AlphabeticalYearsSubject AreasCourt Rules
A- C G – K M – I R – T
D – F L – L P – P U – Z


  1. Abolition of Pail Laterine System Law (Spent and Omitted)
  2. Adoption Law 2003 (Repealed by Cap C7)
  3. Animal Disease Control Act (Federal Law: Omitted)
  4. Appropriation Law 2013 (Spent and Omitted)
  5. Appropriation (Amendment & Re-ordering) Law 2013 (Spent and Omitted)
  6. Appropriation Law 2014. (Spent and Omitted)
  7. Arbitration and Conciliation Act (Federal Law omitted)
  8. Betting Duty Law (Spent and Omitted)
  9. Borstal Training Law 2003 (Repealed by Cap C3)
  10. Capital Gains Tax Act (federal Law Omitted)
  11. Car Dealers Registration and Prohibition of Sales of Vehicles Spare Parts Law (Spent and Omitted)
  12. Casino (Licensing) Law
  13. Central Licensing Authority Law (Repealed by Cap M6)
  14. Children and Young Persons Law (Repealed by Cap C7)
  15. Children and Young Persons (Harmful Publication) Law (Repealed by Cap C7)
  16. Control of Traffic (Special Provision) Law (Repealed by Cap. M6)
  17. Control of Traffic (temporary Provisions) Law (repealed by Cap M6)
  18. Criminal Code Law (Repealed by Cap C17)
  19. Criminal Procedure Law (Repealed by Cap. A3)
  20. Day Care Centres (Control of Operation) Law 2003 (Repealed by Cap C7)
  21. Disabled Persons Welfare (Enhancement) Law (Repealed by Cap s.10)
  22. Electronic Document Management System Law (Spent and Omitted)
  23. Entertainment Tax Law (Spent and Omitted)
  24. Environmental Pollution Control Law (Spent and Omitted)
  25. Environmental Sanitation Enforcement Agency Law [Repealed by Environmental Management and Protection Law, 2017]
  26. Epetedo Lands Law.
  27. Finance (Control and Management) Law (Repealed by Cap P. 15)
  28. Free Health Services (Miscellaneous Provisions) Law [Repealed by Cap H3)
  29. Gaming (Licensing) Law [Repealed by Cap C3)
  30. Glover Memorial Hall Law (Spent and Omitted)
  31. Goldsmiths Law (Spent and Omitted)
  32. Folded Woven Goods Law 1964.
  33. Food and Drugs Act (Federal Law Omitted)
  34. Glover Memorial Hall Law.
  35. Goldsmith Law.
  36. Highways (Removal of Obstruction) Law (repealed by Cap R5)
  37. Ibile Property Corporation (Repeal) Law [Repealed by Cap L.22]
  38. Lagos State Bulk Purchasing Corporation Law.
  39. Lagos State Consumer Protection Committee Law [Repealed by Cap C13]
  40. Lagos State Development Bonds Law [Repealed by Cap B3]
  41. Lagos State Electricity Board Law, Cap L25 [Repealed by Environmental Management and Protection Law, 2017]
  42. Lagos State Environmental Protection Agency Law [Repealed by Environmental Management and Protection Law, 2017]
  43. Lagos State Government Staff Housing Board Regulation [Merged with cap L31]
  44. Lagos State Health Management Board Law [Repealed by Cap H3]
  45. Lagos State Hospitals Management Board [Repealed by Cap H3]
  46. Lagos State Law Review Commission Law 2003.
  47. Lagos Metropolitan Area Authority Law, Cap L12 [Repealed by Lagos State Transport Sector Reform Law]
  48. Lagos State Number Plate Production Authority Law, Cap L49 [Repealed by Lagos State Transport Sector Reform Law, 2018
  49. Lagos State Parking Authority Law, Cap L50 [Repealed by Lagos State Transport Sector Reform Law]
  50. Lagos State Parks and Gardens Law [Repealed by Environmental Management and Protection Law, 2017]
  51. Lagos State Parks Commission Law [Repealed by Cap L51]
  52. Lagos State Planning Commission Law [Repealed by Cap U2]
  53. Lagos State Primary School Management Board Law [Repealed by Cap C11
  54. Lagos State Roads, bridges and Highway Infrastructure (Private Sector Participation) Development Board Law
  55. Lagos State Schools Management Board Law [Repealed by C11]
  56. Lagos Structures and Advertisement Agency Law [Repealed by Environmental Management and Protection Law, 2017]
  57. Lagos State Traffic Management Authority Law Cap L168 [Repealed by Lagos State Transport Sector Reform Law]
  58. Lagos State Waste Management Authority Law [Repealed by Environmental Management and Protection Law, 2017]
  59. Lagos State Water Sector Law [Repealed by Environmental Management and Protection Law, 2017]
  60. Lagos State Traditional Medicine Law [Repealed by Cap H3]
  61. Lagos State Transport Corporation Law [Spent and Omitted]
  62. Lagos State Urban Renewal Board Law [Repealed by Cap U1]
  63. Lagos State Waterways Authority Law, cap L72 [Repealed by Lagos State Transport Sector Reform Law, 2018
  64. Land Instruments Registration Law. [Spent and Omitted]
  65. Legitimacy Law [Spent and Omitted]
  66. Leprosy Law [Merged with Cap p16]
  67. Loans (Federal Sources) Enabling Law 1972. [Spent and Omitted]
  68. Local Authorities
  69. Lotteries and Pools Betting Law [Repealed by Cap C3]
  70. Merriment Tax Law. [Spent and Omitted]
  71. Metroline Tribunal Law [Spent and Omitted]
  72. Moneylenders Law [Spent and Omitted]
  73. Motor Vehicle Administration Agency Law, Cap M6 [Repealed by Lagos State Transport Sector Reform Law, 2018]
  74. Motor Vehicle and Motor Spare Parts Dealers Law, CAp M7 [Repealed by Lagos State Transport Sector Reform Law, 2018]
  75. National Population Commission Act [Federal Law omitted]
  76. Newspaper Law [Spent and Omitted]
  77. Nigerian Social Insurance Trust Fund Act [Federal Law Omitted]
  78. OPil Pipeline Law [Federal Law Omitted]
  79. Personal Income tax Act Law [Federal Law Omitted]
  80. Petroleum Fuel (Control) Law [Federal Law Omitted]
  81. Petroleum Control (Temporary Provision) Law 2003 [Federal Law Omitted]
  82. Pool Betting Control Law [Spent and Omitted]
  83. Pool Betting Tax (Amendment) Law [Spent and Omitted]
  84. Pool Betting Tax Law [Spent and Omitted]
  85. Prevention of Transmission of AIDS (Through Blood Transmission) Law [repealed by Cap L11]
  86. Printing Presses Regulation Law 1933 [Spent and Omitted]
  87. Private Health Facilities Inspection Law [Repealed by Cap H3]
  88. Private Hospital Law [Repealed by Cap H3]
  89. Public Contract (Levy on Consultancy Fees and Contracts) Law 1977 [Spent and Omitted]
  90. Public Contract (Restriction on Award) Law 1973 [Spent and Omitted]
  91. Public Officers’ Protection Law 2003 [Spent and Omitted]
  92. Public Roads Setbacks (Social, Religious and Commercial Functions Prohibition) Removal of Obstruction Law 2008.
  93. Public Transportation (Commuter Buses) Registration and Restriction Law [Repealed by cap R5]
  94. Public Trustees Fees (Amendments) Regulation Law [Merged with cap P.19]
  95. Registered Land Law [Spent and Omitted]
  96. Registration of Titles Law [Spent and Omitted]
  97. Rent Control and Recovery of Residential Premises Edict 1976 [Spent and Omitted]
  98. Rent Control and Recovery of Residential Premises (Amendment) Edict 1976. [Spent and Omitted]
  99. Rent Control and Recovery of Residential Premises (No. 2) Edict 1976. [Spent and Omitted]
  100. Rent Control Tribunal Law [Spent and Omitted]
  101. Road Safety Corps Law and the Road Safety Corps (Amendment) Law 1979 [Spent and Omitted]
  102. Road Traffic Law, Cap R5 [Repealed by Lagos State Transport Sector Reform Law 2018]
  103. Riot Damages Law 1957 [Spent and Omitted]
  104. Sea Fisheries (Licensing) Regulations [Federal Law Omitted]
  105. Sheriffs and Civil Process Act [Federal Law Omitted]
  106. Smallscale Industries Credit Scheme Funds Law [Spent and Omitted]
  107. Street Trading and Hawking Law [Repealed by Environmental Management and Protection Law, 2017]
  108. Taxi-Cab (Prohibition of Operation Without Meter) Law [Repealed by Cap M6]
  109. Tenement Rates Law [Spent and Omitted]
  110. The Education (Private Secondary Institution) Law [Spent and Omitted]
  111. Tom Jones Memorial Hall Law [Spent and Omitted]
  112. The Laws of Lagos State 2003 Edition.
  113. Veterinary Surgeon Law [Federal Law Omitted]


By YearsBy AlphabetsBy Areas of Practice


The Constitution National Legislations Treaties of the Federation
State Laws State Court Rules Court Judgments
Food & Agriculture Energy & Environment Healthcare
Transport (Road, Rail, Air, Water) Education Housing & Infrastructure
Security & Law Enforcement Science & Technology Family, Youth & Child
Government & Elections Taxation & Revenue Economic & Commercial
MDA Regulations SON Standards Executive Orders
Nig. Nuclear Reg. Auth., NNRA NAFDAC NESREA
Dept of Pet. Res. DPR Securities & Exchange Comm., SEC NERC
Fed. Inland Rev. Service, FIRS Fed. Road Safety Corps., FRSC Central Bank of Nigeria, FBN
Nig. Communications Comm., NCC1 Nig. Broadcasting Comm., NBC Nig. Copyright Comm., NCC2
Bio-Chemical and Bio-Safety Service & Quality Other Standards
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