. Her email addresses are maryamaminu@yahoo.com and maminu@abu.edu.ng. Her telephone number is +2348033287031.

Download CV: CV_AMINU-MARYAM-_aminu-maryam-cv-abu-public-affairs-april-2018.doc

AMOO, Isiaka Adekunle is a Professor of Analytical/Food Chemistry in the School of sciences, Federal University of Technology, Akure, Ondo State. He holds a Ph.D from Usman Danfodio University, Sokoto, Nigeria. He was Head of Department (2010-2013). He is a Fellow of Chemical Society of Nigeria, Institute of Chartered Chemists of Nigeria and Science Association of Nigeria. His current research is on oleochemistry. His email address is iaamoo@futa.edu.ng. His telephone number is +2348034016068.

Download CV: CV_Amoo-Isiaka-Adekunle_amoo-cv.doc

ANETEKHAI, Martins is a Professor of Fisheries with special interest in Prawn research. He has been a member of Council, Lagos State University, National Research Council of TETFUND, Research and Innovation of Lagos State Government, Africa Fisheries Reform Mechanism and currently the Director Centre for Entrepreneurial Studies, Lagos State University.

Download CV: CV_Anetekhai-Martins-Agenuma_current-cv-of-prof-anetekhai-to-reva.docx

ANYANWU, Chukwudi is a Professor of Microbiology in the Faculty of Biological Sciences, University of Nigeria, Nsukka. He holds a Ph.D from the same University (2006). He was Chairman, Senate Curriculum Committee (2014-2015) and coordinator of several courses. He is a member of national and international academic societies. His current research is on microbial surface-active products. His email address is chukwudi.anyanwu@unn.edu.ng. His phone number is +2348037740104.

Download CV: CV_Anyanwu-Chukwudi-Uzoma_current-c-v.docx

ARIBISALA, Benjamin Segun is a Professor of Computer Science, Faculty of Science, Lagos State University, Lagos. He holds a Ph.D degree in Computer Science from the University of Birmingham, UK (2006). He was the HOD, Computer Science Department (2014 – 2018) and the current Dean of Science (March 2018 – Date). He is a member of British Computer Society (BCS), Nigerian Computer Society (NCS) and Computer Professional Registration of Nigeria (CPN). His current research is on computer vision and medical image analysis. His email address is benjamin.aribisala@gmail.com. His telephone number is +2348164530336.

Download CV: CV_ARIBISALA-BENJAMIN-SEGUN_benjamin-aribisala-cv-and-publications-updatealways-nigeria-sent-to-noun.docx

ARIMORO Francis is a Professor of Zoology in the School of Life Sciences, Federal University of Technology, Minna. He holds a Ph.D from the Delta state University Abraka and a Postdoctoral degree from Rhodes University, Grahamstown, South Africa. He is the Head of Department of Animal Biology (2017-date). He is a Fellow of the Zoological Society of Nigeria and currently the President of Freshwater Biology Association of Nigeria (FBAN). His current research is on aquatic biodiversity and ecotoxicology. His email address is francisarimoro@gmail.com. His telephone number is +2348035615424.

Download CV: CV_Arimoro-Francis-Ofurum_cv-arimoro-.docx

AROGBA, Sunday Salifu is a Professor of Food Chemistry and Nutritional Biochemistry in the Faculty of Natural Sciences, Kogi State University, Anyigba. He holds a Ph.D from Brunel (The University of West London), Uxbridge (1987). He was Dean of Natural Sciences (2000-2004) and Director of Academic Planning (2004-2012). He held both posts concurrently (2006-2009). His current research is on in-vivo studies of the food value of processed fruit-kernels on albino rats. His email address is arogbasunday@yahoo.com. His mobile phone number is +2348064469366.

Download CV: CV_AROGBA-Sunday-Salifu_curriculum-vitae-june-2018-of-prof.docx

ASHAMO, Olufemi is a Professor of Entomology in the School of Science, Federal University of Technology, Akure. He holds a Ph.D from the Federal University of Technology, Akure (2000). He was Head of Department of Biology (2007-2009; 2015-2017) and currently Director, Academic Planning (2017-date). He is a Fellow of the Entomological Society of Nigeria. His current research is in the use of plant products in the control and management of insect pests. His email address is moashamo@futa.edu.ng. His telephone number is +2348035019708.

Download CV: CV_Ashamo-Michael -Olufemi_curriculum-vitae-aper.doc

ASOR, Joseph Ele is a Professor of Parasitology in the Department of Zoology and Environmental Biology, Faculty of Biological Sciences, University of Calabar. He holds a Ph.D from the University of Port Harcourt. He was Dean of Faculty of Science (2014-2016),Dean of Faculty of Biological Sciences (2016-2018),Dean of Student’s Affairs (2006-2011) and Rector Ibrahim Babangida College of Agriculture, Ovonum-Obubra, Cross River State (Now Cross River University of Technology, Obubra Campus) 1998-2002. His current research interest is on parasites of man and his domestic animals. His email address is asorjoe@yahoo.co.uk and his telephone number +2348037236472.

Download CV: CV_Asor-Joseph-Ele_new-deans-cv.docx

ATUANYA, Ernest is a Professor of Environmental and Public Health microbiology in Faculty of Life sciences, University of Benin. He holds a Ph.D from University of Benin. He was a head of Department of microbiology from 2007 to 2009. He is a Fellow of the Third World Academy of Science for Scientific and Industrial Research. His current research is on pollution control studies. His email address is ernest.ikenna@uniben.edu. His telephone number is 08033434241.

Download CV: CV_ATUANYAERNEST-IKENNA_dr.-atuanyan-reviewed-cv-june-2016.docx

ATURETA, Mohammed Salawu is a Professor of Applied Mathematics in the Faculty of Science, Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University Bauchi. He obtained a Ph.D from the same University, (2003). He was PGD coordinator (2012-2017). His current research is on modeling and optimisation. His email address is pmsatureta@gmail.com and my telephone number is +2348038343480.

Download CV: CV_ATURETA -MOHAMMED-SALAWU_curriculumvitae.docx

AVWIORO, Godwin is a Professor of Medical Laboratory Science, Delta State University, Abraka. He holds a Ph.D from the Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma. He was HOD, Anatomy (2008-2009) and Science Laboratory Technology (2016 to date). He is a Fellow of the Medical Laboratory Science Council of Nigeria. His current research is on histochemistry. His email addresses are avwiorog@yahoo.com and avwiorog@gmail.com. His telephone number is +2348037149777.

Download CV: CV_Avwioro-Godwin-Ovie_cv-avwioro-may-18.doc

AVWIRI, Gregory is a Professor of Physics in the Faculty of Science, University of Port Harcourt. He holds a Ph.D from the Rivers State Univ. of Science & Technology, Port Harcourt (2000). He was a Head of Physics Department and Dean, Graduate Sch. Of Nat. Appl. & Med. Sciences. UPH. He is a Fellow of the Nigerian Institute of Physics (NIP). His current research is on Radiation dosimetry and protection. His email address is gregory.avwiri@uniport.edu.ng and

phone number is 08033137574.

 Download CV: CV_AVWIRI-GREGORY-ONOMAKERE_avwiri-2017-cv.docx

AWI-WAADU, Grace is a Professor of Parasitology in the Department of Animal and Environmental Biology, Faculty of Science, University of Port-Harcourt, Port-Harcourt. She holds a Ph.D degree from the University of Aberdeen, Scotland, U.K. (1987). She was Acting Head of Department of Animal and Environmental Biology (2008-2010) and Dean, School of Science Laboratory Technology (2014-2018). Her current research is on environmental monitoring and parasitological assessment of snail vectors  of parasites of medical and veterinary importance in Nigeria. Her email address is gawiwaadu@gmail.com. Her telephone number is +2348037045784.

Download CV: CV_Awi-Waadu-Grace-Dornu – Bari_cv-of-prof-gdbawi-updated.doc

AWOJOYOGBE, Bamidele Omotayo is a Professor of Physics in the School of Physical Sciences, Federal University of Technology, Minna. He holds a Ph.D from the Federal University of Technology, Minna (1997). He was the Director, Academic Planning (2012-2015) and Deputy Editor-in-Chief, Nigerian Journal of Technological Research, Federal University of Technology, Minna (2010-Date). He is a board member of the Nigerian Association of Medical Physicists. His current research is on medical physics and theoretical physics. His email address is awojoyogbe@yahoo.com. His telephone number is +2348059995405.

Download CV: CV_Awojoyogbe-Bamidele-Omotayo_prof-awojoyogbe-cv-2018-.docx

AWOTOYE, Olusegun is a Professor of Ecology and Environmental Studies in the Faculty of Science, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife. He holds a Ph.D from the University of Ibadan (1995). He was the Director of the Institute of Ecology and Environmental Studies (2012-2017). His current research is on ecosystem management and bioremediation. His email address is segunawotoye@yahoo.co.uk. His telephone number is +2348054795767.

 Download CV: CV_Awotoye-Olusegun-Olufemi_curriculum-vitae-2-copy.doc

AYENI, Joshua is a Professor of Computer Science in the College of Natural Sciences, Redeemer’s University, Ede. He holds a Ph.D from the University of Waterloo (1978). He was the Head of Department of Computer Science in Redeemer’s University (2014-2017). He is a Fellow of Nigeria Computer Society. His current research is on university lecture time-tabling. His email address is ojoayeni@yahoo.com. His telephone number is +2348033222830.

Download CV: CV_AYENI-JOSHUA-OJO AKINDELE_run-ayeni-cv-update.docx

AYI, Anyama Ayi is a Professor of Chemistry in the Faculty of Physical Sciences, University of Calabar. He holds a Ph.D from the University of Calabar (2002). He was Head of Department (2013 -2015), a TWAS South-South Visiting Scholar in 2000, and a TWAS Postdoctoral Fellow (2003-2004) at Jawarhalal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research (JNCASR), Bangalor, India, He was a Fulbright African Research Fellowship (2010 -2011), at Texas A & M University, College Station, Texas, USA. His interest is in the development of syntheses, structures and properties of Metal-Organic Framework Materials (MOFs). His email address is ayiayi72@gmail.com His telephone number is +2348035961521.

Download CV: CV_AYI-AYI-ANYAMA_prof.-ayi-a.-ayi-cv-updated-2018.docx

AYINDE, Kayode is a Professor of Statistics in School of Science, Federal University of Technology, Akure. He holds Ph.D from University of Ilorin (2007). He was Head of Department of Pure and Applied Mathematics, LAUTECH (Jan. 2012-July 2012, and Head of Department of Statistics, FUTA (2016 till date). Currently, he is the Coordinator of FUTA-LISA Program. He is a member of Nigerian Statistical Association, International Biometric Society, African Econometrics Society. His current research is on “Estimation Methods under Assumptions Violation in Linear and Simultaneous Equation Models”. His email address is kayinde@futa.edu. ng. His telephone number is +2348035850519.

Download CV: CV_Ayinde-Kayode-_futacv.doc

AYO, Rachael Gbekele-Oluwa is a Professor of Chemistry in the Faculty of Physical Sciences, Ahmadu Bello University (ABU), Zaria. She holds a Ph.D from the same university, (2005). She was Acting Head, Kaduna State University, Kaduna (2013-2014), and Students Affairs Officer, Samaru College of Agriculture/ ABU, Zaria (2008). She is a Fellow of Institute of Chartered Chemists (FICCON) and Chemical Society of Nigeria (FCSN). Her current research is on natural product chemistry. Her email address is gbekeayo@yahoo.com. Her telephone number is +234836371606.

Download CV: CV_Ayo-Rachael-Gbekele-Oluwa_ayorg-2018cvabu-nuc.docx

AYOLABI, Elijah is a Professor of Applied Geophysics in the Faculty of Science, University of Lagos. He holds a Ph.D from the University of Ibadan (1999). He was the HOD of Physics (2006-2009), HOD of Geosciences (2010-2013) and Vice-Chancellor of Mountain Top University (2015-till date). He is an SEG Honorary Lecturer for Africa and Middle East. His current research is on near surface geophysics. His email address is eojelabi@gmail.com. His telephone number is +2348037206074.

Download CV: CV_AYOLABI-Elijah-Adebowale_ayolabi-cv-nuc.docx

AZEKE, Marshall Arebojie is a Professor of Nutrition Biochemistry in the Faculty of Life Sciences, Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma. He holds a Ph.D from the University of Bonn, Germany (2003). He is currently the Head of Department, Department of Biochemistry, Ambrose Alli University (2016 till date). He is a Senior Research Fellow of Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Germany. His current research is on functional foods and nutraceuticals. His email address is azeke@aauekpoma.edu.ng. His telephone number is +2348133429879.

Download CV: CV_Azeke-Marshall-Arebojie_azeke-resume.doc

BABA, Alafara is a Professor of Analytical/Industrial and Materials Chemistry in the Faculty of Physical Sciences, University of Ilorin, Nigeria. He holds a Ph.D from University of Ilorin (2008). He was Deputy Director Central Research Laboratories (2014-2017) and Head Department of Industrial Chemistry (2017- till date). He is a Fellow of the Chemical Society of Nigeria (FCSN); Professional member of Materials Science & Technology Society of Nigeria (MSN) and The Minerals, Metals and Materials Society (TMS), USA. His e-mail address is alafara@unilorin.edu.ng or baalafara@yahoo.com. His telephone number is +2348035010302.

Download CV: CV_Baba-Alafara-Alafara_prof.-alafara-cv-2018-general.docx

BABARINDE, Najeem is a Professor of Physical Chemistry in the Faculty of Science, Olabisi Onabanjo University, Ago-Iwoye. He holds a Ph.D from the University of Ibadan (2003). He was Head of Department of Chemical Sciences (2011-2012, 2013 -2015) and Acting Director of Students’ Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES) (2016-2018). He is a Fellow of the Australian Institute of High Energetic Materials (AUSIHEM). His current research is on biosorption and protein chemistry. His email address is adesola.babarinde@oouagoiwoye.edu.ng. His telephone number is +234-8037232934.

Download CV: CV_BABARINDE-NAJEEM-ABIOLA ADESOLA_cv-for-nuc-directory.doc

BABATUNDE, Oluwayemisi is a Professor of Chemistry in the Faculty of Science, Nigerian Defence Academy, Kaduna. She holds a Ph.D from Ahmadu Bello University (2005). She was Head of Department (2011-2013). She is a Fellow of Institute of Chartered Chemist of Nigeria (ICCON) and a member of Chemical Society. Her current research is on Kinetic Methods of Analysis. Her email address is mails4abiodun@gmail.com. Her Telephone number is +2348057270147.

Download CV: CV_Babatunde-Oluwayemisi-Abiodun_babatundeoluwayemisi-cv.doc

BAKO, Sunday is a Professor of Environmental Plant Biology and Biotechnology in the Faculty of Life Sciences, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria. He holds a Ph.D from Ahmadu Bello University (2001). He was Director, Academic Planning (2006-2008), Dean of Students Affairs (2007), Dean of Science (2012-2013) and Vice-Chancellor (2017-Date). His current research is on plant responses to pollution stress and their potential for phytoremediation. His email address is spbako2002@yahoo.com. His telephone number is +2348037037445.

Download CV: CV_Bako-Sunday-Paul_curriculum-vitae-kuw-2018.docx

BAKPO, Francis S. is a Professor of Software Engineering in the Computer Science Department, University of Nigeria Nsukka. He holds a Ph.D from Enugu State University of Science and Technology, Enugu (2008). He was Head of Computer Science (2014-2017) and is currently Director, Roar Nigeria Hub UNN (2017- till date). He is a member NCS and CPN, His current research is on parallel processing systems, artificial intelligence, petri nets and data communications and networking. His email address is francis.bakpo@unn.edu.ng. His mobile phone number is +2348034401289.

Download CV: CV_Bakpo-Francis-Sunday_cv-bakpo-march-2018.doc

BAMIGBOLA, Olabode is a Professor of Mathematics in the Faculty of Physical Sciences, University of Ilorin, Ilorin. He holds a Ph.D from the same university in 1989. He was Head of Department (2005-2008). He is a Fellow of the Mathematical Association of Nigeria. His current research is systems optimization. His email address is ombamigbola@unilorin.edu.ng. His phone number is +2348033598608.

Download CV: CV_Bamigbola-Olabode-Matthias_omb2018cvsabbatical.docx

BASSEY, Margaret is a Professor of Bio-Systematics in the Faculty of Sciences, University of Uyo, Uyo. She holds a Ph.D from the University of Port Harcourt (1995). She was Head, Department of Botany & Ecological Studies (2010-2015) and Deputy Director, Directorate of Pre-degree Studies, University of Uyo, Uyo (2015-2017). Her current research is the inventorying of pteridophytes. Her email address is megenbassey@gmail.com. Her telephone number is +2348023525545.

Download CV: CV_BASSEY-MARGARET-EMMANUEL_curriculum-vitae-2018.doc

BELLO Idrith Tijjani is a Professor of Atmospheric Physics in the Faculty of Physical Sciences, Bayero University, Kano. He was Sub-Dean of Faculty of Science (1995-1998). He is a member NAMP and NIP. He published books on FORTAN programming and introduction to vector and tensor analysis with applications to physics is widely used. His email addresses are idrith@yahoo.com, idrithtijjani@gmail.com bitijjani.phy@buk.edu.ng. His telephone number is +2348037030877.

Download CV: CV_Tijjani-Bello-Idrith_bello-idrith-tijjani-curriculum-vitea.docx

BELLO, Usman Bagudo is a Professor of Chemistry in the Faculty of Science, Usmanu Danfodiyo University Sokoto. He holds a Ph.D from the same Institution (2007) He was Head of Pure and Applied Chemistry Department (2010-2014). His current research is on the recovery of energy from Biomass through Pyrolysis and Biomethanization. His email address is bubagudo@yahoo.com.His phone number is 08062619123.

Download CV: CV_Bagudo-Bello-Usman_my-updated-cv.docx

BOBOYE, Bolatito is a Professor of Genetics and Molecular Biology in the School of Sciences, Federal University of Technology, Akure (FUTA), Ondo State, Nigeria. She holds Ph.D from the University of Basel (1999). She was an executive member of Biotechnology Society of Nigeria. She was coordinator, Microbiotech Group (till 2018) and coordinator, FUTA biotech group (2018), and Head of Department of Microbiology, (FUTA). She is a member of Biotechnology Society of Nigeria. Her current research is application of genetics and molecular biology. Her email address is boboye_b@hotmail.com. Her telephone number is 07031372964.

Download CV: CV_BOBOYE-BOLATITO-ESTHER AINA_futa-boboye-cv.docx

BOYO, Adenike is a Professor of Physics in the Faculty of Science, Lagos State University, Lagos. She holds a Ph.D from the University of Ilorin (2004). She was the Head of Department of Physics (2007-2009), Deputy Director, LASU Foundation Programme, Badagry, Lagos ( 2008-2012) and currently Assistant Director, LASU Directorate of Advancement (2016-Date). She is a Fellow of the Materials Science and Technology Society of Nigeria. Her current research is on solar radiation Physics (dye sensitized solar cells). She is currently supervising 6Ph.Ds. Her email is adenike.boyo@lasu.edu.ng, adenikeoboyo@gmail.com, nikeboyo@yahoo.com. Her Phone number is +2348023055461 and +2347055771594.

Download CV: CV_Boyo-Adenike-Omotunde_boyo-adenike-nuc2.docx

BRIGGS, Lawanson A. is a Public Health Consultant in Adolescent Reproductive Health Education. He is a Professor of Health Education in Ignatius Ajuru University of Education Port Harcourt. He obtained his B.sc degree in Health Science Education (1978) in the university of Knoxville, Tennessee, USA; MPH (Master of Public Health) in the same university in 1979 and a Ph.D in Health Education in the

university of Education. A onetime Dean of Natural and Applied Sciences, former Deputy Provost and Deputy Vice Chancellor at the Ignatius Ajuru university of Education. He belongs to several professional bodies, like FNSHA and FFNAHE.

Download CV: CV_BRIGGS-LAWANSON-AGBANI_deanscv-updated-06-feb-2017.docx

CHIAGHANAM, Osita is a Professor of Geology in the Faculty of Physical Sciences, Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu University, Uli. He holds a Ph.D from the Nnamdi Azikiwe University (2007). He was Head of Department of Geology (2009-2012), Dean Student Affairs (2012-2013) and Co-ordinator Pre-degree Programme (Science) (2013-2014). His current research is on the hydrocarbon potentials of Anambra basin. His email addresses are oichiaghanam@yahoo.com; oichiaghanam@coou.edu.ng. His telephone number is +2348036723693.

Download CV: CV_Chiaghanam-Osita-Igwebuike_prof.-chiaghanam-c.v..doc

CHIFU, E. Ndikilar is a Professor of Theoretical Physics in the Faculty of Science, Federal University Dutse. He holds a Ph.D from the Federal University of Technology (2011). He is currently the Deputy Dean of Faculty and Deputy Director, Research and Development. He is a member of NIP, NAMP and IAMP. His current research is general relativity. He has successfully supervised 01 Ph.D. His email address is ebenechifu@yahoo.com. His telephone number is +2348069553173.

Download CV:CV_CHIFU-EBENEZER-NDIKILAR_curriculum-vitae.docx

CHIMBEKUJWO, Ishaku is a Professor of Plant Pathology in the Department of Plant Science, School of Life Sciences, Modibbo Adama University of Technology, Yola. He holds a Ph.D from the University of Jos 2010. He was Ag. Head of Department, Biological Sciences, FUTY 1985, Director/Coordinator, Science Laboratory Technology and Training Programme (SLTTP), FUTY 1990-1995, Head of

Department, Biological Sciences, FUTY, – 2003-2006, Deputy Dean, School of Pure and Applied Sciences, FUTY – 2003-2005, Head of Department, Plant Science Modibbo Adama University of Technology, Yola -2012-2018. He has successfully supervised 1 Ph.D. His email address is chimbe2017@mautech.edu.ng his telephone number is +2348053383545.

Download CV: CV_CHIMBEKUJWO-ISHAKU-BAJON_Professor-i.b.chimbekujwo-.doc

CHINEDU, Shalom Nwodo is a Professor of Biochemistry in the College of Science and Technology, Covenant University. He holds a Ph.D. from the University of Lagos (2006). He is the Deputy Vice-Chancellor and had served as Dean, School of Postgraduate studies (2015-2016), Dean, College of Science and Technology (2014-2015), Director, Quality and Academic Standards (2013-2014), Sub-Dean, School of Postgraduate Studies (2010-2013), and HOD, Biological Sciences (2009-2010).

Download CV: CV_Chinedu-Shalom-Nwodo_prof.-chinedu-cv-2018.docx

CHINWEUBA, Arinze is a Professor of Chemistry in Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu University, Anambra State. He holds a Ph.D from Nnamdi Azikiwe University Awka. He was the Associated Dean of Science (2012-2013) and currently the Head of Chemistry Department. His current research is on biofertilizer/biopesticide and pollution control. He has successfully supervised 1 Ph.D. His email address is aryzrazy@yahoo.com. His telephone number is +2348035088532.

Download CV: CV_Chinweuba -Arinze-Jude_curriculum-vitae-copy.docx

CHUKWUMA, Victor Uzodinma is a Professor of Physics in the Faculty of Science, Olabisi Onabanjo University, Ago-Iwoye. He holds a Ph.D from the University of Lagos (2000). He was the founding Director, Centre for Entrepreneurial Studies (2012-2014) and Head of Department (2001-2005; 2010-2012). He is a Fellow of the Nigerian Institute of Physics. His current research is on geomagnetic storms and Ionospheric precursors of earthquakes. He has successfully supervised 2 Ph.Ds. His email address is uzodinmachukwuma@gmail.com. His telephone number is +2348055075270.

Download CV: CV_Chukwuma-Victor -Uzodinma_chukwuma-victor-cv-resume-070218.docx

DADA, Silas is a Professor of Geology in the Faculty of Natural and Applied Sciences, Al-Hikmah, Ilorin. He holds a Ph.D from the University of Science and Technology. Montpellier (1989). He was Deputy Vice-Chancellor (2009-2012) at Salem University, Lokoja and Provost (2015-2017) at Kwara State University, Malete. He is a Fellow of The Nigerian Mining and Geosciences Society (NMGS). His current research is on structural and age controls of mineralization in Nigeria. He has successfully supervised 7 Ph.Ds. His email address is sundedada@gmail.com. His telephone number is +2348033598828.

Download CV: CV_DADA-Silas-Sunday_dada-cv-may-2018.doc

DAHIRU, Abdul Ardo Buba is a Professor of Solid State Physics in the Faculty of Science, University of Abuja, FCT. He holds a Ph.D from the University of Abuja (2007) Nigeria. He was Head of Department, Physics (2012-2014). He is a member of the Nigerian Institute of Physics (NIP). He has successfully supervised 1 Ph.D and many M.Sc. His email address is abduldabuba@gmail.com. His telephone number is +2348087880074.

Download CV: CV_Dahiru-Abdul-Ardo Buba_buba-s-resume.docx

DAUDA, Mary is Professor of Analytical chemistry in the Faculty of Science, University of Abuja. She holds a Ph.D from the University of Abuja (2015). She was Deputy Dean of Science (2009-2011), HOD Chemistry (2011-2016) and Director of Remedial studies (2016-Date). She is a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Chemist of Nigeria and a member Chemical Society of Nigeria. Her current research is on environmental chemistry. She has successfully supervised 3 Ph.Ds. Her email address is salehtabithayahool.com. Her telephone number is +2348055114591.

Download CV: CV_Dauda-Mary-Sunday_cv-prof.-mrs.-m.-s.-dauda.docx

DIBUA, Uju Marie Esther is a Professor of Medical Microbiology, in the Faculty of Biological Sciences, University of Nigeria, Nsukka. She holds a Ph.D from the University of Nigeria, Nsukka (2006). She is a Fellow of Third World Academy of Science (TWAS)/German Research Foundation (DFG) and Volkswagen Foundation, Germany, Stiftung Hannovre (RFA). Her current research is on epidemiology and public health microbiology. She is currently supervising 4 Ph.Ds. Her email is marie.dibua@unn.edu.ng. Her telephone number is +2348037792951.

Download CV: CV_DIBUA-UJUMARIEESTHER_dibua-cv.docx

EBENIRO, Joseph is a Professor of Physics in the Faculty of Science, University of Port Harcourt. He holds a Ph.D from the University of Texas at Austin (1986). He was a Head of Department of Physics (1992-1995), Director, Consultancy, Research and Development (CORDEC), (2005-2012) and Director, Centre of Excellence (CoE), UNIBEN (2015-Date). He is a Fellow of the Nigerian Institute of Physics. His current research areas include seismology with emphasis on reservoir characterization and surface waves studies. He has successfully supervised 9 Ph.Ds. His email address is joseph_o_ebeniro@yahoo.com. His telephone number is +2348033283494.

Download CV: CV_Ebeniro-Joseph-Onukansi_curriculum-2018.docx

EDEMA Mary Olire is a Professor of Organic Chemistry in the Faculty of Science, Federal University of Petroleum University, Effurun. She holds a Ph.D from University of Benin (1997). She was Director, Centre for Gender Studies, University of Benin (2011-2014); Deputy Vice Chancellor, FUPRE 2016, Provost College of Education, Warri (2016 – date). Fellow, CSN & ICCON. She has supervised 3 Ph.Ds. Her Email, edema.may@fupre.edu.ng. Phone No. 08027275360.

Download CV: CV_Prof Mary Edema CV.docx

EDEMA, Clarkson is a Professor of Animal and Environmental Biology in the Faculty of Life Sciences, University of Benin, Benin City. He holds a Ph.D from the University of Benin (1994). He is a Fellow of the Institute of Management Development and a Justice of Peace (JP). His current research is on fish and fisheries of freshwater. His email address is Clarkson.edema@uniben.edu. Telephone No is +2348055401248.

Download CV: CV_Edema-Clarkson-Udun_prof-c.u.-edema-cv.docx

EDET, Aniekan is a Professor of Hydrogeology in the Faculty of Physical Sciences, University of Calabar, Calabar. He holds a Ph.D from the University of Calabar (1993). He is a Fellow of the Nigerian Mining and Geosciences Society and Nigerian Association of Hydrogeologist. His current research is on groundwater chemistry near waste dump sites. He has successfully supervised 6 Ph.Ds. His e mail is aniekanedet@yahoo.com. His telephone number is +2348036667216.

Download CV: CV_Edet-Aniekan-_curriculum-vitae-prof-aniekan-edet.doc

EGBOH, Sunday is a Professor of Chemistry in the Faculty of Science Delta State University Abraka. He holds a Ph.D from University of London 1982. He was a Dean of Science (1996-2001) and (2009-2013). He is a Fellow Institute of Chartered Chemists of Nigeria, Chemical Society of Nigeria, Polymer Institute of Nigeria, Institute of Corporate Administration. His current research is on polymer chemistry /environmental chemistry. He has successfully supervised 12 Ph.Ds. His email address is sunnyegboh@gmail.com. His telephone number is 08036006365.

Download CV: CV_EGBOH-SUNDAYHONESTY OKOBIA_prof-egboh-2017-updated-cv.docx

EGBUCHUNAM, Theresa is a Professor of Materials Chemistry in the College of Science, Federal University of Petroleum Resources, Effurun. She holds a Ph.D from the University of Benin (2007). She was Head of Department of Chemistry (2009 – 2014), Internal Governing Council Member (2013 –2017) and presently Director of SERVICOM Unit. She is a Professional Member of the Institute of Chartered Chemists of Nigeria. Her current research is on the development of functional materials for energy applications. Her email address is egbuchunam.theresa@fupre.edu.ng. Her telephone number is +2348038928181.

Download CV: CV_Egbuchunam-Theresa-Obiajulu_curriculum-vitae.docx

EGWIM, Chidi Evans is a Professor of Biochemistry in the Department of Biochemistry, School of Life Sciences, Federal University of Technology, Minna. He holds a Ph.D from University of Ilorin(2006). He was sub-Dean School of Sciences and Science Education(2010-2011) Sub-dean School of Postgraduate Studies, (2012- 2013)and HOD Biochemistry Department(2016-date) He has a dynamic academic career reflecting pioneering and edge-breaking performance in industrial raw material development, applied enzymology/biotechnology and bioprocess technologies. Email c.egwim@futminna.edu.ng phone: 07065809474.

Download CV: CV_Egwim-Evans-Chidi_evans-cv.docx

EKANEMESANG, Udoudo is a Professor of Biochemistry in the Faculty of Natural Sciences, Obong University, Obong Ntak. He holds a Ph.D from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tenn. He was the Acting Head of Department of Biochemistry (2010-2014) and Vice-chancellor of Obong University (2014-till date). His current research is on molecular microbiology. He has successfully supervised 6 Ph.Ds. His email address is ekanemesang49@yahoo.com. His telephone number is +2348039485738.

Download CV: CV_Ekanemesang-Udoudo-Moses_udoudo-moses-ekanemesang-cv-2010-uniuyo.docx

EKE, Uche Basil is a Professor of Chemistry in the Faculty of Science, University of Ilorin. He holds a Ph.D from University of Ilorin (1995). He is currently Dean of Physical Sciences (2016 to date). He is a Fellow of the Chemical Society of Nigeria. His current research is on advance functional materials. He has successfully supervised 3 Ph.Ds with 5 on going. His email address is ekeub@yahoo.co.uk. His telephone number is +2348033795414.

Download CV: CV_Eke -Uche-Basil_2.-resume.docx

EKHAISE, Osaro Frederick is a Professor of Environmental and Public Health Microbiology/Microbial Physiology in the Faculty of Life Sciences, University of Benin, Benin City. He holds a Ph.D from University of Benin (2002). He was Coordinator of Environmental Science Unit (2012 – 2014), Head, Department of Microbiology (2013 – 2015). He is currently the Director, Information, Communication and Technology Unit/Central Records Processing Unit (ICTU/CRPU), Vice Chancellor’s Office, University of Benin, Benin City. He has successfully supervised 6 Ph.Ds. His email addresses are: frederick.ekhaise@uniben.edu and aiyevbosa.ekhaise@gmail.com My Tel: 08063856316, 08055648761, 08029893015, 09090780854.

Download CV: CV_Ekhaise-Frederick -Osaro_prof.-ekhaise-fred.-osaro-cv-2015-5-.doc

EKOZIEN, Maria Ihenata is a Professor of Environmental Microbiology in the Faculty of Life Sciences, Ambrose Alli University Ekpoma, Edo State, Nigeria. She holds a Ph.D from the University of Benin, Benin City, Nigeria (1993). She was Head of Department, Microbiology (2006-2011). She is a member of Nigerian Society of Microbiology and Nigerian Society of Plant Protection. Her current research is on soil borne plants pathogens and their biological control and antimicrobial activities of medicinal plants. She has successfully supervised one Ph.D. Her email address is miosuinosu@yahoo.com. Her phone number is 08037510247.

Download CV: CV_EKOZIEN-MARIA-IHENATA_curriculum-vitae-prof.-ekozien-2018.docx

EKPO, Bassey is a Professor of Petroleum/Environmental Geochemistry in the Faculty of Science, University of Calabar. He holds a Ph.D from the University of Calabar, (2001). He has 24 years of experience in Teaching/Research in Environmental/Petroleum Geochemistry in the University and 4 years in the oil/gas industry. He is a Fellow of the UK Higher Education Academy (FHEA). His current research is on fingerprinting of crude oils. He is a member of several associations such as Nigerian Association of Petroleum Explorationists. His email address is basseyekpo@unical.ng.com; His telephone number is +2348037183898.

Download CV: CV_Ekpo-Bassey-Offiong_prof-ekpo-cv.doc

EKPO, Imo Akpanobong is a Professor of Environmental Biotechnology and Waste Management in the Faculty of Biological Sciences University of Calabar. He holds a Ph.D from Atlanta University (1987). He was Acting Head of Department of Genetics and Biotechnology University of Calabar (2003 – 2005), Department of Biological Sciences Federal University Lafia (2012 – 2013). He is a member of

Biotechnology Society of Nigeria. His current research is on bioremediation of hydrocarbon polluted environment. His email address is imoaekpo@unical.edu.ng. His telephone Number is +2348032584256.

Download CV: CV_Ekpo-Imo-Akpanobong_curriculumvitae-22.docx

EKPUNOBI, Azubike Josiah is a Professor of Solid State Physics in the Faculty of Physical Sciences, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka. He holds a Ph.D from University of Nigeria, Nsukka (1996) and DICTP from International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Italy. He was HOD (2003-2005, 2006 – 2008) and Dean of Physical Sciences (2016 – 2018). He is a Fellow of the Solar Energy Society of Nigeria. His current research is on semiconductor physics. His email address is jekpunobi@yahoo.com. His telephone number is +2348038763056.

Download CV: CV_Ekpunobi-Azubike-Josiah_ajecv-2-.doc

ELERUJA, Marcus Adebola is Professor of Solid State Physics in the Faculty of Science, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife. He holds a Ph.D from the same university, (1999). He was Vice-Dean of Science (2012-2014) and Head of Department, Department of Physics and Engineering Physics, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife (2015- till date). He is a member of Nigerian Institute of Physics and a member of Materials Science and Technology of Nigeria. His current research is on the preparation and characterization of thin films of various materials; Syntheses and various applications of graphene based materials. His email address is meleruja@oauife.edu.ng. His telephone number is +2348033954140.

Download CV: CV_ELERUJAMarcus-Adebola_cv-nuc.docx

EMEKA, Okwueze is a Professor of Geophysics in the Department of Physics, University of Calabar. He holds a Ph.D from the University of Wisconsin, Madison USA (1983). He was Dean of Students (2002-2006) and member University of Calabar Governing Council (2009-2013) and Dean Postgraduate School (2015_2017). He is a Fellow of the Nigerian Institute of Physics and also of Nigerian Mining and Geosciences Society. His current research is on Investigation of road failures in southeastern Nigeria. He is the Coord of NWRCBNet Centre in University of Calabar. Email is emeka_okwueze@yahoo.com and phone +2348035432338.

Download CV: CV_Okwueze-Emeka-Emmanuel_curriculum-vitae-for-prof-okwueze-feb-2017.doc

EMERE, Matthew Chika, is Professor of Fishery in the Faculty of Science, Nigerian Defense Academy, Kaduna. He holds a Ph.D. from Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria (2005). He was Acting Head of Department (1986-1988) and has served in different capacities in the Department, Faculty and the Academy such as secretary and subcommittee chairman. His email address is otichiemere@yahoo.com and my phone number is +2348065482681.

Download CV: CV_Emere-Matthew-Chika_2015-curriculum-vitae-of-emere.docx

EMOGHENE, alexander is a Professor of Microbiology in the Faculty of Life Sciences, University of Benin, Benin City. He holds a Ph.D from the University of Benin (1996). He was Co-ordinator, Environmental Science Unit, University of Benin (2010 – 2012), Head Department of Microbiology (2012 – 2013), Dean, College of Natural and Applied Sciences, University of Mkar, Gboko (2015 – 2016) while on (Sabbatical). He is a Fellow, Institute of Human and Natural Resources (FHNR), RC. 378778. His current research is on biological control of plant diseases. His email address is emoghene@uniben.edu. His telephone number is +2348023374489.

Download CV: CV_Emoghene-Alexander-Ochuko_c.v-of-prof.-a.-o.-emoghene.docx

ENIOLA, Kehinde is a Professor of Microbiology in the College of Natural Science, Joseph Ayo Babalola University, Ikeji Arakeji. He holds a Ph.D from the University of Ilorin (2006). He was Acting Head of Department (2009-2011) and Director, Academic Planning Unit of Joseph Ayo Babalola University (2011-2015). He is a Fellow of the Nigerian Society for Microbiology. His current research is on water access and quality assessment. His email address is kennyeniola@gmail.com. His telephone number is +234803361032.

Download CV: CV_Eniola-Kehinde-Imisi Temitope_eniola.doc

EYA, Dominic is a Professor of Physics in the School of Physical Sciences, Federal University of Technology, Owerri. He holds a Ph.D from the Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka (2005). He was the examination officer of his Department (2008 – 2011), the Head, Department of Science Laboratory Technology (SLT) (2015 – 2017) and currently the Desk Officer, NEEDS assessment of the University. His current research is on materials science and solar energy. His e mail address includes eya.odo@futo.edu.ng, eyadom2003@yahoo.com and eya.odo@gmail.com. His telephone numbers are +2348063477168 and +2348114485148.

Download CV: CV_EYA-DOMINIC-DAVID-ODO_curriculum-vitae-eya.doc

EYO, Joseph Is a Professor of Zoology, in the Faculty of Biological Sciences, University of Nigeria. He holds a Ph.D in Zoology from University of Nigeria. He was Head of the Department of Zoology and Environmental Biology and Dean of the Faculty. He is the current Editor of Animal Research International. He is widely published with over 150 journal articles. His email: joseph.eyo@unn.edu.ng or phone +2348026212686.

Download CV: CV_EYO-Joseph-Effiong_prof.-je-eyo-cv.docx

EZE, Emmanuel is a Professor of Microbiology in the Faculty of Biological Sciences, University of Nigeria, Nsukka. He holds a Ph.D from the University of Nigeria (2008). His current research is on molecular basis of drug resistance among bacteria. His email is eze.emmanuel@unn.edu.ng. His telephone number is +2348066371727.

Download CV: CV_EZEEMMANUEL-ANIEBONAM_curriculum-vitae-e-a-eze.docx

EZE, Francis is a Professor of Physics in the School of Physical Sciences, Federal University of Technology, Owerri, Nigeria. He holds a Ph.D from the University of Nigeria, Nsukka (1995). He was Dean of Science (2008-2012) and Vice-Chancellor of Federal University of Technology, Owerri (2016-Date). He is a Fellow of Nigerian Institute of Physics. His current research is on thin solid films and renewable energy as well as corrosion science. His email address is vc@futo.edu.ng. His telephone number is +2348035515945.

Download CV: CV_Eze-Francis-Chukwuemeka_Professor-francis-chukwuemeka-eze-cv-2014-edited-.docx

EZEMA, Fabian is a Professor of Physics in the Faculty of Physical Science, University of Nigeria, Nsukka. He holds a Ph.D from the University of Nigeria, Nsukka (2000). He was the director, International Office University of Nigeria (2015-2017), Dean of Natural Science at Coal City University, Enugu (2017-2018). He is a member of many professional bodies. His current research is on Energy storage and harvesting devices, Nanoparticles and nanomaterials. His email address is fabian.ezema@unn.edu.ng. His telephone number is +2348036239214.

Download CV: CV_Ezema-Fabian-Ifeanyichukwu_ezema-cv-2018updated.docx

EZRA, Abalis is a Professor of Ecology in the Faculty of Science, Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University, Bauchi. He holds Ph.D from the same university (1999). He was Head of Department, Ecology (2015-2016) and Dean of Science Federal University, Gashua (2017-2018). His current research is on algal ecology and phyco-remediation. He has successfully supervised 8 Ph.Ds. my e-mail address is agezra2006@gmail.com.

Download CV: CV_EZRA-ABALIS-GAYA_prof-.ezra.a.gaya-cv-2018.doc

FAGBUARO, Omotayo is a Professor of Zoology in the Faculty of Science, Ekiti State University, Ado-Ekiti. She holds a Ph.D from Ekiti State University, Ado-Ekiti (2007). She was the Acting HOD, Zoology (2014-2016). She is a Fellow of Fisheries Society of Nigeria. Her current research is on fish breeding and genetics. My email address is omofagbuaro@yahoo.com. My telephone no is +234(0)8034925363.

Download CV: CV_FAGBUAROOMOTAYO-_fagbuaro-o.-c.v.-appo-pol.22.docx

FAKAE, Barineme Beke is a Professor of Veterinary Parasitology in the Faculty of Science, Rivers State University. He holds a Ph.D from the University of Edinburgh, (1993). He was Head of Department of Veterinary Parasitology & Entomology, UNN (1995-1996, 2002-2003), Rector, Rivers State Polytechnic, Bori (2003-2007) and Vice-Chancellor, Rivers State University of Science & Technology (2007-2015). He is a Fellow of the Nigerian Society for Animal Production. His current research is on Modernization of Higher Education in Nigeria through ICT for effective management and curriculum delivery. His email is bbfakae@ust.edu.ng. His mobile is +2348036721807.

Download CV: CV_FAKAE-BARINEME-BEKE_bb-fakae-s-cv-revised-may-2018-v1.docx

FAMILONI, Oluwole Babafemi is a Professor of Chemistry in the Faculty of Science, University of Lagos, Lagos. He holds a Ph.D from the University of Lagos (1990). He was Sub-Dean (2000-2002), HOD Chemistry, (2002-2005), Dean of Science (2008-2012) and Deputy Vice-Chancellor of University of Lagos (2018 to date). He is a Fellow of Chemical Society of Nigeria 2001, Institute of Chartered Chemists of Nigeria, 2007; Royal Society of Chemistry 2013, Nigerian Academy of Science. His current research is on the synthesis of heterocyclic chemistry and natural product chemistry. His email address is familonio@unilag.edu.ng. His telephone number is +2348023063129.

Download CV: CV_FAMILONI-OLUWOLE-BABAFEMI_curriculum-vitae-familoniapril-2018.doc

FARUQ, Umar is a Professor of Organic Chemistry in the Faculty of Science, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto. He holds a Ph.D from Usmanu Danfodiyo University (2007). He was Head of Applied Chemistry (20010-20014). He is a Professional Member of Institute of Chartered Chemists of Nigeria. His current research is in catalysis and also in Medicinal Plants. His email address is ufzakigwandu@yahoo.co.uk. His telephone number is +2347031934949.

Download CV: CV_Faruq-Umar -Zaki_faruq.cv4.1.docx

FATOKUN Johnson is a Professor of Mathematics in the Faculty of Natural and Applied Sciences, Anchor University Lagos. He holds a Ph.D from the University of Jos(2002). He was Head of Department, Mathematical Sciences, Nasarawa State University, Keffi(2002-2012), Dean of Faculty of Science and Education, (2012-2015), Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Federal University Dutsin-Ma (2015-2017), Dean Faculty of Natural and Applied Sciences, Director of Academic Planning & Quality Assurance, Anchor University, Lagos (2017-Date) .His current research is in modelling and analyzing prey harvesting of one Predator two prey dynamics in tropical zone. His current e-mail address is jfatokun@aul.edu.ng, fatokund@yahoo.com. His number is +2347083008202.

Download CV: CV_FATOKUN-JOHNSON-OLADELE_prof-j.o.fatokun-cv.docx

FEKARURHOBO, Godswill is a Professor of Photo and Organic Chemistry in the Faculty of Science, Rivers State University, Port Harcourt. He holds a Ph.D of the University of London(1982). He was Head, Department of Chemistry(2011-2014) and Dean, Postgraduate School(2014-2018). He is a Chartered Chemist and Member of Chemical Society of Nigeria. His current research interests include the photo-oxidative synthesis and degradation of synthetic and naturally occurring substances using plant pigments as singlet oxygen sensitizer. He may be reached at kutafeka@yahoo.com and on +234 08033425653.

Download CV: CV_Fekarurhobo-Godswill-Kuta_curriculum-vitae-2018-ms.docx

FEMI-OLA, Titilayo is a Professor of Microbiology in the Faculty of Science, Ekiti State University, Ado Ekiti. She holds a Ph.D from the Ekiti State University (2006). She was Acting Head of Department (2008-2010) and Head of Department (2016- till date). Her current research is on industrial microbiology. Her email address is titilayo.femi-ola@eksu,edu,ng. Her telephone number is +2348066613611.

Download CV: CV_FEMI-OLA-Titilayo-Olufunke_curriculum-vita2-for-nuc.docx

FOLORUNSO, Olusegun is a Professor of Computer Science in the College of Physical Sciences, Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta. He holds a Ph.D from the University of Agriculture, Abeokuta (2003). He was Head, Webometrics Center (2010-2014) and Director, Center for Teaching and Learning (2014 – 2016). He is a Fellow of the United Nations University, Institute of Software Technology (Macau). His current research is on applied computing and informatics. His email address is folorunsoo@funaab.edu.ng. His telephone number is +2348035640707.

Download CV: CV_FOLORUNSO-OLUSEG-_prof-.folorunso-cv-30-06-2018.docx

FRANK-PETERSIDE, Nnenna is a Professor of Medical Microbiology in the Faculty of Science, University of Port Harcourt. She holds a Ph.D from the Queens University of Belfast, Northern Ireland (1992). She was Dean of Science (2012-2013, 2015-2016) and Pioneer Provost, College of Natural and Applied Sciences (2013 – 2015). She is a Fellow of Institute of Biomedical Sciences, U.K. Her current research

is on molecular identification of pathogenic microorganisms in the Niger Delta. Her email address is nnenna.frank-peterside@uniport.edu.ng. Her telephone number is +2348033106272.

Download CV: CV_FRANK-PETERSIDE-NNENNA-_n-frank-petersidecv.docx

GEORGE, Gladys is a Professor of Optometry in the Faculty of Life Sciences, University of Benin. She holds a Ph.D from the University of Benin (2012). She is a Fellow of the Nigerian College of Optometrists. Her current research is on ocular Physiology. Her email address is gladys.george@uniben.edu. Her telephone number is +2348144393468.

Download CV: CV_George-Gladys-Ovigue_Professor-mrs-george-gladys-cv.docx

GEORGE-OKAFOR, Uzoamaka is a Professor of Applied Microbiology in the Faculty of Applied Natural Sciences, Enugu State University of Science and Technology, Enugu. She holds a Ph.D from Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka (2007). She was Head of Department (2010-2012) and Director of Biotechnology Centre (2015-till date). Her current research is on bio-preservatives from probiotic microorganisms. Her e-mail address is uzo.georgeokafor@esut.edu.ng. Her telephone number is +2348035853812.

Download CV: CV_George-Okafor-Uzoamaka-Ogechi_nuccurriculum-vitae.docx

GONI, Ibrahim Baba is a Professor of Hydrogeology in the Faculty of Science, University of Maiduguri. He holds a Ph.D from the Universite D’ Avignon, France (2003). He was Acting Dean of Science (2008) and Head of Department (2005-2010). He is a Fellow of the Nigerian Association of Hydrogeologists; a Member of Nigerian Mining and Geosciences Society and registered with the Council of Nigerian Engineers and Geoscientist. His current research is on groundwater resources. He has successfully supervised a Ph.D student and currently 3 at different stages of completion. His email address is

ibgoni@yahoo.com. His telephone number is +2348036372676.

Download CV: CV_Goni-Ibrahim-Baba_cvgoni.doc

HALLIRU, Auwalu Arzai is a Professor of Biological Science in the Faculty of Life Science, Bayero University, kano. He holds a Ph.D from Bayero University, Kano (2009). He was the Faculty Examination Officer, (1992-1995), Deputy Dean,(1996-1999), Head, Department of Biological Sciences, (1999-2003), Dean, Faculty of Science, (2006-2008), Director, General Studies Unit, (2011-2015) and Director, Center for Biotechnology Research, Bayero University, Kano. (2015-till date). His current research is on Evaluation of some plants used in Hausa ethno medicine for antibacterial activity and wound healing. His email address is auwalarzai@yahoo.com. His telephone number is 08023101502.

Download CV: CV_Halliru -Auwalu-Arzai_a.h.-arzaipublications.docx

HASSAN, Ali Sanusi is a Professor of Biology with inclination to Environmental Biology and Toxicology. He holds Ph.D from Ahmadu Bello University Zaria in 1998. His university administration includes being Head of Department (2008), Students Industrial Experience Scheme Pioneer Coordinator in two universities (2007 and 2014), Assistant Dean of Science (2012), Head of Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer among others. His current research is on hydrobiology, limnology, ecological toxicology, water quality and phytochemistry Tel: 08055563137.

Download CV: CV_Hassan-Ali-Sanusi_hassan-cv-and-applications-recent.doc

HORSFALL, Michael is a Professor of Environmental Chemistry in the Faculty of Science of the University of Port Harcourt. He holds a Ph.D from the University of Port Harcourt (1992). He was Director, Central Instruments laboratory (2013-2017) and currently the Dean, School of Science Laboratory Technology (2018-Date). He is a member of the Chemical Society of Nigeria. His current research is on bio-remediation of contaminated environment using green materials. His email is michael.horsfall@uniport.edu.ng and phone number is +2347034422116.

Download CV: CV_Horsfall-Michael-_recent-cv-2017-updated-1.doc

IBANGA, Edem Stephen is a Professor of Parasitology in the Faculty of sciences, University of Uyo. He was the former Acting Head of Department, former Director, Center for Wetlands and Waste Management Studies. Former Chairman, Exams misconduct committee. current coordinator Student Industrial training programme. He is a member of Parasitology and Public Health Society of Nigeria. His current on research on drug resistance of malaria parasite. He has successfully supervised 5

Ph.Ds. His email is edemibanga01@gmail.com. His telephone is +234(0)7062695451.

Download CV: CV_IBANGA-EDEM -STEPHEN_cv-prof.docx

IBIJOLA, Emmanuel Adeolu is a Professor of Mathematics in the Faculty of Science, EKiti State University, Ado-Ekiti. He holds a Ph.D from the University of Benin (1998). He was Dean of Faculty of Natural and Applied Sciences Nasarawa State University (2002-2004). He is a Fellow of the Institute of Mathematics & it’s Applications (FIMA) UK. His current research is on numerical analysis and scientific

computing. His email address is ibjemm@yahoo.com. His telephone number is +2348035891025.

Download CV: CV_IBIJOLA -EMMANUEL -ADEOLU_curriculum-vitae.docx

IBRAHIM, Aminu Alhaji is a Professor of Algebra in the Faculty of Science of Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto. He holds Ph.D from the same university, (2005). He was Dean of Science SSU (2013) and Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) of Sokoto State University (2014-2016). He was appointed Rector of Umaru Ali Shinkafi Polytechnic, Sokoto (2016 to date). He is a Fellow of Mathematical Association of Nigeria. His current research is on algebra. His email address is aminualhaji40@gmail.com. His telephone number is +2348039369589.

Download CV: CV_Ibrahim-Aminu-Alhaji_prof-aminu-cv.docx

IBRAHIM, Muhammad Bashir is a Professor of Physical Chemistry in the Faculty of Physical Science, Bayero University Kano. He holds Ph.D from Bayero University Kano (2012). His current research is on utilisation of Schiff bases and nanoparticles modified adsorbents for wastewater remediation. His email address is mbibrahim.chm@buk.edu.ng and bashirmbi2@yahoo.ca. His telephone number is +2348036855024.

Download CV: CV_IBRAHIMMUHAMMAD-BASHIR_curriculum-vitae.docx

IDEMUDIA, Godwin, is a Professor of Physics, Faculty of Science, Federal University, Wukari. He holds a Ph.D in Physics from the University of Ilorin. My current area of research is solar radiation applications and solar energy budgeting. She has is member of council of SAN, SESN. Her e-mail address is gidemudia@fuwukari.edu.ng. My phone number is +2348104163257.

Download CV: CV_IDEMUDIA-GODWIN-OSAMA_prof-s-s-c.v.recent-update.doc

IDENYI, Ndubuisi is a Professor of Materials Science and Engineering in the Faculty of Science, Ebonyi State University, Abakaliki. He holds a Ph.D from Ebonyi State University (2010). He was Head of Department (2005-2011) and Dean of Faculty (2012 – 2013). He is a Fellow of both the Nigerian Metallurgical Society and Materials Science and Technology Society of Nigeria. His current research is on corrosion inhibition of vegetable extracts. His email address is edennaidenyi@yahoo.com. His telephone number is +2348033385069.


IDOWU, Rachel Toyosi is a Professor of Hydrobiology in the Faculty of Science, Department of Biological Sciences, University of Abuja. She holds a Ph.D from the University of Nigeria, Nsukka (2004). She was the Head of Department of Biological Sciences (2015-2018). She is a member of Science Association of Nigeria. Her current research is on Aquaculture /Fish feed formulation and Environmental Assessment of Lakes. Her email address is rachelidowu@gmail.com. Her telephone number is +2347035905349.

Download CV: CV_Idowu-Rachel-Toyosi_my-cv-new-cv-2.doc

IDRIS, Sulaiman Ola is a Professor of Chemistry in the Faculty of Physical Sciences, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria. He obtained a Ph.D degree at Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria (2005). He was Departmental Seminar Coordinator (2006-2008) and Departmental Postgraduate Coordinator (2012-2015) at ABU, Zaria. He is a Fellow of the Chemical Society of Nigeria. His current research is on mechanisms of inorganic reactions and synthesis of metal complexes. His email address is alhajisoidris@yahoo.com. His telephone numbers are +2348183836514 and +2348057778826.

Download CV: CV_IDRIS-Sulaiman-Ola_cv-idris.docx

IJEH, Ifeoma Irene is a Professor of Biochemistry in the College of Natural Sciences, Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike. She holds a Ph.D from the University of Nigeria, Nsukka (1999). She served as Dean, COLNAS and member MOUAU Governing council(2013-2017). She has served Ag. HOD, Biochemistry (2006-2008) and Chemistry (2011-2013) and Ag Director center for Molecular Biosciences (2008-2010). She is a Fellow of Nigerian Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, (FNSBMB) and African Scientific Institute (FASI). Her email address is: ijeh.ifeoma@mouau.edu.ng. Her telephone numbers are: +2348064719842 and +2348095807690.

Download CV: CV_Ijeh-Ifeoma-Irene_updated-cv-ijeh-ifeoma-irene-2017.doc

IKPOKONTE, Awajiokan Enoch is a Professor of Geology, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria. He holds a Ph.D from Ahmadu Bello University (1998). He held administrative posts at Departmental level, He served as member of several Faculty Committees including Postgraduate, Admission / Registration, Junior Staff Promotion Committees. He served as Ag. HOD, Geology and Mining, Nasarawa State University, Keffi (2008-2009) with sabbatical leave. He is a registered member of four Geosciences Professional Bodies. His current research is in deep lithospheric geophysical studies leading to geothermal energy resources. Email: awa_ikpo@yahoo.com; Mobile: 08098650022.

Download CV: CV_Ikpokonte-Awajiokan-Enoch_ikpocv2017.doc

IKPOTOKIN, Festus is a Professor of Computer Science in the Faculty of Physical Science, Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma. He holds a Ph.D from the University of Benin (1999). He was Head of Department of Computer Science (1998, 2002 -2003, 2005 – 2007) and Director of ICT of Ambrose Alli University (2009 – 2012). Fellow of Strategic Institute for Natural Resources and Human Development (FRHD). His email address is festusikpotokin@aauekpoma.edu.ng. His telephone number is +2348038580731.

Download CV: CV_Ikpotokin-Festus-Osazuwa_prof.-f.o.ikpotokin-cv.doc

INYANG, Comfort Ufot is a Professor of Microbiology in the Faculty of Science, University of Uyo, Uyo. She holds a Ph.D from the University of Nigeria, Nsukka (1995). She was Acting Head of Department, Food Science and Technology, University of Agriculture, Makurdi (2002-2004), Head, Department of Microbiology, University of Uyo, Uyo (2008-2010). She is a Fellow of Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. Her current research is on natural preservation of foods. She has successfully supervised 4 Ph.Ds. Her email address is comfortinyang@uniuyo.edu.ng. Her telephone number is +2348028172217.

Download CV: CV_Inyang-Comfort-Ufot_prof.-c.-u.-inyang-s-c.v-1.doc

ISAH was educated at the Ahmadu Bello University Zaria, Nigeria (BSc Physics 1987, Ph.D Physics 2008) and the Federal University of Technology, Minna, Nigeria (M.Tech Solid State Physics 1996). He joined the service of the Federal University of Technology, Minna, Nigeria in 1991. He has supervised one Ph.D and co-supervised another three. He has worked and published several research works. He has held various positions of responsibility in the University, amongst which are the Sub-Dean School of Science and Science Education from 2008-2009, Head of Department of Physics 2010-2014 and was a member of the University Governing Council. Email: kasim309@futminna.edu.ng Tel: +234 803 620 4804.

Download CV: CV_Isah-kasim-Uthman_cv-latest-2018.docx

ISHAKU, Jackson is a Professor of Hydrogeology in the School of Physical Science, Modibbo Adama University of Technology, Yola. He holds a Ph.D from the University of Nigeria, Nsukka (2007). He is the current Head of Geology (2016-date). His email address is jmishaku@mautech.edu.ng. His telephone number is 08069136762.

Download CV: CV_Ishaku-Jackson-Makpane_cv-jmishaku.doc

ISIBOR, Jonathan is a Professor of Microbiology in the Faculty of Life Sciences, Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma. He is the Head of Department of Microbiology; a Fellow, Institute of Industrial Administration (FIIA) [since 2012]; He was awarded the SfAM President’s Fund Grant to present a research paper at the Society for Applied Microbiology Conference in Cardiff, [2013]; and the Society Conference in Edinburgh, [2016]. His e-mail is joe_isibor@yahoo.com. His telephone number is +2348035515110.

Download CV: CV_Isibor-Jonathan-Osariemen_cvrecent.doc

ISRAEL-COOKEY, Chigozie is a Professor of Theoretical Physics in the Faculty of Science, Rivers State University, Nkpolu-Oroworukwo, Port Harcourt. He holds a Ph.D from Rivers State University (2003). He was Head of Department of Mathematics (2006 – 2014) and currently Head of Department of Physics (2017 to date). He is a member of the Nigeria Institute of Physics. His current research is magnetohydrodynamic flows and stability of motion. His email address is cookeychi@gmail.com. His telephone number is +2348032968011.

Download CV: CV_Israel-Cookey-Chigozie–_my-cv-c.doc

ITA, Benedict is a Professor of Physical/Theoretical Chemistry in the Faculty of Physical Sciences, University of Calabar, Calabar. He holds a Ph.D from the University of Calabar (2000). He is the current Dean of Physical Sciences (2015 – Date) and Chairman Committee of Deans (2016 – Date). He is a member of Chemical Society of Nigeria and ICCON. His current research is on quantum mechanics. His email address is iseromngwuita@unical.edu.ng. His phone number is +2348063608005.

Download CV: CV_Ita-Benedict-Iserom_2018-cv.docx

ITAH, Alfred is a Professor of Environmental and Public Health Microbiology in the Faculty of Sciences, University of Uyo, Uyo, Nigeria. He holds a Ph.D from the University of Calabar. He was Head of Department of Microbiology (2001-2005) and Dean, Faculty of Science, University of Uyo (2008-2012).He has successfully supervised 2 Ph.Ds. He is a Consultant Environmental/Public Health Microbiologist to some oil companies in Nigeria on Crude Oil Spill matters and pollution abatement. He is a litigation expert witness to a multinational oil company on petroleum hydrocarbon pollution matters. His email: allyoung2001@yahoo.com, GSM: +2348023367539.

Download CV: CV_C.V.PROF.ITAH for Uyo 2015.docx

IYAKA, Yahaya Ahmed is a Professor of Chemistry in the School of Physical Sciences, Federal University of Technology, Minna. He holds a Ph.D from the University of Abuja (2006). He was Dean, Student Affairs (2010 – 2013) and Deputy Vice – Chancellor, Federal University of Technology, Minna (2017 –

till date). His current research is on heavy metals in soils and food analysis. His email address is iyaka.yahaya@futminna.edu.ng and his telephone number is +2348035799257.

Download CV: CV_IYAKA-Yahaya-Ahmed_iyaka-cv-june-2018-recent.docx

IYASE Samuel is a Professor of Mathematics at the College of Science and Technology, Covenant University, Ota Ogun State. He holds a Ph.D from the University of Ibadan (1995). He was the Head of Department of Mathematics, Covenant University (2014 -2015). He is a member of the NigerianMathematical Society. His current research is on the existence of solutions of boundary value problems of ordinary differential equations. His email address is samuel.iyase@covenantuniversity.edu.ng.

Download CV: CV_Iyase-Samuel-Azubuike_curriculumvitae-prof-iyase-.docx

JAGADISH, Singh is a Professor of Mathematics in the Faculty of Physical Sciences, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria. He holds a Ph.D from the Bihar University, Muzaffarpur (India), 1985. His area of research interest is celestial mechanics with specialisation in space dynamics. His email address is jgds2004@yahoo.com.

Download CV: CV_Singh-Jagadish-_cv-.-june-2018.docx

JIBRIN, Shafiu is a Professor of Mathematics in the Faculty of Science, Federal University, Dutse. He holds a Ph.D from Carleton University, Canada (1998). He was Head of Mathematics Department at Federal University Dutse (2013-2015). He is a Fellow of the Arizona-Nevada Academy of Science in the USA. His current research is on the feasibility problem in semidefinite programming. His email address is shafiuj@yahoo.com. His telephone is +2347034957055.

Download CV: CV_Jibrin-Shafiu-_cv-sjibrin-18.doc

KADIRI, Medina is a Professor of Botany in the Faculty of Life Sciences, University of Benin, Benin City. She holds a Ph.D from the University of Benin (1988). She was Sub Dean of Science (194-1998) and Commissioner of Environment & Solid Minerals, Edo State (2000-2001). She is Honouree, Phi Beta Delta Honour Society for International Scholars, USA (2008). Her current research is on harmful algae. Her email address is okadiri@uniben.edu. Her telephone number is +2348023404118.

Download CV: CV_Kadiri-Medina-Omo_kadiri-cv-now.doc

KAYODE, Sunday is a Professor of Mathematics in School of Sciences, Federal University of Technology, Akure. He holds a Ph.D from the Federal University of Technology, Akure (2005). He is the current Head of Department of Mathematical Sciences (2016 to date). His current research is on hybrid methods for the solution of higher order ordinary differential equations. His email address is sjkayode@futa.edu.ng. His telephone number is +2348033974438.

Download CV: CV_Kayode-Sunday-Jacob_kayode-s-j-typical-futa-cv-for-directoryof-full-Professors-2018.doc

KEHINDE, Iyabode is a Professor of Plant Pathology in the College of BioSciences, Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta. She holds a Ph.D. from the University of Ibadan, Ibadan (2008). She was Head, Foundation Science Programme (2010-2014), Cambridge Programme (2012-2014) and Head, Pure and Applied Botany (2014-Date). She is a member of the Nigerian Society for Plant Protection. Her current research is on disease epidemiology, bioinoculants and biocontrol. Her email address is kehindeia@funaab.edu.ng. Her telephone number is +2348037149064.

Download CV: CV_Kehinde-Iyabode-Adekemi_cv-of-prof-kehinde-iyabode-2.docx

KEHINDE, Ololade Olayinka is a Professor of Analytical Chemistry in the Faculty of Science, University of Lagos. She holds a Ph.D from the Greenwich University London (1988). She is Fellow of the Institute of Public Analysts (IPAN) and Institute of Chartered Chemists of Nigeria (ICCON). Her current research in the field of environmental chemistry. Her email address is kolayinka@unilag.edu.ng. Her telephone number is +2348023204841.

Download CV: CV_Olayinka-Kehinde-Ololade_curriculum-vitae-kehinde-olayinka-2018.docx

KORIKO, Olubode is a Professor of Applied Mathematics in the School of Sciences, Federal University of Technology, Akure. He holds a Ph.D from the Federal University of Technology, Akure in 1995. Currently, he is the Dean of School of Sciences, and a member of the Governing Council of the Federal University of Technology, Akure (2010 – 4th of May 2018). His current research is on Mathematical Modeling involving nanofluid, heat and mass transfer. He had successfully supervised 3 Ph.Ds. His email address is okkoriko@futa.edu.ng and phone number is 08033509019.

Download CV: CV_Koriko-Olubode-Kolade_prof.doc

LADOKUN, Olusola is a Professor of Biochemistry in the Faculty of Science, Lead City University, Ibadan. She holds a Ph.D from the University of Ibadan (2004). She was sub-Dean (2005-2014) and Dean of Science (2014 till date). She has served in various leadership positions in her institution and internationally and she is currently a member of the Governing Council. Presently she is working on

developing a patent that will be very effective in combating diabetes. Her Email address is solajp@gmail.com. Her telephone number is +2348034995499.

Download CV: CV_Ladokun-Olusola-Abiola_updated-cv1.docx

LAWAL, Gusau Hassan is a Professor of Organic Chemistry in the Faculty of Science, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto. He holds Ph.D from Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto (2002). He was a Head of Pure Chemistry Unit, Director School of Matriculation Studies (2003-2006) and Dean Faculty of Science (2009-2013). He is a Fellow of Nigerian Institute of Chartered Chemist. His current research is on bio-fuels. His email address is lghassan2002@yahoo.com. His Telephone number is +2348036076965.

Download CV: CV_Hassan-Lawal-Gusau_l.g.-hassan-cv-2017.doc

LAWAL, Olayide Samuel is a Professor of Industrial Chemistry in the Faculty of Science, Federal University Oye-Ekiti, He holds a Ph.D from University of Ibadan (2004). He is currently the Dean, Faculty of Science (2017-date). His current research is on isolation, modification and characterization of biopolymers for value added industrial applications. His email address is olayide.lawal@fuoye.edu.ng. His telephone number +2348100737929.

Download CV: CV_Lawal-Olayide-Samuel_curriculum-vitae-Professor-current.docx

LEYIBO, Clara Igeleke is a Professor of Microbiology in the Faculty of Science, Benson Idahosa University, Benin City. She holds a Ph.D from the University of Benin (2000). She was Dean of Science (2004-2006 and 2012-2013). She is a Fellow of Nigerian Society of Microbiologists, American Society of Microbiologists and Nigerian Society of Plant Protection. Her current research is on plant protection. Her email address is cigeleke@biu.edu.ng. Her telephone number is +2348023396724.

Download CV: CV_IGELEKE-Clara-Leyibo_prof.-clara-cv.docx

LOHDIP, Yilkur is a Professor of Chemistry in the Faculty of Natural Sciences, University of Jos. He holds a Ph.D from the Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria. He was Head of Chemistry (2000 – 2004), Dean of Natural Sciences (2007 – 2012) and Director, Academic Planning, University of Jos (2012 – 2016). He is a Fellow, Chemical Society of Nigeria, Institute of Chartered Chemists of Nigeria and Royal Society of Chemistry (London). His current areas of research are on reaction kinetics and water quality assessment. His email address proflohdip@gmail.com. His telephone number is +2348037000348.

Download CV: CV_Lohdip-Yilkur -Nandul_lohdipcv-2018.doc

LONGE, Olumide Babatope is a Professor of Computer Science (Information Systems/Cyber Security Specialization) in the Faculty of Science, Caleb University, Lagos, Nigeria. He holds a Ph.D in Computer Science from the University of Benin, Benin City, Nigeria. He has held several administrative positions in the University System over the years which include Head of Department, Deanship and Directorship. He is a distinguished Fulbright Fellow, a Google Scholar, a McArthur Scholar and a Fellow of the African Scientific Institute. His research focuses on the application of machine learning and evolution of scalable algorithms to develop systems that address cyber security incidences.

Download CV: CV_LONGE-Olumide-Babatope_nuc-cv-prof.-longe-olumide.doc

LORI, Joseph Anireju is a Professor of Analytical Chemistry in the Faculty of Science and Technology, Bingham University, Karu. He holds a Ph.D from Ahmadu Bello University (1997). He was Head, Chemical Sciences Department (2015 – 2017) and Dean of Science & Technology, Bingham University (2016 – Present). He is Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry. His current research is on the evaluation of pharmaceutical grade starch from Nigerian yam. His email address is joseph.lori@binghamuni.edu.ng. His telephone number is +2348033110268.

Download CV: CV_Lori-Joseph-Anireju_lori-cv-january-2018.doc

MADUSOLUMUO, Michael is a Professor of Biochemistry in the School of Life Sciences, Modibbo Adama University of Technology, Yola. He holds a Ph.D from the University of Jos (1993). He was Acting Dean School of Science and Technology Education (1998), Head of Department of Biochemistry FUT Yola (1998-2003). He is a Fellow of the Nigerian Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and Biotechnology Society of Nigeria. His current research is on molecular interactions and their effects. His email address is madusolumuo@yahoo.com. His telephone number is +2348034363693.

Download CV: CV_MADUSOLUMUO-MICHAEL-AZUBUIKE_profmadusolumuo-ma-cv.doc

MAFIANA, Chiedu Felix is a Professor of Parasitology in the Faculty of Science, National Open University of Nigeria, Abuja, He holds a Ph.D from the University of Benin (1988). He was Director Academic Planning Federal University of Agriculture Abeokuta (2005-2007), Director Quality Assurance (2011-2014) and Deputy Executive Secretary, National Universities Commission (2014-2018). He is a Fellow of the Parasitology and Public Health Society of Nigeria. His current research interest is on the epidemiology of neglected tropical diseases. His email address is chiedu.mafiana@gmail.com. His telephone number is +2348033444595.

Download CV: CV_Mafiana-Chiedu -Felix_mafiana-cfm-cvdoc.docx

MAIGARI, Abubakar Sadiq is a Professor of Sedimentology/Petroleum Geology in the Faculty of Science, Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University, Bauchi. He holds a Ph.D from the same university, (2011). His current research is on sedimentology. His email address is smaigari@atbu.edu.ng/smaigari19@gmail.com/smaigari2@yahoo.com. His telephone number is +2348028544476.

Download CV: CV_Maigari-Abubakar-Sadiq_asm-cv.docx

MAJEED, Qamar is a Professor of Zoology in the Faculty of Science, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto since 1998. He holds Ph.D. from Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, India. He has been the Head of Zoology and Biology units in the Department of Biological Sciences. He is currently the Head of the Department. He is a Fellow of Entomological Society of India and a member of Entomological Society of Nigeria. His email address is qmajeedalig@yahoo.com and his mobile contact number is +2348060654072.

Download CV: CV_MAJEED-QAMAR-_prof-majeed-curriculum-vitae-final.doc

MALGWI, Mohammed Musa is a Professor of Botany in the School of Life Sciences, Modibbo Adama University of Technology, Yola. He holds a Ph.D degree from Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria (1994). He was Dean of School of Pure and Applied Sciences (2001 to 2003; and 2012 to 2015), and Dean, School of Postgraduate Studies (1999 to 2000, and 2015 to date) at the Modibbo University of Technology, Yola. His current research in Chromosome behavior and cropping qualities of some selected Taxon. His e-mail address is mmalgwi@gmail.com. His telephone number is +23466981943.

Download CV: CV_MALGWIMOHAMMED-MUSA_curriculum-vitae-m.-m.-magwi-.docx

MALOMO, Oluwadare is a Professor of Biotechnology specialising in Food product development and processing. He bagged his Ph.D (1982) from University of Reading, UK. He joined Bells University of Technology (2007), as a Senior Lecturer and Acting Head of Food Technology Department. He successfully supervised 4 M.Sc. He later joined Kings University as a Professor of Biotechnology (2017). He is currently the Director of Academic Planning and Quality Assurance. His current research focus is in producing bio-fuels and paper packaging materials from brewers wastes. His email address is: .malomo@kingsuniversity.edu.ng and his telephone number is: +2348034042331.

Download CV: CV_MALOMO-OLUWADARE-_currriculum-vitae-malomo-appraisal-2018-kings-university.docx

MAMZA, Paul is a Professor in the Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Physical Sciences, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria. He is currently the National President of the Polymer Institute of Nigeria. He was the First Deputy Director of the School of Basic and Remedial Studies,(SBRS), A.B.U. Funtua. He is a Fellow of the Polymer Institute of Nigeria, FPIN and the Institute of Chartered Chemists of Nigeria, FICCON. He is currently Supervising about 12 Ph.D Students and successfully graduated 2 as a Major Supervisor. His major area of research interest is Polymer Science and Technology. His current email address is paulmamza@yahoo.com. Tel.No. is +2348037030398.

Download CV: CV_Mamza-Paul-Andrew_nuc-1-prof-paul-mamza.docx

MBOTO, Clement is a Professor of Medical Microbiology in the Faculty of Biological Sciences, University of Calabar. He holds a Ph.D from Kingston University, London (2006). He is a Fellow of Medical laboratory Science Council of Nigeria. Member, American Society for Virology, President Nigerian Society for Virology. He was the acting head Department of Microbiology, University of Calabar (2008-2010). Pioneer head, Department of Microbiology, Federal University Lafia (2013-2014). His Research interest is in viral hepatology and medicinal applications of Nigerian herbs. He has successfully supervised 3 Ph.Ds. His email is cmboto@unical.edu,ng. His phone number is +2348037818412.

Download CV: CV_Mboto-Clement-Ibi_mboto-june-2018-cv.-current.doc

MEJEHA, Ihebrodike Maurice is a Professor of Physics at the Federal University of Technology, Owerri, Imo State Nigeria. He is particularly interested in solid state physics and material science. He is a Fellow of Nigerian Institute of Physics (FNIP), Strategic Institute for Natural and Human Resource Development, (FHRD) and Renewable and Alternative Energy Society of Nigeria,(FRAES). He has successfully supervised 2 Ph.D students.

Download CV: CV_Mejeha-Ihebrodike-Maurice_curriculumvitae-prof.-i.-m.-mejeha.doc

MOHAMMED, Abdulkarim Sabo is a Professor of Enzyme and Food Biotechnology in the Faculty of Science, Federal University, Dutse. He holds a Ph.D from University Putra Malaysia (2006). He was the Head of Biotech Laboratory and Deputy Director Academic Planning. He is currently the Deputy Vice Chancellor Academic services. He is a Fellow of the Malaysian Institute of Food technologist. His current research is on genetic engineering and enzymatic modification of foods. He has successfully

supervised 20 Ph.Ds. His email is abdulkarim@fud.edu.ng. His telephone number is +2347086186694.

Download CV: CV_Mohammed-Abdulkarim-Sabo_updated-cv-Professor-abdulkarim-2018-nuc.docx

MOHAMMED, Abukakar Siddiq is a Professor of Mathematics Education in the College of Pure and Applied Sciences, Kwara State University, Malete. He holds a Ph.D from Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University, Bauchi (2005). He was Dean of Student Affairs (2009 – 2015); Deputy Provost, College of Pure and Applied Sciences (2015 – to date); Director, Academic Staff Development and In-house training (2017 – to date); Chairman, University Price Intelligent Unit (2017 – to date); and Chairman/members of Various Academic and Non-Academic Committees (2009 -to date). He is a member of Mathematical Association of Nigeria. His current research interest covers Mathematics in Secondary and Higher education.

Download CV: CV_Mohammed-Abubakar-Siddiq_current-profsiddiq-cv-edu-.docx

MOHAMMED, Aminu is a Professor of Computer Science in the Faculty of Science, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto. He holds Ph.D from the University of Glasgow (2009). He was Acting Head of Computer Science unit (2010 – 2017) and Chairman, ICT committee Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto (2014 – 2018). He is a Member of Nigerian Computer Society, Academia in Information Technology Profession (AITP) and CPN. His current research is on scheduling, call admission control and performance evaluation of broadband networks. His email address is maminuus@yahoo.com and mohammed.aminu@udusok.edu.ng. His telephone number is +2348066798930.

Download CV: CV_Mohammed-Aminu–_aminu-mohammed-cv-aun-2018.docx

MONAGO-IGHORODJE, Comfort is a Professor of Biochemistry in the Faculty of Science, University of Port Harcourt, Choba. She holds a Ph.D from the University of Nigeria, Nsukka (2004). She was Head of Department of Biochemistry (2008-2010). Her current research is on drug development and disease management. Her email address is comy5000@yahoo.com. Her telephone number is +2348037062692.


MORAH, Frank is a Professor of Chemistry, in the Faculty of Physical Sciences, University of Calabar, Calabar. He holds a Ph.D from University of Ibadan (1982). He was Head of Department 2002 – 2004. He is a Fellow of Institute of Chartered chemist of Nigeria and Chemical Society of Nigeria. His current research, interest is on chemical constituents of Nigeria medicinal plants and their biological activity.

He has successfully supervised 5 Ph.Ds. His email address is franknimorah@yahoo.com. His Telephone number is +2348036745267.

Download CV: CV_Morah-Frank-Nwokedi_prof-morah-cv.doc

MUHAMMAD, Aminu Bayawa is a Professor of Applied & Petroleum Chemistry in the Faculty of Science, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto. He holds a Ph.D from the Newcastle University, UK (2010). He was Director, School of Matriculation Studies (2014-2018) and Coordinator of Central Advance Science Laboratory Complex (2014). He is a Member of the American Chemical Society and Chemical Society of Nigeria. His current research is on naphthenic acids and thermo chemical conversion of biomass into fuels and chemicals. His email address is muhammad.aminu@udusok.edu.ng. His telephone number is +2348030537838

Download CV: CV_Muhammad-Aminu-Bayawa_prof.-a.-b.-muhammad-cv-academic.docx

MUHAMMAD, Sani Gumel is a Professor of Colour/Polymer Chemistry in the Faculty of Physical Sciences, Bayero University, Kano. He holds a Ph.D from Bayero University, Kano (2001). He was a HOD Chemistry, Bayero University, kano (2007-2001), Dean Science (2012-2021), HOD Chemical Sciences (2012-2013), Federal University Kashere, Deputy Director, Quality Assurance, Directorate of Academic Planning Bayero University, Kano (2016) and currently a Dean Physical Sciences Bayero University, Kano (2016-Date) He is a Fellow of Polymer Institute of Nigeria (PIN), Chemical Society of Nigeria (CSN), His current research is on synthesis, characterization and applications reactive dyes. His e-mail address is smgumel.chm@buk.edu.ng, phone number: 08023272315.

Download CV: CV_Muhammad-Sani-Gumel_curriculum-vitae-updated.docx

MUKHTAR fatima batul is a Professor of Plant Physiology in the Faculty of Science, Bayero University Kano. She holds a Ph.D from Bayero University Kano (2001). She was Dean of Science in Northwest University Kano (2012-2015) and Vice-Chancellor of Federal University Dutse (2016-date). Her current research is on food security and growth regulation of cowpea. Her email address is mukhtarfb@yahoo.co.uk. her telephone number is 08033116067.

Download CV: CV_mukhtar-fatima-batul_fatima-cv11.docx

MUOGHALU, Joseph is a Professor of Botany in the Faculty of Science, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife. He holds a Ph.D. from Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife (1989). He was Head of Department (2006-2009), Deputy Provost, Postgraduate College (2009-2011) and Acting Provost, Postgraduate

College (2009). His current research areas are on forest dynamics and functioning and invasive plant species. He has successfully supervised 3 and currently supervising 4 Ph.Ds. His email address is jmuoghal@yahoo.com. His telephone number is +23408062698367.

Download CV: CV_Muoghalu-Joseph-Ikechukwu_my-curriculum-vitae.doc

MUSA, Abubakar Ohinoyi is a Professor of Physics in the Department of Physics, Faculty of Physical Sciences, Bayero University, Kano. He holds a Ph.D Degree from University of Ilorin (1997). He was Head of Department of Physics, Bayero University, Kano (1998 – 2003). He is a member of the Nigerian Institute of Physics. His current research is in the area of fabrication and characterization of cds based hetero-junction solar cells. His email address is aomusa.phy@buk.edu.ng and his telephone number is +2348037190516.

Download CV: CV_Musa-Abubakar-Ohinoyi_cv-final-aom.doc

MUSTAPHA Abdullahi is a Professor of Inorganic Chemistry in the Department of Chemistry, Federal University Dutse. He holds a Ph.D from the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow (2008). He was Dean Faculty of Science (2009-2010). He was pioneer Head of Department Federal University Dutse (2012-2016), pioneer Director of Consultancy services Federal University Dutse. He is a member Royal Society of Chemistry, Chemical Society of Nigeria, Institute of Chartered Chemist Nigeria, Chair Jigawa State Chapter of the Chemical Society of Nigeria. His area of research is synthesis of bioinorganic molecules and coordination compounds. email:abdullahi.mustapha@fud.edu.ng Phone number: +234(0)7068741150.

Download CV: CV_Mustapha-Abdullahi-_curriculum-vitae-nuc.docx

MUSTAPHA, Yahaya is a Professor of Plant Biology in the Faculty of Life Science, Bayero University, Kano. He holds a Ph.D from Bayero University, Kano (2006). He was the Head of Department, Biological Sciences Dept., BUK. (2007-2012), Deputy Director Training and Consultancy, Center for Biotechnology Research (2013-2015), Deputy Dean School of Postgraduate Studies(2016 2017) and currently the Dean, School of General and Entrepreneurship Studies. He has successfully supervised 4 Ph.D’s. His email address is ymustapha116@gmail.com. His telephone number is 08023106860.

Download CV: CV_Mustapha-Yahaya-_resume-wizar1.doc

NDAHI, Naomi is a Professor of Inorganic Chemistry in the Faculty of Science, University of Maiduguri, Maiduguri. She holds a Ph.D from the University of Ibadan (2002). She is a Fellow of the Chemical Society of Nigeria and also a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Chemist of Nigeria. She has successfully supervised 3 Ph.Ds. Her email address is ndahinaomi@yahoo.co.uk. Her telephone number is +234802355281.

Download CV: CV_Ndahi-Naomi-Piyinkir_curriculum-vitae-8.docx

NDANA, Rebeccah is a Professor of Plant Nematology in the Faculty of Science, University of Abuja. She holds a Ph.D from the same university. She was Dean of Science (Jan-Aug, 2014), Director School of Remedial Studies (Nov 2009- Jan 2014). She was Head of Department, Biological Sciences (June 2008-Nov 2009). Her current core research interest is search for phyto alternatives to the control of nematodes and other plant pathogens and pests, phytomedicine and environmental studies. His email is beckyndana@yahoo.com and phone number is +2348055325031.

Download CV: CV_NDANA-REBECCAH-WUSA_ndana-r.docx

NDOME, Christopher is a Professor of Zoology and Environmental Biology in the Faculty of Biological Sciences, University of Calabar. He holds a Ph.D from the University of Calabar (1999). He was the head of department of Zoology (2005-2007). He is a member of many Scientific associations, FISON,NES, FBA London. His current research is on heavy metals and total hydrocarbon pollution of water bodies in the Niger delta. He has successfully supervised 10 Ph.Ds, some are already Professors. His email address is cndome@gmail.com. His telephone number is +2348034066475.

Download CV: CV_Ndome-Christopher-Bassey_resume.-march-2018.docx

NDUKA, Ethelbert is a Professor of Statistics in the Faculty of Science, University of Port Harcourt with effect from 2005. He holds a Ph.D from the University of Ibadan (1994). He was Dean of Science (2008-2010) and Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Administration (2011-2015) of University of Port Harcourt. He is a Fellow of Nigerian Statistical Association. His current research interest is on modeling in biometric studies, outliers/missing values in regression analysis. His email address is ethelbert.nduka@uniport.edu.ng.

Download CV: CV_Nduka-Ethelbert-Chinaka_ecncv1.docx

NDUKA, Florence is a Professor of Parasitology in the Department of Animal and Environmental Biology, Faculty of Science, University of Port Harcourt. She holds a Ph.D from the University of Nigeria Nsukka (1986). She was Head of Department (2000-2003), Director of SIWES (2003-2005) and Director Academic Planning (2005-2010). Her current research is on malaria in pregnancy and mapping of

neglected tropical diseases (NTDs). She is a Consultant to the Federal Ministry of Health on NTDs. She has successfully supervised 8 Ph.Ds. Her email address is florence.nduka@uniport.edu.ng and telephone number +2348033107502.

Download CV: CV_NDUKA-FLORENCE-ONYEMACHI_prof.-mrsnduka-s-cv-1-.doc

NDUKA, John is a Professor of Chemistry in the Faculty of Physical Sciences, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka. He holds a Ph.D from the same university in 2009. He is currently the Head of Department of Chemistry. His current research is on use of solid waste as oil spill cleanup and risk assessment of toxic substances in the environment. His email is johnnduka2000@yahoo.co.uk and phone number is +2347039541583.

Download CV: CV_NDUKA-JOHN-KANAYOCHUKWU_updated-cv-5-1-.docx

NDUKWU, Benjamin is Professor of Plant Science & Biotechnology in the Faculty of Science, University of Port Harcourt. He holds a Ph.D from the same university (1994). He was Head of Department (2003-2005); Director, ISLT (2005-2010); RCBDC (2010-2011), Dean (2013-2015); Director, INRES (2016-date). His current research interest is on biodiversity conservation, phytomedicine and bioremediation of contaminated sites. He has supervised 6 Ph.Ds. His email addresses are: benjamin.ndukwu@unport.edu.ng; benjamin.ndukwu@gmail.com; PHONE +234 803 671 2097.

Download CV: CV_NDUKWU-BENJAMIN-CHINYEM_ndukwu-benjamin-prof-cv-2017.doc

NGANJE, Therese is a Professor of Geology with research interest in Environmental and Petroleum Geochemistry in the Faculty of Physical Science, University of Calabar, Calabar. She holds a Ph.D from the University of Calabar in 2003 and she was the first female Professor of Geology in her University. She was Head of Department (2010 – 2012). She is a Fellow of the Commonwealth (NGCF –2009-154). Her current research is on environmental and human health risk assessment of potentially toxic elements and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. She has successfully supervised 1 Ph.D. Her email is therese_nganje@yahoo.com. Her telephone number is +2348037063690.

Download CV: CV_Nganje-Therese-Ntonzi_cv-of-therese-nganje.doc-updated.doc

NGWAI, Yakubu is a Professor of Pharmaceutical Microbiology in the Faculty of Natural and Applied Sciences, Nasarawa State University, Keffi. He holds a Ph.D from the Tokyo University of agriculture and Technology in Japan (2004). He was HOD (2007; 2010-2011), Dean (2011-2014) and Deputy Vice Chancellor, Administration of Nasarawa State University, Keffi (2014-2016). He is a Fellow of the Strategic Institute for Natural Resources and Human Development. His current research is on Antimicrobial Drug Resistance and Pharmaceutical Biotechnology.  His email address is ngwaiyb@yahoo.com. His telephone number is +2348039191840. Download CV: CV_Ngwai-Yakubu-Boyi_profngwaicv.doc

NJA, Mbe is a Professor of Statistics in the Faculty of Physical Science, University of Calabar, Calabar. He holds a Ph.D from the University of Ibadan (2007). He was Head, Department of Mathematics, Cross River University of Technology and Federal University, Lafia. He was Dean of Science (2007-2009), Director of Academic Planning (2009-2012), Member, Governing Councils, CRUTECH (2008-2012), Federal University Lafia (2015-2016) and Member, Academic Board, National Mathematical Centre, Abuja. He is a Fellow, Royal Statistical Society, London. His current research is on central composite designs. His email address is nja@unical.edu.ng. His telephone number is +2347036507635. Download CV: CV_Nja-Mbe-Egom_prof.-m.-e.-nja-scv.doc

NKANG, Ani Essien is a Professor of Botany in the Faculty of Biological Sciences, University of Calabar. Prof. Nkang is presently the Acting Vice-Chancellor at Arthur Jarvis University, Calabar, Cross River State. He holds a Ph.D from the University of Queensland, Australia (1986). He is a Fellow of the Nigerian Environmental Society. His current research focus is in the development of biodiversity and sustainable forest management activities for Nigeria’s lowland rainforest ecozone. His email address is profaninkang@yahoo.com. His telephone number is +234 8033829629.

Download CV: CV_Nkang-Ani-Essien_nuc-cv-Professor-ani-essien-nkang.doc

SHEHU, Kashimu holds a Ph.D from Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto (2008). He has published 82 scholarly articles in peer reviewed journals and supervised 5 Ph.D thesis, 44 Master Dissertations in the fields of Plant Pathology, Mycology, Biotechnology and Environment. He was Head of Department (2014-2016) and currently a Director of Student’s Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES) at Federal University Birnin kebbi, Kebbi in addition to many Committees he is chairing. He is a member of many professional organizations including BOSON, NSPP, BSN, SPAN, MSN and MYCOSON.

Download CV: CV_Shehu-Kasimu-_prof.-k.-shehu-c-v.doc

NUR, Mohamed Ahmed is a Professor of Geophysics in the School of Physical Sciences, Modibbo Adama University of Technology, Yola. He holds Ph.D in Applied Geophysics from the Rivers State University of Science and Technology, Port Harcourt, Nigeria (1995). He had Supervised 5 Ph.D students. His email: anur@mautech.edu.ng.

Download CV: CV_Nur Mohamed -Ahmed -_prof-nurcv2018.docx

NWAUGO, Victor Oluoha is a Professor of Microbiology in the Faculty of Biological & Physical Sciences, Abia State University, Uturu. He holds a Ph.D from Abia State University, Uturu (1998) He was HOD (2004-2006) Dean (2014-2015) and currently Director, Research & Publications. He is a Fellow of Nigerian Society for Microbiology and has delivered his Inaugural lecture. His current research is on heavy metal pollution and the bioremediation including water bio coagulation. His email is vonwaugo@yahoo.com and phone number is +2348063494654.

Download CV: CV_Nwaugo-Victor-Oluoha_prof.-v.-o.-nwaugo-absu-uturu-cv.doc

NWINYI, Obinna Chukwuemeka is a Professor of Microbiology in the Department of Biological Sciences, Covenant University. He holds a Ph.D in Microbiology. He is currently the Deputy-director, Centre for Research, Innovation and Discovery (CUCRID). He is a member of the Institute of Public Analysts of Nigeria (IPAN) and Nigeria Institute of Food Science and Technology (NIFST) and Nigerian young Academy (NYA). His current areas of research include: Biodegradation of organic pollutants, Development of Microbial plastics and public health research in food and drugs synthesis from organic sources. .His email address is obinna.nwinyi@covenantuniversity.edu.ng; nwinyiobinna@gmail.com. His telephone number is +2348037027786.

Download CV: CV_Nwinyi-Obinna-Chukwuemeka_curriculum-vitaenwinyinuc.docx

NWOBI, Felix N is a Professor of Statistics in the Faculty of Science, Imo State University, Owerri. He holds a Ph.D in Applied Mathematics from the University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, South Africa (2012). He was HOD of Mathematics/Statistics (2002 – 2011) and HOD Statistics (2012 – date). He is member of the Nigerian Statistical Association, Nigerian Mathematical Society, American Statistical Association and the Optimization Research Society of Nigerian. His research interests are on statistical modeling, mathematical finance and optimal designs. His contacts are: fnnwobi@yahoo.co.uk; +234(0)8037169173.

Download CV: CV_NWOBI-Felix-Noyanim_Professor-felix-noyanim-nwobicv.doc

NWOKOYE, Anthony is a Professor of Electronics and Energy Resources in the Faculty of Physical Sciences, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka. He holds a Ph.D from the same university, (2008). He was Dean of Physical Sciences (2013 – 2016). He is a Fellow of Solar Energy Society of Nigeria, Institute of Industrial Administration and Institute of Corporate Administration of Nigeria. His current research is on three phase inverters, microcontroller low voltage switch, effects of solar parameters, predicting monthly solar radiation. His email address is ositonyk@yahoo.com. His telephone number is +23408101170005. Download CV: CV_Nwokoye-Anthony-Osita_anthonynwokoye-updated-june-2018.docx

NWUBA, Roseangela is a Professor in the Faculty of Science, University of Medical Sciences, Ondo. She holds a Ph.D in Cellular and Molecular Parasitology from the University of Ibadan (1998). She is the Head of Department of Biological Sciences (2015 – date) and Director, Centre for Continuous Education (2018). Her current research focus is on parasite epidemiology, immunology and genetics, and more recently on cancer genetics. Her e-mail address is rnwuba@yahoo.com / rnwuba@unimed.edu.ng and her phone numbers are +2348083004080 and +23408033715621.

Download CV: CV_Nwuba-Roseangela-Ifeyinwa_rin-cv-018.doc

NWUFO, Bethrand is a Professor of Industrial & Polymer Chemistry in the Faculty of Natural Sciences, University of Jos. He holds a Ph.D from University of Jos (1990).He was the Deputy Dean of Faculty of Science(1998-2001), member of the Governing Council from Senate(2005-2010),Project Manager, University of Jos Science & Technology Education Post-Posted Project(Step B),(2008-2010), Deputy Vice Chancellor(Acad) (2006-2010). He is a Fellow of the Polymer Institute of Nigeria (FPIN); Institute of Chartered Chemists of Nigeria, (FICCON). His research interests are in polymer modifications and slow or controlled release technologies. He has successfully supervised 3 Ph.D.

Download CV: CV_Nwufo-Bethrand -Tabugbo_curric-vitae-bt-nwufo.doc

NZEH, Chioma (Mrs) is a Professor of Zoology in the Faculty of Life Sciences, University of Ilorin. Ilorin. She holds a Ph.D from the University of Ibadan(1989). She has been Ag. Head of Department(2008/2009) and Ag. Director of Student Industrial Work Experience Scheme(SIWES)(20010-2012).Her current research is on genomics and aquatic biodiversity. She has successfully supervised 2Ph.Ds. Her email address is c.g.nzeh@gmail.com and cgnzeh@unilorin.edu.ng. Her mobile number is +2348037261108.

Download CV: CV_Nzeh-Gladys-Chioma_curriculum-vitae-profchioma-2016-latest.doc

OBAJE, Nuhu George is a Professor of Geology and currently Director of the University Research Centre, Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida University Lapai. He holds Ph.D. Geology from the University of Tuebingen in Germany in 1994. He has held several postdoctoral Fellowships including the Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship tenured at the Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources in Hannover Germany. He held research tenures with Chevron Nigeria Limited, Lagos, and the Shell Petroleum Development Company of Nigeria Limited in Port Harcourt. He has consulted and still consulting for the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation on the company exploration programme in the frontier basins.

Download CV: CV_Obaje-Nuhu-George_cv-prof-obaje-2018-ibbu-for-nucportal.docx

OBI, Gabriel is a Professor of Mathematical and Physical Sciences in the College of Science, Afe Babalola University, Ado Ekiti. He holds a Ph.D from Cornell University Ithaca NY USA (1974). He is Head of Department of the Mathematical and Physical Sciences Department. His current research is on cyber security – cryptography. His email address is obi.gmm@abuad.edu.ng. His telephone number is +2348033105421.

Download CV: CV_OBI-GABRIEL-MICHAEL_fullcv-03-2018-nuc.docx

OBI, Gordian Chuks is a Professor of Geology in the Faculty of Physical Sciences, Chukwuemeka Odumegwu-Ojukwu University, Anambra State. He holds a Ph.D from the University of Nigeria Nsukka (2000). He was Dean of Science (2008-2010; 2014-2016) and has chaired several Council and Management Committees of the University. He is a member of the NMGS, NAPE, SPE, SEPM and IAS. His current research interest is on the sedimentology and economic potentials of sand deposits in South East Nigeria. His email address is gc.obi@coou.edu.ng and his mobile contact is +2358037038557.

Download CV: CV_Obi-Gordian-Chuks_obi-cv-2017-nuc.doc

OBILADE, Titi is a Professor of Mathematical Statistics in the Mathematics Department, Obafemi Awolowo University. He holds a Ph.D from Trinity College Dublin, Ireland. He is a Fellow of the Royal Statistics Society. He was Vice-Dean and a former council member of the National Mathematical Centre. He has supervised 4 Ph.Ds.

Download CV: CV_OBILADE-TITILOLA-OLAKUNJO_cv-june-2017.doc

OBIUKWU, Charles is a Professor of Microbiology in the Faculty of Science, Imo State University, Owerri. He holds a Ph.D from the University of Port Harcourt (2000). He was the HOD of Microbiology (2006 – 2009) and the executive assistant to the Vice- Chancellor, EAVC (2009 – 2010). He is a Fellow of the Institute of Corporate Administration of Nigeria (FICAN). His current research is on enzyme activity and microbial population dynamics of the rhizosphere region of some Nigerian medicinal plants. His email address is aerohaccs@gmail.com. His telephone number is +2347064565620.

Download CV: CV_OBIUKWU-CHARLES-EMEKA_prof.-obiukwu-charles-s-cv.docx

OBUTE, Gordian is a Professor of Cytogenetics and Biosystematics in the Faculty of Science, University of Port Harcourt. He holds a Ph.D from the University of Lagos (1995). He was Head of Department (2012 -2014), Associate Dean (2010-2012), Director of Centre (2014-2016) and currently Dean of Faculty of Science. His current research is on application of biotechnological tools in management of bioresources. His email address is gordian.obute@uniport.edu.ng. His

telephone number is +234 8037109367.

Download CV: CV_Obute-Gordian-Chibuzo_prof-obutecurriculum-vitae-bbbb.doc

OCHOR, Franic is a Professor of Mathematics in the Faculty of Physical Sciences, University of Nigeria, Nsukka. He was Head of Department (2001-2003, 2009-2010, 2012-2013). He is a Fellow of the Nigerian Mathematical Society. His current research is on nonlinear functional analysis with applications to differential equations. His email address is franic.ochor@unn.edu.ng His telephone number is +2348035603215.

Download CV: CV_Ochor-Franic-Ikechukwu_curriculum-vitae3.docx

ODEBUNMI, Ezekiel is a Professor of Physical Chemistry in the Faculty of Physical Sciences, University of Ilorin. He holds a Ph.D from Princeton University, USA (1982). He was Sub-Dean Faculty of Science (1995-1999), Head of Chemistry Department (2005-2008) and Chairman Computer Based Tests (2012-2015. He is a Fellow of the Chemical Society of Nigeria (FCSN) and Institute of Chartered Chemists of Nigeria. His current research studies are on photo-catalytic degradation of dyes and remediation of heavy metal Ions using chemically modified natural clays. His email address is yibaf01@yahoo.com. His telephone number is +2348035951353.

Download CV: CV_ODEBUNMI-EZEKIEL-OLUYEMI_odebunmi-e.o.cv-2018-mar-2018.docx

ODIBO, Frederick is a Professor of Microbiology in the Faculty of Biosciences, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka. He holds a Ph.D from the University of Nigeria (1987). He was Dean of Natural Sciences (2002-2004), Biosciences (2010-2012) and Director, Academic Planning, Nnamdi Azikiwe University (2014 till date). He is a Fellow of Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, and Fellow, Nigerian Society for Microbiology. his current research is on microbial enzymes He has supervised 18 Ph.Ds. His

email address is profodibo@yahoo.com. His telephone number is +2348037790718.

Download CV: CV_Odibo-Frederick-John Chidi_prof.-odibo-resume-correct.docx

ODOKUMA, Lucky is Professor of Microbiology in the Faculty of Science, University of Port Harcourt. He holds a Ph.D from the same university (1991). He was the Acting Head of Department (2001-2003), Director, Science Laboratory Technology, (2003-2005) and Head, Department of Microbiology (2014-2016). He is a member of the Nigerian Society for Microbiology. His current research interests are ecotoxicology and biological monitoring. He has successfully supervised 10 Ph.Ds. His email is luckyodokuma@yahoo.co.in. His Telephone number is +2349054443551.

Download CV: CV_ODOKUMA-LUCKY-OBUKOWHO_cv-odokuma.docx

ODUNOLA, Segun is a Professor of Chemistry in the Faculty of Natural and Applied Sciences of Hallmark University, Ijebu-Itele, Ogun State. He was Dean of Sciences at Ladoke Akintola University of Technology (2004-4008) and Chairman, Committee of Deans (2006-2008). He holds a Ph.D of University of Ibadan. He has served as Rector, the Polytechnic, Ibadan (2010-2012) and currently the Vice Chancellor of Hallmark University (2015- till date). His current research is on coordination chemistry of elements and modeling of nanoparticles suitable for electronic applications. His email is odunola@yahoo.com and Telephone, 2348033955100.

Download CV: CV_ODUNOLA-OLUSEGUN-AYOBAMI_prof.-odunola-cv.doc

OGALI, Regina Enyidia is a Professor of Organic/Pharmaceutical Chemistry in the Faculty of Science, University of Port Harcourt, Port Harcourt. She holds a Ph.D from King’s College, University of London (1989). She was Dean, School of Graduate Studies (2015-2017) and currently, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Administration) of the University. She is a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Chemists of Nigeria. Her current research is on bio-fuel production from inedible biomass and natural products of medicinal interest. Her email address is: regina.ogali@uniport.edu.ng. Her mobile phone number is: +2348033402086.

Download CV: CV_OGALI-REGINA-ENYIDIA_prof-r.-e.-ogali-cv-2.docx

OGBEIFUN, David is a Professor of Material Science with specialisation in polymer. He holds a Ph.D from the University of Benin. He has supervised 2 Ph.D and currently working on the preparation of new polymer materials that can help the soil in retaining water. He is currently the Director of Servicom in the university.

Download CV: CV_Ogbeifun-David-Ehioghilen_ogwa2.doc

OGENEH, Bryan is a Professor of Medical Virology in the Faculty of Science, Federal University Oye-Ekiti. He holds a Ph.D from Enugu State University (2001). He was a Provost and Deputy Provost in UNN, College of Medicine (2008-2010). He is the current HOD, Department of Microbiology, Federal University Oye-Ekiti. His current research focus on the roles of microorganisms in climate change. His email address is Bryan.Ogeneh@Gmail.com. Tel: 08068528795.

Download CV: CV_Ogeneh -Bryan -Okonya _cv-final-corrected.doc

OGUNDARE, Ayodele is a Professor of Microbiology in School of Sciences, The Federal University of Technology, Akure, Nigeria. She holds a Ph.D from the same university. She is currently the Postgraduate Coordinator representing the Department on Postgraduate matters at the Postgraduate School. Her research area is on phytomedicine, identifying pyhtochemical compounds responsible for the antimicrobial activities of plants, especially indigenous ones. Her email is ayodeleogundare@yahoo.com.

Download CV: CV_Ogundare-Ayodele-Oluwayemisi_curriculumvitae-prof.-mrs-a.-o.-ogundare-futa.docx

OGUNFIDITIMI, Franklin Olusodayo is a Professor of Computational Mathematics / Numerical Analysis in the Faculty of Science, University of Abuja. He holds a Ph.D from Federal University of Technology, Minna (2004). He was head of Mathematics Department (2009-2014) and Deputy Dean of Science (2014-2016) at University of Abuja. His current research is on modeling and solution of Partial Differential Equations. He is currently supervising 3 Ph.D candidates, 2 of whom at final stages. His email address is franklin.ogunfiditimi@unibuja.edu.ng . His telephone number is +2348033146966.

Download CV: CV_OGUNFIDITIMI -FRANKLIN-OLUSODAYO_curric-vitae2018-a.docx

OGUNLADE, Ibiyinka is a Professor of Food Chemistry in the Faculty of Science, Ekiti State University. She holds a Ph.D in 1992 and PGDE in 1995 at Obafemi Awolowo University. She was Head of Department of Chemistry 2005-2007; Director Institute Science Laboratory Technology 2019-2013, Deputy Vice Chancellor 2014-2016. She is a Fellow of Institute of Chartered Chemists of Nigeria (ICCON). Her current research is on Antioxidant Capacities and Potential Health benefits of indigenous Food plants and Biowastes. She has supervised 2 PH.D. Her email address is yinkaogunlade1@gmail.com Her telephone number is +2347032378418.

Download CV: CV_OGUNLADE-Ibiyinka-_curriculum-vitae-mummy-cv.docx

OGWUELEKA, Francisca Nonyelum is a Professor of Computer Science in the Faculty of Science, Nigerian Defence Academy, Kaduna. She holds a Ph.D from Nnamdi Azikiwe University,(2008). She was the Head of Department of Computer Science (2012-2015) and Director of ICT (2012-2014). She is the Dean of Military Science and Interdisciplinary Studies (2017 to date). She is a member of Computer Professionals Registration Council of Nigeria (CPN), Nigerian Computer Society (NCS), and Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). Her current research is on Big Data and Cyber Security.  She has successfully supervised 2 Ph.Ds. Her email address is ogwuelekafn@gmail.com. Her telephone number is +2347035653127.

Download CV: CV_OGWUELEKA-FRANCISCA-NONYELUM_proffrancisca-nonyelum-ogwueleka-nda.docx

OHAZURIKE, Nathaniel Chukwu is a Professor of Plant Pathology at Imo State University. He holds a Ph.D degree from University of Port Harcourt (1994) and undergraduate studies at University of Ibadan. He was Head Department of Crop Science and Biotechnology (2001 – 2007), Dean School of Post Graduate Studies (2007 – 2009), Dean Faculty of Agriculture (2009 – 2014), and Director of Academic Planning (2014 – date). He is a member of Nigerian Society for Plant Protection and Botanical Society of Nigeria. His research thrust is on Host Pathogen interaction and Bio-pesticides. Email: ohazurikenath@gmail.com; Phone number: +2348033370061.

Download CV: CV_OHAZURIKENATHANIEL-CHUKWU_cv-prof.-nath.-c.-ohazurike-latest-updated-copy2017-18.docx

OJIAKO, Okey Alphonsus is a Professor of Biochemistry in the School of Biological Sciences, Federal University of Technology, Owerri. He holds a Ph.D from the Federal University of Technology Owerri and has held various positions in his university from HOD to Directorship. His current research interest is medicinal plants and functional foods. His email address is okeyojiakor@gmail.com while his phone number is +2348032637607.

Download CV: CV_Ojiako-Okey-Alphonsus_cv-current-.doc

OJOKOH, Anthony is a Professor in the Department of Microbiology of the Federal University of Technology, Akure, Nigeria. He holds a PhD from the Federal University of Technology, Akure. His current research is on Fermentation, Extrusion and Food Biotechnology. He has visited the Institute of Food Processing, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing, China for research. He is a Member of The Society of Industrial Microbiology (SIM), USA, Nigerian Society of Microbiology (NSM), Biotechnology Society of Nigeria (BSN) and Association of Industrial Microbiologists of Nigeria. His email address is tonyojokoh@yahoo.com. His telephone number is +2348036225977.

Download CV: CV_Ojokoh-Anthony-Okhonlaye_ojokoh-cv-2018.doc

OKAFOR, Nduka is Emeritus Professor of Industrial Microbiology, Godfrey Okoye University, Enugu. Holds Ph.D from Cambridge University England (1965). Provost, Awka Campus, Anambra State Univ. (1981 -86).He is the Dean of Science, Caritas University, Enugu. Fellow, Nigeria Academy of Science (FAS).Current research: microbiology of Nigerian foods. email address is okafornduka@gmail.com. Phone: +2348034550325.

Download CV: CV_Okafor-Nduka-_publications-of-emeritus-prof-nduka-okafor.doc

OKAFOR, Polycarp is a Professor of Biochemistry in the College of Natural Sciences, Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike. He holds a Ph.D from University of Ibadan (2004). He was Head of Department of Biochemistry (2008 -2012) and Director of Academic Planning (2014 – 2017). His current research is on Biochemical toxicology. His email address is pnokafor@yahoo.com. His phone number is +2348034990583.

Download CV: CV_OKAFORPOLYCARP-NNACHETA_cv-prof.-okafor.doc

OKE, Christopher is a Professor of Zoology, Faculty of Life Sciences, University of Benin. He holds a Ph.D from the University of Lagos (1994). His current research is on molluscan diversity and ecology. He has studied several ecosystems in Nigeria. He is a member of Unitas Malacologica, Dutch Malacological Society and Network of the giant African Land Snail (NetGALS). His email address is chrisoke@uniben.edu. His telephone number is +2348023296283.

Download CV: CV_Oke-Omamoke-Christopher_cv-chris-uniben.docx

OKE, Olubode is a Professor of Entomology in the College of Biological Sciences, Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta. He holds a Ph.D from the University of Ibadan (1990). His email is olubodeoke@yahoo.com. His telephone number is 07035432641

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OKECHUKWU, Rosita is a Professor of Environmental Health Biology in the School of Biological Sciences, Federal University of Technology, Owerri. She holds a Ph.D from the Federal University of Technology (2008). She was Head of Department of Biology (2012-2016) Her current research is on insecticidal residue screening of solanum spp. (African eggplant) in some selected markets in Abuja. Her email address is ijerosy@gmail.com. Her Telephone Number is +2348037882311.

Download CV: CV_OKECHUKWU-ROSITA-IJEOMA_curriculum-vitae.docx

OKIKE, Benjamin is a Professor of Computer Science with emphasis on Cybersecurity in Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Science, University of Abuja, Nigeria. He was a Visiting Lecturer to the Department of Computer Science, University of Ghana (2013 -2014). He was a Head of Department of Computer Science (2014-2016). He was a Researcher on Cybersecurity at Fayetteville State University, North Carolina, United States (2016-2017). Presently, he is the Deputy Director Learners’ Support Service, Centre for Distance Learning and Continuing Education, University of Abuja. His email address is okikeb@yahoo.com and phone number is +2347034595597.

Download CV: CV_Okike-Benjamin-_current-curriculum-vitae-2017.doc

OKORO, Chuma Conlette is a Professor of Environmental Microbiology in the Faculty of Science, Alex Ekwueme Federal University, Ndufu-ALike. He holds a Ph.D. degree from the university of Lagos. His current research interest is on bioremediation of heavy metals and carcinogenic organic contaminants in soil and ground water. He is currently in collaboration with University of Calgary, Canada and University of TENNESSEE, USA.

Download CV: CV_OKORO-CHUMA-CONLETTE_most-current-cv-of-prof.-chuma-okoro-2018.doc

OKORO, Uchechukwu is a Professor of Chemistry in the Faculty of Physical Sciences, University of Nigeria, Nsukka. He holds a Ph.D from the University of Nigeria (1989).He was the Head of Department of Pure and Industrial Chemistry (2005-2017 & 2016 -date), Associate Dean of Physical Sciences (2016-date) and Hon. Commissioner, Ministry of Education, Enugu State (2013-2015). He is a Fellow Chemical Society of Nigeria, and Rocana Institute of Technology. His Research is on the synthesis of dipeptides of pharceutical interests and fabrication of Nanomatertials for energy storage and pollution control. His email is uchechukwu.okoro@unn.edu.ng. His phone number is +2348038995403.

Download CV: CV_Okoro-Uchechukwu-Chris_cv-3.doc

OKOYE, Ifedi is a Professor of Petroleum Chemistry in the Faculty of Science, University of Port Harcourt. He holds a Ph.D from University of Manchester (1989). His current research is on catalyst synthesis and reactions, adsorption dynamics and simulation studies.

Download CV: CV_Okoye-Ifedi-Peter_dr-i-p-okoye-curr-vitae.doc

OKUJAGU, Charity is a Professor of Applied Physics (Solar Energy) in the Faculty of Science in the University of Port Harcourt. She holds a Ph.D from the University of Nigeria Nsukka 1992. She was Deputy Provost College of Natural and Applied Sciences (2012-2014), Associate Dean Faculty of Science (2014-2016) University of Port Harcourt. She is a Fellow of the Nigerian Institute of Physics and Solar Society of Nigeria. Her current research is on critical frequency of the F2 layer of the ionosphere for communication. She has successfully supervised four Ph.Ds. Her email address is charity.okujagu@gmail.com and her phone number is 08033099999.

Download CV: CV_Okujagu-Charity-Ukpok-Awaji_curriculum-vitae-charity-u-okujagu.docx

OKUNGBOWA, Francisca is a Professor of Mycology/ Plant Pathology and Fungal Biotechnology in the University of Benin, Benin City. She holds a Ph.D from the University of Benin (2001). She was Coordinator of Postgraduate programme in her Department (2007-2010). She is a member of the Botanical, Mycological, Biotechnology Societies of Nigeria, African Mycological Association and International Mycological Association. Her current research is Application of endophytic fungi in biocontrol of plant pathogens and in herbal medicine. Her email address is francisca.okungbowa@uniben.edu. Her telephone number is +2348055376204.

Download CV: CV_Okungbowa-Francisca-Iziegbe_okungbowa-francisca-cv-for-nuc.doc

OKUO, James is a Professor of Chemistry in the Faculty of Physical Sciences, University of Benin, Beni City. He holds a Ph.D from the University of Benin (2004). He was Head of Department of Chemistry (2015-2018), University of Benin and Dean of Science, Federal University, Oye-Ekiti (2012.2013). He is a member of Chemical Society of Nigeria and Institute of Chartered Chemist of Nigeria. His current research is on nanoparticles and carbon sequestration. His email address is james.okuo@uniben.edu. His telephone number is +2348023612533.

Download CV: CV_OKUO-James-Majebi_okuo-cv-updated-Professor-unizik-recent-4-2.doc

OLADIJI, Adenike is a Professor of Biochemistry, Faculty of Life Sciences, University of Ilorin. She holds a Ph.D from University of Ilorin (1997). She was Director, Central Research Laboratories (2016-2018); Director, Centre for Research Development and Inhouse training (2012-2016), Head of Department (2008-2010), Sub Dean, Faculty of Science (2004-2007). She is a Fellow of Nigeria Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. Her current research is in Nutrition and Health as well as phytonutrients and phytotherapy. Her email address is toladiji@unilorin.edu.ng. Her telephone number is +2348033736996.

Download CV: CV_OLADIJIADENIKE-TEMIDAYO_oladiji-prof.-cv-general.doc

OLADIMEJI, Matthew Oyedokun is a Professor of Chemistry in the College of Natural and Applied Sciences, Achievers University, Owo. He holds a Ph.D from the University of Glasgow (1983). He was Dean of College of Natural and Applied Sciences (2014-2016). He is a Fellow of Institute of Policy Management Development. His current research is on investigation of essential oils for potato, sprout suppression. His Email address is oyedokunoladimeji67@gmail.com. His Telephone Numbers IS +2348035927143.


OLAITAN, Janet is a Professor of Microbiology in the Faculty of Basic and Applied Sciences, Osun State University, Osogbo. She holds a Ph.D from the University of Ibadan (2005). She was the Acting Head of Department of Biological Sciences (2009-2011), Acting Dean of Student Affairs (2011-2013), Dean, Faculty of Basic and Applied Sciences (2015 -2017), Provost of College of Science, Technology and Applied Sciences (2015 -2017) and Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Admin. and Dev.) of Osun State University (2017- till Date). Her current research is on environmental and public health microbiology. Her email is bukolaitan@gmail.com. Her telephone number is +2348035882183.

Download CV: CV_OLAITANJANET-OLUBUKOLA_cv-olaitan1.doc

OLAJUWO, Bakai Ishola is a Professor at the Department of Mathematics, Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Ogun State, Nigeria. He was the Acting Head, Department of Mathematics, Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria. His email address is ishola1@gmail.com and his phone number is +2348033791102.

Download CV: CV_OLAJUWON-BAKAI-ISHOLA_curriculum-vitae-word112.docx

OLALEYE, Mary T. is a Professor of Biochemistry in the Department of Biochemistry, Federal University of Technology, Akure where she currently serves as the Head of Department. She obtained her Ph.D in 2004. She focuses on investigating into the pharmacology/toxicology of natural products in the treatment of cardiovascular, neurodegenerative diseases and other disease-conditions associated with nephrotoxicity. She has successfully supervised 6 Ph.D. Her email address is mtolaleye@futa.edu.ng.

Download CV: CV_Olaleye-Mary-Tolulope_cv-olaleye-mt-doc.doc

OLASEHINDE, Peter is a Professor of Applied Geophysics in the Faculty of Physical Sciences University of Ilorin. He holds a Ph.D from University of Ilorin (1991). He was Head of Department of Geology at Federal University of Technology Minna (2009-2012) and University of Ilorin (2016-2018). His current research is on selecting suitable geothermal energy sites in Nigeria. He is a Fellow of Nigerian Mining and Geosciences Society and Nigerian Association of Hydrogeologists. He has successfully supervised 11 Ph.Ds. His email address is piseinde@yahoo.com and telephone +2348032500645.

Download CV: CV_OLASEHINDE-PETER-IBIKUNLE_olasehinde-cv.doc

OLATUNDE, Ganiyu is a Professor of Entomology in the Faculty of Science, Olabisi Onabanjo University, Ago-Iwoye. He holds a Ph.D from the University of Ibadan (1989). He was Director, Academic Planning (2010-2011), Deputy Vice-Chancellor (2011-2013), Acting Vice-Chancellor, Osun State University (2012-2013), Acting Vice-Chancellor, Olabisi Onabanjo University (May 2017- Oct. 2017), Vice-Chancellor, Olabisi Onabanjo University (May 2017 till date. He is a Fellow, Nigerian Society for Plant Protection. His email address is tunjiolatunde@gmail.com. His telephone number is +2348033357092.

Download CV: CV_OLATUNDE-GANIYU-OLATUNJI_curriculum-vitae-for-nuc-june-2018.docx

OLOMUKORO, John Ovie is a Professor of Animal and Environmental Biology in the Faculty of Life Sciences, University of Benin, Benin City. He holds a Ph.D from the University of Benin (1996). He was Head of Department (2013-2016). His current research is on hydrobiology/benthology. He has successfully supervised 3 Ph.Ds and other 3 Ph.Ds are ongoing. His email address is olomsjo@yahoo.com/john.olomukoro@uniben.edu. His telephone number is +2348023411935.

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OLORUNFEMI, Daniel is a Professor of Environmental Toxicology in the Faculty of Life Sciences, University of Benin. He holds a Ph.D. degree from the University of Benin (2008). He is the pioneer and current Head of the Department of Environmental Management & Toxicology, University of Benin (2014-2018). He is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Environmental and Public Health Management of Nigeria (CEPHMN). His current research is on cytogenetic and molecular toxicology. His email address is danfem@uniben.edu. His telephone number is +2348023372455.

Download CV: CV_OLORUNFEMI-Daniel-Ikudayisi_nuc-cv.doc

OLORUNFEMI, Martins is a Professor of Applied Geophysics in the Faculty of Science, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife. He holds a Ph.D from the University of Birmingham, England (1981). He was Head of Department (1999-2003). He is a Fellow of the Nigerian Academy of Science and Nigerian Association of Hydrogeologists. His current research is on the application of integrated geophysical methods in archaeological prospecting and deep aquifer mapping in basement complex terrain. His email address is mlorunfe@yahoo.co.uk. His telephone number is +2348037192169.

Download CV: CV_OLORUNFEMI-MARTINS-OLUSOLA_cv-1718-prof.-m.o.-olorunfemi.docx

OLUGBUYIRO, Joseph is a Professor of Chemistry in the Faculty of science, Covenant University, Ota. He holds a Ph.D from the University of Ibadan (2014). He is the Chair, University- Industry MoU Implementation Committee (FIIRO) 2017 to date. He is a trained Natural Products Scientist and a Chartered Chemist (MICCON). He is a Fellow of American Society of Microbiology and a member of Royal Society of Chemistry. His email address is olugbuyiro@yahoo.com. He is telephone number is +2348034112751.

Download CV: CV_OLUGBUYIRO-JOSEPH-ADEBISI OLUWADARE_olugbuyiro-cv-nuc-140618.doc

OLUMEKUN, Victor is a Professor of Plant Science in the Faculty of Science, Adekunle Ajasin University, Akungba-Akoko. He holds a Ph.D in Biology (Plant Physiology) from the University of Essex, Colchester, UK (1993). He was Director of Predegree (2000-2004), Dean of Science (2011-2016) and Director, CRD (2016-present). He is a Practitioner Member, Institute of Environmental Management & Assessment (IEMA). His email is victor.olumekun@aaua.edu.ng and telephone contacts are +2347051276820, +2348068454869.

Download CV: CV_Olumekun-Victor-Olugbenga_olumekun-cv-2018.docx

OLUSI, Titus Adeniyi is a Professor of Parasitology in the School of Sciences, Federal University of Technology, Akure. He holds a Ph.D from the University of Jos (1998). He was Head of Department (2005-2012). He is a member of Parasitology and Public Health Society of Nigeria. His current research is on epidemiology, molecular aspects and control of tropical parasites. His email address is olusi2000@yahoo.com, taolusi@futa.edu.ng. His telephone number is +2348034457630.

Download CV: CV_Olusi-Titus-Adeniyi_curriculum-vitae-ofprof-t.a.-olusi.docx

OLUWADE, Bamidele is a Professor of Computer Science in the Faculty of Natural Sciences, Kogi State University, Anyigba. He holds a Ph.D from the University of Ibadan (2004). He was Head, Library and Information Technology (2008-2009), and Computer Science (2009-2010) at Federal University of Technology, Minna; Head, Computer Science (2015-2017) at University of Ilorin; and Dean of ICT,

Salem University, Lokoja (2010-2012). He is a Fellow of the Nigeria Computer Society. His current research is on bioinformatics and modeling of computer systems. His email address is deleoluwade@yahoo.com. His telephone number is +2348033608519.

Download CV: CV_Oluwade-Bamidele-Ayodeji_oluwadecvnucformat.docx

OMADA, Joseph Itah is a Professor of Geology. He holds a Ph.D from Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria (1993). He was Head, Department of Geology,(1996 to 1997), Head, Department of Geology, (2007 to 2012) Dean of Science (2012 to 2015) and Deputy Dean, Post Graduate School, Kogi State University. He is currently a Professor of Geology at the National Open University of Nigeria in the Department of Environmental Sciences. His current area of research is coal deposits in the northern Anambra basin. His email address is jomada@noun.edu.ng. His telephone number is +2348034505553.

Download CV: CV_OMADA-JOSEPH-ITAH_prof-omada-s-cv1.doc

OMAFUVBE, Bridget is a Professor of Microbiology in the Faculty of Science, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile – Ife. She holds a Ph.D from Obafemi Awolowo University (1998). She was the Head of Microbiology Department (2008 – 2010). Her current research is on Lactic acid bacteria/ Probiotics. Her email address are; bomafuv@oauife.edu.ng ; bomafuvbe@yahoo.co.uk. Her telephone number is +2348032751320.

Download CV: CV_Omafuvbe-Bridget-Okiemute_cv-prof.-omafuvbe-b.o..doc

OMALE James is a Professor of Biochemistry in the Faculty of science, Kogi State University, Anyigba. He holds a Ph.D from MOUAU 2009. He was deputy Dean School of Postgraduate Studies 2013-2017 and HOD 2014-2017. His current research is on toxicological and nutritional biochemistry. His email address is james.omale 123@yahoo.com His phone number is 08068291727.

Download CV: CV_Omale-James-NA_current-cv.doc

OMOLEHIN, Joseph is a Professor of Mathematics in the Department of Mathematical Sciences, Federal University Lokoja, Kogi state. He obtained his Ph.D in University of Ilorin in the year 1991. He did his post-doctoral Fellowship at Leeds University School of Mathematics in 1995. He has been an HOD for many years and a member of Governing Council Federal University, Lokoja between 2016 and 2018. His email is jomolehin@gmail.com and my Phone number is 08033578643.

Download CV: CV_Omolehin-Olorunju-Joseph_omocv-lasu.docx

OMOREGIE, Ehimwenma Sheena is a Professor of Biochemistry, Faculty of Life Sciences, University of Benin, Benin City. She holds a Ph.D from the same university (2006). She is a member of the Nigerian Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology; Organisation for Women in Science for the Developing World; International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology; American Association for the Advancement of Science. She is the current Head of Department of Biochemistry, University of Benin. Her current research focuses on ethnopharmacology, toxicology and nutritional biochemistry.  Her email address is ehiomoregie@yahoo.co.uk. Her telephone number is +2348023397020.

Download CV: CV_OMOREGIE-EHIMWENMA-SHEENA_curriculum-vitaeof-prof-mrs-ehimwenma-s.-omoregie-uniben.docx

OMOSUYI, Oluwole is a Professor of Hydrogeophysics in the School of Earth and Mineral Sciences, Federal University of Technology, Akure. He holds a Ph.D from the Federal University of Technology, Akure (2001). He was the Head of Geophysics Department (2001-2003, 2008-2010) and currently the Head of the Department (2017-till date). His current research is on hydrogeophysics. He has successfully supervised 2 Ph.Ds. His email address is droluomosuyi@yahoo.com. His telephone number is +2348034039043.

Download CV: CV_OMOSUYI-OLUWOLE-GREGORY_omosuyi-2.docx

OMOTOSHO, Temidayo Victor is a Professor of Physics in the College of Science and Technology, Covenant University, Ota. He holds a Ph.D from the Covenant University (2008). He was Head of Department of Physics (2013-2016) and Head of applied physics research cluster of Covenant University (2016-till date). He is a member of the Nigerian institute of Physics. His current research is on using in-situ and Satellite observation of Meteorological data to mitigate Climate change. His email address is dayovic@yahoomail.com. His telephone number is +2348101962802.

Download CV: CV_Omotosho-Temidayo-Victor_Professor-omotosho-june-2018-new.docx

OMUBO-PEPPLE, Valentine is a Professor of Solid State Physics in the Faculty of Science, Rivers State University, Port Harcourt. He holds a Ph.D from Rivers State University (2006). He is the Dean of Science (2015 to date).He is a member of Nigerian Institute of Physics (NIP). His current research is on environmental pollution. His email address is omubopepple@yahoo.com. His telephone number is +2348030853010.

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ONI, Olatunde Michael is a Professor of Physics in the Faculty of Pure and Applied Sciences, Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, Ogbomoso. He holds a Ph.D, from the University of Ibadan (2004). He was Dean of the Faculty of Pure and Applied Sciences (2006-2008). He is a member of the Nigerian Institute of Physics. His current research is on health risk of geogenic radon exposure in Nigeria. His email address is omoni@lautech.edu.ng. His telephone number is +2348036886236.

Download CV: CV_Oni-Olatunde-Michael_my-curriculum-vitae-2018-.doc

ONIANWA, Charles Uche is a Professor of Mathematics in the Faculty of Physical Sciences, Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma. He holds a Ph.D from Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma (2007). He was Head of Department of Mathematics (1996-1997) and Department of Computer Science (2009-2010). Director of ICT (2016-Till date). He is a Member of Nigeria Computer Society of Science. His current research is on numerical/rational integrator. His email address is charlesonianwa@yahoo.com. His telephone number is +2348035667646.

Download CV: CV_Onianwa-Charles -Uche_Professor-charles-uche-onianwa-profile-a.docx

ONIBERE, Emmanuel is a Professor of Computer Science in the Faculty of Physical Sciences, University of Benin, Benin City. He holds a Ph.D from the University of Aston in Birmingham (1982). He was a Deputy Vice-Chancellor of University of Benin (2010-2012) and Commonwealth Visiting Professor of Computer Science to University of Buea, Cameroun (2000-2002). He is a member of Computer Professionals of Nigeria. His current research is in software metrics and development process. His email address is eonibere2000@gmail.com. His telephone number is +2348036677635.

Download CV: CV_Onibere-Emmanuel-Amano_cv-onibere-latest.docx

ONIFADE, Anthony Kayode is a Professor of Microbiology in the School of Sciences, Federal University of Technology, Akure. He holds a Ph.D from the University of Ilorin (1998). He was two times Head of Department (2002-2003 and 2009-2012), Postgraduate Coordinator, Chairman of many departmental, faculty and University’s committees. He is a Fellow of Mycological Society of Nigeria (FMYCOSON). His current research is on medical/pharmaceutical microbiology. His email address is profonifade@yahoo.com. His telephone numbers +2348100090030.

Download CV: CV_ONIFADE-ANTHONY-KAYODE_onifade-cv-june-2018.doc

ONIKU, Adetola is a Professor of Geophysics in the School of Physical Science, Modibbo Adama University of Technology, Yola. He holds a Ph.D from the Ahmadu Bello University (2009). He was Head of Department (2015-2017). He is a member of the Nigerian Institute of Physics. His current research is on environmental magnetism and Geothermal energy. His email address is tolaoniku@mautech.edu.ng. His telephone number is +2347036154101.

Download CV: CV_Oniku-Adetola-Sunday_curriculum-vitae-new-2-h.doc

ONIMISI, Muhammad Yusuf is a Professor of Physics in the Faculty of Science, Nigerian Defence Academy, Kaduna. He holds a Ph.D from Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria(2006).He was two-time head of department of Physics (2007-2012 and 2015-2017). He is a member of Nigeria institute of Physics. He is currently research on Dye sensitize solar cells and Perovskites solar cells. His email address are myonimisi@nda.edu.ng and onimisimy@yahoo.com. His telephone number is +2348054538199.

Download CV: CV_ONIMISI-MUHAMMAD-YUSUF_cv-federaluni.-lokoja..doc

ONUSIRIUKA, Benjamin is a Professor of Zoology in the Faculty of Science, Nigerian Defence Academy, Kaduna. He holds a Ph.D in Applied Hydro Biology and Fisheries from University of Jos, (1996). He was Head of Department of Biological Science (1983-1986), (2001-2002) and (2004-2006), Acting Dean Faculty of Science (January-May, 2007), Dean Faculty of Science (2008-2011), Head IPTTA (2013-2015), ACTU (2016-Till Date). His current research is on metallic load of fish organs. His email address is benjaminonusiriuka@gmail.com and Phone Number 08033081255.

Download CV: CV_Onusiriuka-Benjamin-Chikwendu_onusiriuka-benjamin-chikwendu.docx

ONUU, Michael is a Professor of Engineering Physics in the Faculty of Science, Federal University, Ndufu-Alike, Ikwo. He was Dean of Science (2013-2016) and Director, Centre for Educational Services, FUNAI (2017 to date). He is a Fellow of the Nigerian Institute of Physics. His current research is on acoustics, condensed matter physics, solid-state physics and telecommunications. His e-mail address is michaelonuu@yahoo.com. His telephone number is +2348035072076.

Download CV: CV_ONUU-Michael-Ugwu_current-cv-2018.docx

ONWUGBUTA-ENYI, Jane is a Professor of Plant Physiology in the Faculty of Natural and Applied Sciences, Ignatius Ajuru University of Education, Rumuolumeni, Port Harcourt. She was Dean of Science (2012-2015) and Director, ICTC (2015 till date). She is a Fellow of the Institute of Biology, United Kingdom. Her current research is on plant water stress and bio-remediation of polluted soils. She is currently supervising 3 Ph.D students. Her email address is onwugbutaenyijane@gmail.com. Her telephone number is +2340833297353.

Download CV: CV_Onwugbuta-Enyi-Jane-Akaja_madams-curriculum-vitae.docx

ONYEIKE, Eugene N. is a Professor of Biochemistry in the Faculty of Science, University of Port Harcourt. He holds a Ph.D from the University of Port Harcourt (1993). He was Dean of Chemical Sciences (2015-2016) and Head of Department of Biochemistry, University of Port Harcourt (2006-2008). He is a Fellow of the Nigerian Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. His current research is on food biochemistry. His email address is enonyeike@yahoo.com. His telephone number is +2348036714403.

Download CV: CV_Onyeike-Eugene-Nwaogwugwu_prof-e.n.-onyeike-updated-cv-june-2018.docx

ORANUSI, Solomon is a Professor of Microbiology in the College of Science and Technology, Covenant University, Ota. He holds a Ph.D from the Ahmadu Bello University (2002). He was Sub-Dean School of Postgraduate Studies Covenant University (2014-2015) and Acting Head of Department Biological Sciences Igbinedion University Okada (2004-2008) & Western Delta University Ohara (2008). He is a Fellow of the Institute of Medical Laboratory Sciences of Nigeria and a Public Analyst (MIPAN). His current research is on HACCP, food safety, fermented foods, probiotics/prebiotics and biogas production. His email & phone number is solomon.oranusi@covenantuniversity.edu.ng; 08065299155.

Download CV: CV_ORANUSISOLOMON-UCHE_cv-prof.-oranusi-u.-solomon-nuc-june-2018.doc

OSABOHIEN, Emmanuel is a Professor of Industrial Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Delta State University, Abraka. He holds a Ph.D from the Delta State University, Abraka (2008). He is current Head of Department of Chemistry (2018-2021) and Member of Business Committee of Senate (2018-2020). He is a Member of Chemical Society of Nigeria and Polymer Institute of Nigeria. His current research is on polymer/material sciences. His email address is eosabohien@delsu.edu.ng. His telephone number is +2348036761310.

Download CV: CV_Osabohien-Emmanuel-_prof-osabohien-emmanuel-cv.docx

OSAMOR, Victor is a Professor of Computer Science in the Faculty of Science, Covenant University, Ota. He holds a Ph.D from the Covenant University (2009). He was Head of Department (2017-Date) and Coordinator, Covenant University Centre for Information Technology (CIT) (2016-Date). He is an European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics/Marie Curie Fellow. His current

research is on Computational Biology/ Bioinformatics and Artificial Intelligence. His email address is vcosamor@gmail.com. His telephone number is +2348035650164.

Download CV: CV_OSAMOR-Victor-Chukwudi_osamor-cv-2018-august-nov-april-18-removal-of-residence.doc

OSEMEOBO, Gbadebo is a Professor of Conservation Biology in the College of Natural and Applied Sciences, Bells University of Technology Otta. He was Dean of Science (2013 to date 2018). His current research is on natural ecosystem conservation. His e-mail address is osemeobo@yahoo.com. His phone number is 08035996250.

Download CV: CV_OSEMEOBO-GBADEBO-JONATHAN_2018-osemeobo-cv-bells-university-of-technology-ota.doc

OSHODI, Aladesanmi is a Professor of Chemistry in the School of Sciences, Federal University of Technology, Akure. He holds a Ph.D from University of Ibadan (1980). He was Dean of Sciences (1996-2000) and HOD Department of Chemistry (1986-1989), Director, Centre for Continue Education (2002-2005). He is a Fellow of Chattered Chemist of Nigeria and Life Member, Science Association of Nigeria. His email addresses are aaoshodi@futa.edu.ng, sanmioshodi@yahoo.com and oshodi64@gmail.com. His phone number is 08034036245.

Download CV:

OSILIKE, Micah Okwuchukwu is a Professor of Mathematics in the Faculty of Physical Sciences, University of Nigeria, Nsukka. He holds Ph.D. from University of Nigeria, Nsukka, UN, (1994). He was Dean of Physical Sciences (2006-2008), Member of UNN Governing Council (2009-2012), Director Academic Planning (2014). He was President of the Nigerian Mathematical Society (2011-2015). He is a Fellow of the Nigerian Mathematical Society and the Nigerian Academy of Science. His current research is on Fixed Point Theory and Applications. He has Supervised 5 Ph.Ds. His email address Is micah.osilike@unn.edu.ng. His telephone number is +2348035075422.

Download CV: CV_OSILIKEMICAH-OKWUCHUKWU_cv-Professor-osilike.docx

OSUBOR, Christopher Chijindu is a Professor of Biochemistry in the Faculty of Life Sciences, University of Benin, Benin City. He holds a Ph.D from the same university, (1991). He was Dean of Life Sciences (2010-2014). His current research is on environmental biochemistry. His email address is ccosubor@uniben.edu. His telephone number is +2348023697783.

Download CV: CV_Osubor-Christopher-Chijindu_cvnuc-osubor.docx

OSUJI, Julian is a Professor of Molecular Genetics and Cytotaxonomy in the Faculty of Science, University of Port Harcourt, Choba. He holds a Ph.D from the University of Port Harcourt (1995). He was Director of Centre for Local Affiliations and Accreditation (2016-2017) and Vice-Chancellor of Arthur Jarvis University (2017-2018). He is a Fellow of Renewable and Alternative Energy Society of Nigeria and Institute of Export Operations and Management. His current research is on epigenetics and molecular genetics of Aroids and cultivated plants. His email address is julian.osuji@uniport.edu.ng His telephone number is +2348033404117.

Download CV: CV_Osuji-Julian-Onyewuonyeoma_prof-osuji-s-cv-april-2018.doc

OTUBANJO, Olubunmi nee Kamson is a Professor of Parasitology in the Faculty of Science, University of Lagos. She holds a Ph.D from the University of Wales(1976). She was a Head of Department (2015-2018), Hall Mistress of Moremi Hall (2006- 2014) member Governing Council , Caleb University , Imota and Lagos state Polytechnic, Ikorodu (2015- date).Her current research is mosquito diversity in Lagos state and herbal treatment of malaria. Her email address is adetoro2001@yahoo.com while her telephone number is +2348033059576

Download CV: CV_OTUBANJO-OLUBUNMI-ADETORO_otubanjo-cv-nuc.doc

OWOLABI, Ayodeji is a Professor of Plant Virology in the Faculty of Biological Sciences, University of Calabar. He holds a Ph.D for the University of Lagos (1996). He was Head of Department of Botany (2005-2007 & 2010-2012), Faculty Chairman of Graduate Committee (2016 – date). He is a Fellow of Institute of Industrial Administrators (FIIA). He is current research is on characterization and identification of viruses infecting cucurbits in cross river state. His email address is timothy_owolabi@yahoo.com. His telephone number is +2348034037415.

Download CV: CV_Owolabi-Ayodeji-Timothy_curriculum-vitae.docx

OYEDELE, Kayode Festus is a Professor of Geophysics in the Faculty of Science, University of Lagos. He holds a Ph.D from the University of Lagos (2006). He is the current Head of Department of Geosciences, University of Lagos. He is a member of many Professional Association. His current research is on vulnerability assessment of costal stands to liquefaction using geophysical geotechnical methods. His email address is koyedele@unilag.edu.ng. His phone number is +2348033357439.

Download CV: CV_OYEDELE-Kayode-Festus_prof.-oyedelecurriculum-vitae..doc

OYEJOLA, Benjamin is a Professor of Statistics in the Faculty of Physical Sciences, University of Ilorin. He holds a Ph.D from the University of Reading (1984). He is currently the Director, Quality Assurance Unit of University of Ilorin. He is a Fellow of the Nigerian Statistical Association. His current research is on Design of PBD designs. His e-mail address is boyejola2003@yahoo.com. His telephone number is +2348035068594.


OYESANYA, Moses is a Professor of Applied Mathematics in the Faculty of Physical Sciences, University of Nigeria Nsukka. He holds a Ph.D from University of Nigeria (1989). He was Dean of Physical Sciences (2010-2012). He is a Fellow of Nigerian Mathematical Society. His current research is on fractional calculus and applications. His e-mail address is moses.oyesanya@unn.edu.ng. His telephone number is +2348037717378.

Download CV: CV_Oyesanya-Moses-Oludotun_curriculum-vitae-new-format-1-2-1-2018.doc

OYETAYO, Folake is a Professor of Food/ Nutritional Biochemistry in the Faculty of Science, Ekiti State University, Ado-Ekiti. She holds a Ph.D from the Federal University of Technology, Akure (2005). She was Acting Head of Department of Biochemistry (2010-2012) and Postgraduate Students Coordinator (2013-2017). She is affiliated to many academic societies. Her email addresses: folake.oyetayo@eksu.ng or ovounad@yahoo.com. Her telephone number is +2348060163025.

Download CV: CV_OYETAYO-FOLAKE-LUCY_curriculum-vitae.docx

OYETAYO, Victor Olusegun is a Professor of Microbiology in the School of Science, Federal University of Technology, Akure. He holds a Ph.D from Federal University of Technology, Akure. He was the Chairman, SOS Postgraduate Advisory Committee (2017) and presently, the Coordinator Biotechnology Option, Department of Microbiology. He is a member, NSM and ASM. His current research is on assessment of nutraceutical properties of wild and cultivated edible and medicinal macrofungi. His email address is ovonew67@gmail.com or vooyetayo@futa.edu.ng. His Telephone number is +2348034278243.

Download CV: CV_OYETAYOVictor-Olusegun_oyetayo-updated-cv-original.doc

OYEWOLE, Samuel Oyewumi is a Professor in Plant Biology, Faculty of Science, University of Ilorin. He holds a Ph.D in Botany from the University of Ibadan (1971), lectured at Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria (1971-1975), University of Ibadan (1975-1977) and University of Ilorin (1977-2005), where he served as the Dean, students Affairs (1989-1993). He joined Achievers University, Owo (2009), served as Dean, College of Natural and Applied Sciences (2009-2010), Deputy

Vice-Chancellor (2010-2016), Director, Academic Planning Unit (2016-2017) and Dean, School of Postgraduate Studies (2017- date).

Download CV: CV_Oyewole-Samuel -Oyewumi_curriculumvitae.doc

OYEWUMI, Kayode John is a Professor of Physics in the Faculty of Physical Sciences, University of Ilorin. He holds a Ph.D from the University of Ilorin (2006). He was Acting Head of Department of Physics (2013-2015). He is member of Nigerian Institute of Physics and Nigerian Association of Mathematical Physicists. His current research in on quantum information theory. His email address is kjoyewumi66@unilorin.edu.ng. My telephone number is +2348035630784.

Download CV: CV_OYEWUMI-KAYODE-JOHN_kjocv-ictp-unilorinapproved-format.doc

PENNAP, Grace is a Professor of Medical Microbiology in the Faculty of Natural and Applied Sciences, Nasarawa State University, Keffi. She holds a Ph.D from Ahmadu Bello University Zaria (2002). She was Director, School of Preliminary Studies, Keffi (2014 -2016) and Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Administration), Nasarawa State University, Keffi (2016 -2018). Her current research is on molecular epidemiology of hepatitis B Virus in Nigeria. Her email is rinmecit.grace@yahoo.com and phone number is +2348035884065.

Download CV: CV_Pennap-Grace -Rinmecit_cv-for-nuc.docx

RSU, Wasagu is a Professor of Nutritional Biochemistry in the Faculty of Science, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto, Nigeria. A Ph.D holder from Usmanu Danfodiyo, University, Sokoto 2010. He is currently the Head of Department Biochemistry, Sokoto State University, Sokoto. His area of research interest is assessment of nutritional compositions, pharmacological effects of medicinal plants and effects of consumption of different food stuffs on health status. Email: rsuwasagu@gmai.com, +23408089681191.

Download CV: CV_Wasagu-Rabiu-Umar Saidu_Professorrsu-wasagu-cv.docx

SAHABI, Danladi Mahuta is a Professor of Biochemistry in the Faculty of Science, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto. He holds Ph.D Engineering from Yokohama National University, Japan. He is currently, Head of Department of Biochemistry. His research interest is on environmental biochemistry and clinical biochemistry. His email address is msahabi@yahoo.com and his mobile phone number is +2347032507692.

Download CV: CV_Sahabi-Danladi-Mahuta_c-v-sahabi-biochemistry.docx

SAIDU, Abubakar Ndaman is a Professor of Biochemistry in the School of Life Sciences, Federal University of Technology, Minna. He holds a B.Sc. (Sokoto ;1986), M.Sc. (Jos; 1991) and Ph.D from the Federal University of Technology, Minna (2010).He was Dean, Students Affairs (2013-2017).He is a Fellow of African Scientific Institute. His current research interest is on diabetes. His email is: abubakar.saidu@futminna.edu.ng. His telephone number is +2348035890199.

Download CV: CV_SAIDU-ABUBAKAR-NDAMAN_curriculumvita1-editted.docx

SAIDU, Yusuf is a Professor of Biochemistry in the Faculty of Science, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto. He holds a Ph.D from the Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto (2005). He was Ag Dean of Postgraduate School (2013- 2015) and Pioneer Head, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Federal University, Birnin Kebbi (2014-2015). He is a postdoctoral Fellow of the Commonwealth. His current research is on Nutritional biochemistry. His email address is yusaid@gmail.com (saidu.yusuf@udusok.edu.ng) His telephone number is +2348036131987.

Download CV: CV_Saidu -Yusuf -_yusuf-saidu-s-curriculum-vitae.docx

SALEH, Mohammed is a Professor of Geophysics in the Faculty of Physical Sciences, Bayero University, Kano. He holds a Ph.D from the same university (2011). He was HOD of Physics, Sub Dean Faculty of Sciences (2012-2014), Assistant Faculty Exams Officer (2006-2011) and levels coordinator (1994-2006). His current research is on geophysics /geodynamic. He is currently supervising 2 Ph.Ds. His email addresses are msaleh.phy@buk.edu.ng and muhmusabi@buk.edu.ng. His phone number is +2348069289985.

Download CV: CV_Saleh-Mohammed -_nuc-database-ms-cv.docx

SALIHU, Labaran is a Professor of Chemistry in the Faculty of Science, Nigerian Defence Academy, Kaduna. He holds a Ph.D from Bayero University, Kano (2001). He was Head of Chemistry Department (2002-2004), Director Academic Planning (2006-2008), Deputy Dean and Dean of Faculty of Military Science and Inter-disciplinary Studies (2015-2016 and 2016-2017) respectively and Deputy MD NDA Consultancy Services Ltd. His current research is on natural products chemistry. He has successfully supervised 2 Ph.Ds. His email address is labsal2002@yahoo.com. His telephone number is +2348036932973.

Download CV: CV_SALIHU-LABARAN-_curriculum-vitae-salihu-nda-.docx

SAMAILA, Babayo Adamu is a Professor of Parasitology in the Faculty of Science, Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University, Bauchi. He holds a Ph.D from Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University, Bauchi. He is the current Head of Department, PG seminar coordinator and PGD coordinator. He is a Fellow of Nigerian Institute of Science Laboratory Technology. His email isadamubsamaila13@yahoo.com. His telephone number is +2348033854269

Download CV: CV_Samaila-Adamu-Babayo_prof.-a.b.-samailacv.doc

SANNI, Abiodun I is a Professor of Food Microbiology and Biotechnology with research emphasis on Acid and Alkaline Fermented Food, in the Department of Microbiology, University of Ibadan. He has supervised 17 Ph.Ds. He was a contributing author to tertiary institution books. He was a Research Fellow of the Swedish Institute, Fellow of the International Atomic Energy Agency, University of Agriculture, Wageningen, Netherlands, Research Fellow of EGIDE, France, Georg Forster Fellow of Alexander von Humboldt and African Research Initiative Fellow, Alexander von Humboldt as a Visiting Scientist, Ludwig-Maximilians Technical University, Munchen, Germany (2008).

Download CV: CV_Sanni-Abiodun-Isiaka_prof-ai-sanni-nuc-cv.docx

SANUSI, Hassan Wara, is a Professor of Biochemistry (Ethnopharmacology &Toxicology), Faculty of Science, Department of Biochemistry, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto. He had BSc (1992), MSc (1997) and Ph.D (2006) from U.D.U. Sokoto, University of Ibadan and U.D.U Sokoto respectively. He was H.O.D Biochemistry in 2011, Deputy Dean, Postgraduate School in 2015 and Director Academic Planning from 2016 to date. He is a Postdoctoral Fellow, CIMAP, Lucknow, India(2010-2011). His current research are on Ethnopharmacology & Toxicology. His mobile no. and E-mail are 08036355866 and hassanwara@gmail.com, hassan.sanusi@udusok.edu.ng.

Download CV: CV_Hassan-Sanusi-Wara_prof.-sanusi-waracurriculum-vatae12-current-07-06-2018.doc

SHUAIBU, Bala Manga is a Professor of Microbiology in the Faculty of Science, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto. He holds a Ph.D from Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto (2001). He was a Head, Department of Microbiology (2004-2008, and 2010-2014), Faculty of Science Examinations Officer (1990-1991, and 2004- 2008) and a Director, Examinations and Registration (2012 – 2016). He is a member of the Nigerian Society for Microbiology and American Society for Microbiology. His current research interest is on Molecular characterization of Staphylococcus aureus and its Methicillin resistant genes. His email address is sbmanga@hotmail.com. His telephone number is +2348035052860.

Download CV: CV_Shuaibu-Bala-Manga_curriulum-vitae-for-manga-2-.doc

SIGALO, Friday is a Professor of Applied Physics in the Faculty of Science, Rivers State University, Port Harcourt. He holds a Ph.D from the Rivers State University of Science and Tech. Port Harcourt (1999). He was two-time Dean of Students’ Affairs (2005-2009 & 2013-2015) and Dean of Science (2011). He is a Fellow of the Nigerian Institute of Physics. His current research is on stellar and atmospheric phenomenon. His email address is sigalo.friday@ust.edu.ng. His telephone number is +2348033427133.

Download CV:

SIKOKI, Francis is a Professor of Fishery Biology in the Faculty of Science, University of Port Harcourt, Port Harcourt. He holds a Ph.D from the University of Jos (1987). He was Head of Department (1997 –1999), Chairman, Housing Committee from (2010-2015), Chairman, Departmental Graduate Studies Committee (2015 to date) and Member Governing councils, FUT, MINNA 1991-1993, & NDU Wilberforce Island, (2005-2012). He is a Fellow of the Fisheries Society of Nigeria, Renewable and Alternative Energy Society of Nigeria. His current research interest is in fish stock assessment/limnology. His email address is Sikoki.francis@gmail.com and Tel. No. +234(0)803 544 2364.

Download CV: CV_SIKOKI-FRANCISDAVID_cv-prof-sikoki-1.docx

SODANGI, Abdulkarim Luka is a Professor of Parasitology in Faculty of Life Sciences, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria. She holds a Ph.D from Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria (2006). She was Departmental Examination Officer (2005-2006). She is a Fellow of the UNESCO L’Oreal for women in Science. Her current research is on use of Serological techniques in disease diagnosis. She has successfully supervised 4 Ph.Ds. Her email address is sodangiluka25@gmail.com. Her phone number is +2348035721175.

Download CV: CV_Luka-Sodangi-Abdulkarim_prof.-luka-cv-2018.doc

SODIPO, Oluwole is a Professor of Biochemistry in Faculty of Science, University of Maiduguri. He holds a Ph.D from the University of Ilorin (1989). He was Senate Representative on Council (2013-2017) and Deputy Provost (Preclinical) of the College of Medical Sciences, University of Maiduguri (2000-2002). He is also Chairman Senate Committee on Awards and Prizes (2003- till date) and Chairman Senate Committee on Course System (2008- presently). He is a Fellow of the Nigerian Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (FNSBMB). He has successfully supervised one Ph.D. His email address is oluwolesodipo@yahoo.com His telephone number is +2348036000485.

Download CV: CV_Sodipo-Oluwole-Adebayo_prof-sodipo-cv3-june-2018.doc

SOLA, Ojo is a Professor of Geology in University of Ilorin. He obtained Ph.D Geology from University of Ilorin (2000). In 2001, he was on post-Doctoral research visit to Technical University, Berlin, GERMANY. His career started in University of Ilorin where he rose through ranks and appointed Professor of Geology in 2015 at Federal University Oye-Ekiti. He is currently a Head of Department of Geology. His current research is on basin analysis of inland basins, His contacts are olusola.ojo@fuoye.edu.ng and 08035036503.

Download CV: CV_Ojo-Olusola-Johnson_prof.-ojo-cvnuc.doc

SOLADOYE, Michael is a Professor of Plant Taxanomy in the Faculty of Science, Augustine University, ilara-epe, Lagos. He holds a PH.D from the University of Reading (1982). He was Dean of Science (2013-2016),Dean of Science (2016-2018). He is a Fellow of Linnean Society. His current research is on ethnobotany and angiosperm biodiversity. His email address is debosoladoye@gmail.com. His telephone number is +2348034732186.

Download CV: CV_SOLADOYE-MICHAEL-OLASUNKANMI_aui-soladoye-curriculum-vitae-revised-may-2018-1-.doc

SOMOYE, Emmanuel is a Professor of Physics in the Faculty of Science, Lagos State University, Ojo. He holds a Ph.D from the University of Ibadan (1996). He was Acting Head of Department of Physics, LASU, (2004-2007), (2012-2014), Senate Representative, Senior Staff Disciplinary Committee (2005 -2007), Assistant Director, LASU, Isolo Campus, (2008-2010), and Head of Department of Physics, LASU (2016-Date). His current research is on day-to-day variability of sporadic E ionization at magnetic equator. His email address is emmanuel.somoye@lasu.edu.ng. His telephone number 08025614952.

Download CV: CV_SOMOYE-EMMANUEL-OLUFEMI_somoyeemmanuel-updated-cv.-2018-docx.docx

SULEIMAN, Maryam is a Professor of Zoology in the Department of Biological Sciences, Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University (ATBU), Bauchi. She holds a Ph.D in Applied Parasitology from the ATBU, Bauchi. I was the Director, Remedial Studies (2000-2004) and Director Academic Planning and Quality Assurance (2011-2016). she was admitted into the College of Fellows of the Nigerian Society for Parasitology in 2017. She has received many awards including the first female Professor from Kano State in 2010. Her area of interest is Neglected Tropical Diseases. She had successfully supervised 12 Ph.D’s. My email address is drsmaryam@yahoo.com and my phone number is 08038815728.

Download CV: CV_Suleiman-Maryam-Musa_latest-cv.docx

TASIE, Floretta is a Professor of Microbiology in the Faculty of Applied Natural Science, Enugu State University of Science and Technology, Enugu. She holds a Ph.D from Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka (2007). She is the Head of Department (2012 till date). She is a Fellow of American Society of Microbiology (ASM), Nigeria Society of Microbiology (NSM) and Tri- Beta Honor Society USA. Her research is on selection of antibiotic resistant microorganisms in the soil environment and microorganisms in association with biofilm formation and anti-biofilm capacity fermented corn water. Her email address is fotasie@ yahoo.co.uk. My phone number is +2348034041670.

Download CV: CV_Tasie-Floretta-Omebere_prof-tasie-curriculum-vitae-2.docx

TIJJANI, Auwalu Musa a Professor of Electronics & Communication (Physics), Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University Bauchi. He holds a Ph.D from the same university, (2011). He is currently a Head of Department, Physics. His current research interest is in power line communication & environmental physics.

Download CV: CV_TIJJANI -AUWALU -MUSA_curriculum-vitae.docx

TUKUR, Adamu is a Professor of Parasitology in the Faculty of Science, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto. He holds a Ph.D from the same university. He was Head of Microbiology unit (1998-2000) and Deputy Dean (1998-2000), Head of Department (2000-2002), Head of Zoology Unit (2002-2006), Director School of Matric. (2006-2010). He is a Fellow, Parasitology and Public Health Society of Nigeria. His current research is on urinary schistosomiasis. His Email Address is tukuradamu@yahoo.com. His Telephone Number is +2348039652541.

Download CV: CV_ADAMU-TUKUR-_curriculum-vitae-2-1-.doc

UBA, Ahmad Ali is a Professor of Mathematics in the Faculty of Science, Federal University Dutse. He holds a Ph.D from Usman Danfodiyo University Sokoto (2007). He was Dean of Science (2015-2018) and Director Academic Planning (2017-Date) in Federal University Dutse. His current research is on operational research. His email address is uba.ali@fud.edu.ng. His phone number is: 08067426921.

Download CV: CV_Ali-Uba-Ahmad_cv-of-prof.-uba-ahmad-alifud-.docx

UBOCHI, Cornelius Iheanyi is a Professor of Chemistry in the Faculty of Science, Imo State University, Owerri. He holds a Ph.D from the University of Ibadan (1986). He was Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Imo State University, Owerri. He was also Director, Academic Planning, SIWES, and Sports, Imo State University, Owerri. He is a Fellow, Chemical Society of Nigeria (FCSN), Institute of Chartered Chemists of Nigeria (FICCON), Institute of Industrial Administration of Nigeria (FIIA). His E-mail address is ubochicollins@yahoo.com His telephone number is +2348034746164.

Download CV: CV_UBOCHI-CORNELIUS-IHEANYI_prof-ubochi-curiculum-vitae-latest.docx

UCHECHUKWU, Vincent is a Professor of Theoretical and Computational Physics in the College of Natural of Sciences, Redeemers University, Ede. He holds a Ph.D from the Federal University of Agriculture (2005). He was Sub-Dean of Science (2012-2015) and Director, Directorate of Educational Services and Training of Redeemers University (2015-date). He is a Fellow of the Alexander von Humbodlt Foundation and The Royal Society Newton International Fellowship. His research is on nonlinear and chaotic dynamics of complex systems with interest in control, synchronization and vibrations. His email address is ue_vincent@yahoo.com. His telephone number is +2348136707090.

Download CV: CV_Vincent-Uchechukwu-Enyim_vincent-cv-nuc-2018.doc

UDENSI, Emmanuel is a Professor of Applied Geophysics in the Department of Physics, School of Physical Sciences, Federal University of Technology, Minna. He holds a Ph.D from Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria. He was Head of Department, Physics (2001 – 2004), Director, Advancement and Development Office (2011 – 2013) and currently Director, Collaboration, Affiliation and Linkages, DCAL. He is a Fellow of the Nigerian Institute of Physics, FNIP. His current research is sub-surfaces features engendering earth tremors in central Nigeria. His email address is emmanuel.udensi@futminna.edu.ng and telephone number is +2348035960957.

Download CV: CV_Udensi-Emmanuel-Emeka_vitaepromotiom.doc

UDOSEN, Essien is a Professor of Environmental Chemistry in the Faculty of Science, University of Uyo, Uyo. He holds a Ph.D from the University of Calabar(1992). He is a Fellow, Institute of Corporate Administration of Nigeria, Institute of Chartered Chemists of Nigeria and Chemical Society of Nigeria. His current research is on health risk of atmospheric trace elements. He has successfully supervised 03 Ph.Ds. His email address is essienandong@yahoo.com. His telephone number is +2348036706060.

Download CV: CV_Udosen-Essien-Daniel_curriculum-vitae-dr.-udosen-internal.doc

UGBOGU, Ositadinma Chinyere is a Professor of Microbiology in the Faculty of Biological and Physical Sciences, Abia State University Uturu. He holds a Ph.D from Abia State University (2008). He was Pioneer Head, Department of Microbiology Federal University Wukari Taraba State (2013-2016) and currently Director, Institute of Computer Studies Abia State University. He is a member of the Nigerian Society for Microbiology and American Society for Microbiology. His current research is on Microbial deterioration of building walls in the tropics. He has successfully supervised 1 Ph.D. His email address is osita.ugbogu@gmail.com . His Telephone number is 07034745641.

Download CV: CV_UGBOGUOSITADINMA-CHINYERE_Professor-ugbogu-ositadinma-chinyere-cv.doc

UGBOMOIKO, Uade Samuel is a Professor of Zoology in the Faculty of Life Sciences, University of Ilorin, Ilorin. He holds a Ph.D from Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma (1994). He was Head of Department of Zoology (2009-2011) and sub-Dean of Students Affairs Division (2008-2010). His current research is on Epidemiology and control of Neglected Tropical Parasitic Diseases in Nigeria. He has successfully supervised 1 Ph.D. His email address is samugbomoiko@yahoo.com. His telephone number is +234 8033585881.

Download CV: CV_UGBOMOIKO-UADE-SAMUEL_nuc-cv.docx

UGWUOKE, Paulinus is a Professor of Physics in the Faculty of Physical Sciences, University of Nigeria, Nsukka. He holds a Ph.D from the University of Nigeria, Nsukka (2006). He is currently the Director of Energy Research Centre, University of Nigeria, Nsukka. He is a Fellow of the Solar Energy Society of Nigeria. His current research interest is on Photovoltaics and Nanotechnology Applications in Energy. His email address is peugwuoke@gmail.com. His phone number is +2348065702570.

Download CV: CV_Ugwuoke-Paulinus-Ekene_peu.doc

UGWUOWO, Fidelis Ifeanyi is a Professor of Statistics in the Faculty of Physical Sciences, University of Nigeria, Nsukka. He was sponsored by World Bank to University of Coleraine Northern Ireland UK to conduct his Ph.D research which was awarded by University of Nigeria, Nsukka in 1996. He was awarded TWAS-UNESCO Associate to visit Indian Statistical Institute Kolkata from 2000 to 2006. He is a Fellow of Royal Statistical Society and a Member of Nigerian Statistical Society. He was the Dean of Faculty of Physical Sciences from 2016-2018 and the Associate Dean from 2014-2016. He is currently supervising 5 P.hDs.

Download CV: CV_UGWUOWO-FIDELIS-IFEANYI_fidel-c.v-new.doc

UKAGA, Chinyere is a Professor of Public Health Parasitology of Imo State University Owerri. She has been a Head of Department, Director, Consultancy Services Unit, Member of the Imo State University Governing Council and presently the Director of Quality Assurance Unit. She is the current National President Parasitology and Public Health Society of Nigeria as well as a Council member of the International Society of Infectious Diseases (ISID) representing Africa. Her research interest is on the control of neglected tropical diseases. Her contact details: chinyukaga@yahoo.com, +2348068254576.

Download CV: CV_UKAGA-CHINYERENNEKA_curriculum-vitae-ukaga-2016.doc

UMOH, Veronica is a Professor of Microbiology, Faculty of Natural and Applied Sciences, Akwa-Ibom State University, Ikot Akpaden. She holds a Ph.D from ABU 1988. She is the Dean of Science. Her current research is on Environmental Microbiology. She has successfully supervised 12 Ph.Ds. Email veroumoh@yahoo.com, Phone: 2349061384983.

Download CV: CV_Umoh-Veronica-Jarlath_curriculum-vitae-aksu-2017-apprasal.docx

UMOREN, Mfoniso is a Professor of Statistics in the Faculty of Science, University of Uyo. He holds a Ph.D from the University of Nigeria, Nsukka (1996). He was Vice Dean of Science (2013- 2016) and Head of Department of Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science (1999 – 2006; 2011 – 2016). He is the Vice President of Optimisation Research Society of Nigeria. He has successfully supervised 1 Ph.D and 9 MScs. His email address is umorenmfoniso @yahoo.com. His telephone number is +2348035826512.

Download CV: CV_UMOREN-MFONISO-UDOFIA_curriculum-vitae-profumoren.docx

UNO, Uno is a Professor of Physics in the Faculty of Physical Science, Federal University of Technology, Minna. He holds a Ph.D from the University of Abuja (2006). He was Deputy Chairman University Board of Research (2009-2010), School Exam officer (2008-2010), Coordinator e-Exams (2008-date), and currently HOD (2014-date), Member University Governing Council, FUT, Minna (2017-Date). He is a Fellow of Institute of Corporate Administration of Nigerian. His current research is on semiconductor, photocell/thin film. uno_essang@yahoo.co.uk. His telephone number is +2348033287061.

Download CV: CV_UNO-UNOESSANG_prof.-uno-cv-2-.doc

URIAH , Alexander Lar is a Professor of Geology. He holds a Ph.D. (Isotopes and Trace element geochemistry) from the Universitẻ Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, France. He has served, as the Head of Department of Geology and Mining, University of Jos. He is a Fellow of the Nigerian Mining and Geosciences Society (FNMGS). He trained a number of Ph.Ds in Geology. He has over 60 articles published in high impact sciences journals. Presently, He occupies the Petroleum Technology Development Fund (PTDF) Professorial Chair in Geology at the University of Jos. His email address is: laru@yahoo.co.uk and phone number: 08037039175.

Download CV: CV_LAR-URIAH-ALEXANDER_cvprof-alex-lar.docx

UWAEZUOKE, Joseph Chidi is a Professor of Medical Microbiology/Parasitology in the Faculty of Science, Department of Microbiology, Imo State University, Owerri. He holds a Ph.D from the same University, (2007). He was Head of Department of Microbiology (2012-2015). His current research interest is on antimicrobial/parasitic disease assessment. His email address is uwaezuoke_uwaezuoke@yahoo.com. His telephone is 08033616771.

Download CV: CV_Uwaezuoke-Joseph -Chidi_latest-rev-c.v-most-recent-.doc

UWAH, Edet Johnnie is a Professor of Applied Nuclear Physics in the University of Calabar. He holds the Ph.D Degree of the Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria in Physics (1985). He was the Head of Department of Physics (1998 – 2000), Ag Dean of Faculty of Science, (2007-2009), Chairman Committee of Deans (2008-2009). His area of research is in applied nuclear physics and quantum mechanics. His email address is edetjohnnie@yahoo.com. His phone number is +2348034742381.

Download CV: CV_UWAH-EDET-JOHNNIE_curriculum-vitae-profuwah-copy.doc

UWAH, Ikama Edet is a Professor of Physical/Environmental Chemistry in the Faculty of Physical Sciences, University of Calabar, Calabar. She holds a Ph.D from the University Of Calabar (2002). She was the Head of Department, Department of Pure and Applied Chemistry (2015 – 2018). She is a Fellow of the Institute of Chattered Chemists of Nigeria. Her current research is on corrosion science.  Her email address is ikamauwah@yahoo.co.uk. Her telephone number is +2348037362413.

Download CV: CV_UWAH-IKAMA-EDET_updated-curriculum-vitae.docx

UWAKWE, Augustine Amadikwa is a Professor of Biochemistry in the Faculty of Science, University of Port Harcourt, Port Harcourt, Nigeria. He holds a Ph.D from the same university (1992). He was Head of Department, Biochemistry (2003-2006; and 2010-2011), Deputy Vice-Chancellor of Evangel University Akaeze, Ebonyi State (2011-2012), Acting Vice-Chancellor of same University (2012-2013), Acting Vice-Chancellor Gregory University Uturu, Abia State (2015). He is a Fellow of the Nigerian Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. His current research is on sickle cell disease management and phytomedicine. His email address is augustine.uwakwe@uniport.edu.ng or uwadik@gmail.com. His telephone number is +2347060968996.

Download CV: CV_Uwakwe-Augustine-Amadikwa_c.v-of-prof.-uwakwe.doc

UZAIRU, Adamu is a Professor of Chemistry in the Faculty of Physical Sciences, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria. He holds a Ph.D from Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, (1997). He was Postgraduate Coordinator (2005 – 2008), Ag. Head of Department (2013 – 2014) and Head of Department, Kaduna State University, Kaduna (2009 – 2010). He is a member of ICCON and Chemical Society of Nigeria. His current research interest is on general computational chemistry and design of new materials. His email address is adamuuzairu@yahoo.com. His telephone number is +2348036262714.

Download CV: CV_UZAIRU-ADAMU-_cv-of-Professor-adamuuzairu.docx

UZOCHUKWU, Sylvia is a Professor of Food Science and Biotechnology in the Faculty of Science, Federal University, Oye-Ekiti. She holds a Ph.D from the University of Nigeria, Nsukka (1987). She was Director of the Biotechnology Centre, Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta. (2001-2009), Dean, Faculty of Science, Federal University, Oye-Ekiti(2013-2017), and Head, Biotechnology Centre, Federal University, Oye-Ekiti (2017-present). She is a Fellow of the Biotechnology Society of Nigeria. Her current research is on functional metagenomics of food systems and gene mining in traditional food environments. Her email address is suzochi@yahoo.com. Her telephone number is +2348033531178.

Download CV: CV_Uzochukwu-Sylvia-Ajagugha_uzochukwusylvia-cv.doc

WADA, Dalha Taura is a Professor of Microbiology in the Faculty of Life Sciences. He holds a Ph.D from Bayero University, Kano (2011). He was a Faculty Exams Office (2007-2013), Sub-Dean (2014-2016) and Deputy Director Centre for Advanced Medical Research and Training (AMRAT) AKTH. His current research on virology and ethno-medicine. His telephone number is +2348036267381.

Download CV: CV_WADA-DALHA-TAURA_revised-taura-cv-2.doc

WAJIGA, Gregory Maksha is a Professor of Computer Science in the School of Physical Sciences, Modibbo Adama University of Technology, Yola. He holds a Ph.D from Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University (2000). He was Dean of Science (1999-2002). He is a member of Nigeria Computer Society. His current research is on Biologically inspired computing algorithms. His email address is gwajiga@mautech.edu.ng. His telephone number is +234 806 533 6753.

Download CV: CV_Wajiga-Gregory-Maksha_curriculumvitae.docx

WANI, Parvaze Ahmad is a Professor of Microbiology in the Dept. of Biological Sciences, Crescent University, Abeokuta, He holds a Ph.D from Aligarh Muslim University, ALigarh, UP, India (2003-2008). He is the presently Dean of College of Natural and Applied Sciences, Crescent University (March 2017 till date) and was HOD of Dept. of Biological Sciences Crescent University Abeokuta (2011-2017). He is currently doing research on bioremediation of pollutants. His email and phone are wani1889@rediffmail.com and +2348127592298.

Download CV: CV_Wani-Parvaze-Ahmad_curriculum-vitae-2-edited-1-with-list-of-publications.docx

WAZIRI, Maimuna is a Professor of Analytical Chemistry in the Faculty of Science, Federal University, Gashua. She holds a Ph.D from University of Maiduguri in (2007). She was a Dean of Science (2015-2017). She is a Fellow of the Chemical Society of Nigeria and Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Administration) of Federal University, Gashua (2016- till date). Her current area of interest is on environmental toxicology. email address: maimunakadai@yahoo.com Tel: +2348033670619.

Download CV: CV_Waziri-Maimuna–_curriculum-vitae-m.-waziri.docx

WEGWU, Matthew Owhonda is a Professor of Biochemistry in the Faculty of Science, University of Port Harcourt. He holds a Ph.D from the same university (1999). He was Dean, Student Affairs (2008-2012), Director Special Projects (2012-2017), Head of Department (2014-2016), Chairman, Sports Complex Management Committee (2015 till date) and Sports Institute Academic Board (2018). His current research is on environmental nutrition and non-communicable diseases and sustainable diets. He has successfully supervised 8 Ph.Ds. His Email address is matthew.wegwu@uniport.edu.ng and his telephone number is +2348068698933.

Download CV: CV_Wegwu-Matthew-Owhonda_prof.-m.owegwu-cv.docx

YERIMA, Mohammed Bello is a Professor of Applied Environmental Microbiology in the Faculty of Science, Federal University Dutse. He holds a Ph.D. from the University of Jos (2012). He was the pioneer Head of Department (2016-2018). He is a member of several Committees and Senate. He was the President of Biotechnology Society of Nigeria and Vice President, Nigerian Society for Microbiology. His current research is on bioremediation and climate change mitigation. His e-mail addresses are belyerima@gmail.com and bello.y@fud.edu.ng.

Download CV: CV_YERIMA-MOHAMMEDBELLO_prof.-yerima-m.b.-cvee.docx


For more information and inquiries, email: lawnigeria@gmail.com and info@lawnigeria.com

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