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A- C G – K M – I R – T
D – F L – L P – P U – Z



1.       Citation. 

2.       Interpretation. 

3.       Births and Deaths which are registrable. 

4.       Appointment of Principal Registrar. 

5.       Appointment of registries. 

6.       Duties of Principal Registrar. 

7.       Duties of registrars. 

8.       Registers not to be removed from office without permission. 

Registration of Births

9.       Persons responsible for registering births. 

10.     Registrar may summon persons to register births. 

11.     New-born child found exposed. 

12.     Illegitimate children. 

13.     Certificate of registration of birth. 

14.     Registration after three and twelve months from birth. 

15.     Persons baptising. 

16.     Registration of name subsequent to registration of birth. 

17.     Certificate of baptism to be given. 

Registration of Deaths

18.     Deaths in houses or on board ship. 

19.     Deaths not in houses or on board ship. 

20.     Registrar may summon persons to register death. 

21.     No registration after twelve months. 

22.     Medical certificate of cause of death. 

23.     When inquest held person other than coroner not required to register death. 

Correction of Errors in Registers

24.     Correction of errors in general. 

25.     Correction of entries when registered in wrong office. 

26.     Principal Registrar to be informed of such corrections. 

Searches in and Certified Extracts from Register

27.     Right to search register. 

28.     Form of certified copies. 

29.     Admission of certified copies in evidence. 


30.     Fees. 

Burials of Persons whose Deaths are Registrable and of Still-born Children whose Births if they had been born
alive would have been Registrable

31.     Registrar to issue certificate for burial. 

32.     Coroner may authorise burial before registration of death. 

33.     Registrar’s certificate and coroner’s order to be delivered to person burying. 

34.     Prohibition against burial without proper sanction. 

35.     Time within which dead bodies are to be buried. 

36.     Burial of deceased child as still-born. 

Appointment of Burial Grounds

37.     Power to appoint burial grounds. 

38.     Control and management of public burial grounds. 

39.     Where public burial ground provided corpses not to be buried elsewhere. 

Burials Generally

40.     On whom duty of causing a body to be buried falls. 

41.     No corpse to be buried at less depth than four feet. 

42.     Power of court to close dwelling-house near which corpse is buried. 

43.(1)Search warrant for corpse buried near a dwelling-house. 

(2)     Removal and burial of corpse buried in contravention of Law. 


44.     Exhumation. 

Penalties and Miscellaneous

45.     Penalty for failing to register birth or death. 

46.     Offences by registrars. 

47.     Registration of non-registrable births and deaths. 

48.     Power to make regulations. 

First Schedule 

Second Schedule 



A Law to provide for registration of births, and deaths, and to regulate burials.

[F. & L. 1958, Cap 23. L.N. 257 of 1959. L.N. 112 of 1964. L.S.L.N. 16 of 1972.]

[1st April, 1918]                                                                                 [COMMENCEMENT]

1.       Citation This Law may be cited as the Births, Deaths and Burials Law.

2.       Interpretation

In this Law unless the context otherwise requires—

“house” means any building and also any part of a building, where such part is occupied separately from the rest, and includes a prison, lock-up, hospital, lunatic asylum and public or charitable institution;

“occupier” includes the officer in charge of any prison, hospital, lunatic asylum, or public or charitable institution, and where a house is let in separate lodgings or apartments, includes any person residing in such house who is the person under whom such separate lodgings or apartments are immediately held, or his agent;

“registrar” includes a deputy registrar;

“relative” includes a connection by marriage;

“the parent” means in the case of a legitimate child, the father, or, if the father be dead, then the mother, and in the case of an illegitimate child, the mother;

“the particulars required to be furnished” means with reference to a birth the particulars comprised in Form A or Form B in the First Schedule as the case may be, and, with reference to a death the particulars comprised in Form C or Form D in the said Schedule as the case may be;

[Forms A, B, C and D. First Schedule.]

“to register” in relation to a registrar, means to record in the proper book the particulars furnished to him concerning a registrable birth or a registrable death, and, in relation to any other person, means to furnish to the best of his knowledge and belief, to the registrar at the proper registry the particulars required to be furnished with regard to a registrable birth or registrable death and to sign the entry in the book relating to such birth or death.

3.   Births and deaths which are registrable

(1)     Births and deaths are registrable under this Law in the cases following—

(a)     all births and deaths occurring amongst aliens in the Lagos State or in the territorial waters of the Lagos State.
[L.S.L.N. 16 of 1972.]

(b)     all births and deaths occurring amongst Nigerians in any area or territorial waters of the Lagos State defined in an order made under subsection (2).

(2)     The State Commissioner may by order direct that all births and deaths occurring amongst Nigerians in an area of the Lagos State defined in such order shall be registered.

[L.N. 257 of 1959.]

(3)     The birth of a child still-born is not registrable under this Law.

4.   Appointment of Principal Registrar

(1)     There may be appointed a fit person to be Principal Registrar for the purposes of this Law.

[L.N. 112 of 1964.]

(2)     There may likewise be appointed such registrars and deputy registrars as may from time to time be necessary for the purposes of this Law.

5.   Appointment of registries

The State Commissioner may by notice in the Gazette appoint registry offices and direct for what area and in relation to what class of person each such office shall be the proper office for the registration of births and deaths under this Law.
[L.N. 112 of 1964.]

6.   Duties of Principal Registrar

The Principal Registrar shall keep such records and furnish such returns and perform such duties as may be prescribed or as the Governor may direct.

7.   Duties of registrars

(1)     A registrar shall be provided with register books in the Forms A, B, C and D in the First Schedule and shall, subject to the provisions of this Law, register in the proper book all births and deaths registrable in his office immediately after the same have been reported to him.

[Forms A, B, C and D. First Schedule.]

(2)     A registrar shall keep himself informed of all births and deaths occurring and registrable in his office.

(3)     A registrar shall furnish such returns as may be prescribed or as the Principal Registrar may direct.

8.   Registers not to be removed from office without permission

No register shall be taken out of a registry except by permission in writing of a registrar or under the order of a court.
Penalty: a fine of two naira.

Registration of Births

9.   Persons responsible for registering births

When a registrable birth occurs, the parent, and, in default of the parent, the person having charge of the child, and, in default of such person, if the birth took place in a house to the knowledge of the occupier thereof, then such occupier, or if the birth took place on a ship, then the master of the ship, shall, within twenty-one days next after the birth, register the birth.

10.   Registar may summon persons to register births

When a birth has not been duly registered within such twenty-one days as aforesaid, the registrar may, by notice in writing in the Form E in the First Schedule, summon any of the persons required by law to register the birth to attend personally at the registry within such time as may be specified in the summons (being not less than two days after the receipt thereof and not more than twelve months after the date of the birth) and register the birth.

[Form E. First Schedule.]

11.   New-born child found exposed

Any person who finds any living new-born child exposed shall forthwith report the matter to the nearest magistrate or police officer who shall thereupon make inquiries, and if it appears to him that the birth is registrable, shall require the person who reported the matter, and such person is hereby required, to register the birth.

12.   Illegitimate children

(1)     No father of an illegitimate child shall be compelled to register the birth of such child, and the registrar shall not enter in the register the name of any person as the father of any such child unless at the joint request of the mother and the person acknowledging himself to be the father, and such person shall in such case sign the register together with the mother.

(2)     A registrar who shall commit a breach of the provisions of this section shall be liable to a fine of four naira.

13.   Certificate of registration of birth

The registrar shall upon registering any birth deliver to the informant free of charge a certificate in the Form F in the First Schedule.

[Form F. First Schedule.]

14.   Registration after three and twelve months from birth

No birth shall be registered after the expiration of three months therefrom except upon payment of the prescribed fee: and no birth shall be registered after the expiration of twelve months therefrom except under the written authority of the Principal Registrar and upon payment of the prescribed fee, and such authority shall be entered in the register.

15.   Persons baptising

Every minister or other person who shall baptise any infant whose birth is registrable shall before performing the rite of baptism upon such infant require production to him of a certificate of registration of the birth of such infant signed by the registrar; and in case no such certificate shall be produced to him, he shall within forty-eight hours from the baptism give notice of the fact in writing in the Form G in the First Schedule to the registrar at the office at which the birth of such child should have been registered.

[Form G. First Schedule.]

Penalty: a fine of two naira.

16.   Registration of name subsequent to registration of birth

(1)     Where a birth has been registered, and it is desired to change the name of the child or where a birth has been registered without a name and a name is subsequently given to the child, the parent or guardian of such child may within twelve months after the registration of the birth deliver to the registrar a certificate in the Form H or I in the First Schedule and the registrar upon receipt of such certificate and upon payment of the prescribed fee shall without any erasure of the original entry forthwith enter in the register the name mentioned in such certificate as having been given to such child.

[Form H or I. First Schedule.]

(2)     Every such certificate shall be signed by the person who performed the rite of baptism upon the occasion on which the name was given or altered, or, if the child is not baptised, by the parent or guardian of the child.

17.   Certificate of baptism to be given

Every person who performs the rite of baptism shall deliver upon demand and upon payment of a fee not exceeding ten kobo a certificate in the Form H in the First Schedule.

[Form H. First Schedule.]

Penalty: a fine of four naira.

Registration of Deaths

18.   Deaths in houses or on board ship

When a registrable death occurs in a house, or on board a ship, the relatives of the deceased present at the death, or in attendance during the last illness of the deceased and in default of such relatives, every person present at the death, and in default of such persons if the death took place in a house to the knowledge of the occupier then such occupier, or if the death took place on a ship then the master of the ship, and in default of such occupier or master the person causing the body of the deceased to be buried, shall, within forty-eight hours of the death, register the death.

19.   Deaths not in houses or on board ship

When a registrable death occurs in a place other than a house or a ship, or the dead body of a person whose death is registrable is found, whether in a house or elsewhere, every relative of the deceased having knowledge of any of the particulars required to be registered concerning the death, and in default of such relatives, every person present at the death, and in default of such persons, every person finding or taking charge of the body, shall, without delay, register the death.

20.   Registrar may summon persons to register death

Where any death has not been duly registered the registrar by notice in writing in the Form E in the First Schedule may summon any of the persons required by law to register the death to attend personally at the registry within such time as may be specified in the summons (being not less than two days after receipt thereof and not more than twelve months after the death or finding of the body) to register the death.

[Form E. First Schedule.]

21.   No registration after twelve months

No death shall be registered after the expiration of twelve months after such death or after the finding of any dead body except under the written authority of the Principal Registrar and the fact of such authority having been given shall be entered in the register.

22.   Medical certificate of cause of death

Every qualified medical practitioner who has attended to a person during his last illness shall without charge deliver to the person required to register the death a certificate in the Form J in the First Schedule and such person shall deliver such certificate to the registrar and the cause of death as stated in the certificate shall be entered in the register together with the name of the certifying medical practitioner.

[Form J. First Schedule.]

Penalty: a fine of twenty naira.

23.   When inquest held person other than coroner not required to register death

(1)     Where an inquest is held on and a certificate rendered in respect of any dead body under the provisions of the Coroners Law, no person shall with respect to such dead body, or the death, be liable to attend upon a summons of the registrar, or be subject to any penalty for failing to give information in pursuance of any provision of this Law, and a qualified medical practitioner shall not be required to give a medical certificate under the last preceding section.
[Cap. C16.]

(2)     The fact of the death and the particulars contained in the said certificate shall be entered in the register in the prescribed form and manner, and if such death has been previously registered the said particulars shall be entered without any alteration of the original entry.

Correction of Errors in Register

24.   Correction of errors in general

Any clerical error in a register may if discovered at the time of making the entry be then corrected by the registrar but save as is provided in the next succeeding section no other alteration shall be made in any register except upon the written authority of the Principal Registrar and upon adequate inquiry by him and on payment of the prescribed fee. Every correction in a register shall be made by entry in the margin without any alteration of the original entry.

Penalty: a fine of ten naira.

25.   Correction of entries when registered in wrong office

Whenever it is found that a birth or death has been registered at the wrong registry the registrar of the registry where such erroneous entry has been made shall correct the same by an entry in the margin stating the circumstances in which the correction is made with the date thereof. The entry shall be signed by the persons, if any, supplying the information upon which it is made and also by the registrar who shall then rule one clear line through the erroneous entry but so that such entry shall remain legible, and the registrar shall thereupon notify the erroneous entry, the correction and all the circumstances under which the correction is made to the registrar of the registry in which the birth or death should properly have been registered, who shall forthwith make a special entry thereof and shall add a note in the margin of such entry explaining the facts attending the same as notified to him by the registrar of such other district.

26.   Principal Registrar to be informed of such corrections

In every case of a correction of or addition to a register made under the last preceding section the registrar making the same shall send the Principal Registrar a special report of the correction with all particulars thereof.

Penalty: a fine of four naira.

Searches in and Certified Extracts from Register

27.   Right to search register

Every person shall be entitled at all reasonable hours upon payment of the prescribed fee to inspect any entry in any register and to have a certified copy of any entry.

28.   Form of certified copies

Every such certified copy shall be an exact copy of the entry in the register with a certificate at the foot in the Form K in the First Schedule and shall be signed by the registrar.

[Form K. First Schedule.]

29.   Admission of certified copies in evidence

A certified copy of an entry in any register shall be receivable in evidence in all courts in Nigeria.


30.   Fees

The fees specified in the Second Schedule shall be paid to the registrars for the several matters therein contained.

[Second Schedule.]

Burials of Persons whose Deaths are Registrable and of Still-born Children whose Births if they had been born
alive would have been Registrable

31.   Registrar to issue certificate for burial

Immediately upon registering any death or receiving information of the birth of any child still-born, the registrar shall issue his certificate in the Form L in the First Schedule for the burial of the body: Provided that a registrar shall not, without the written authority of a coroner, issue such certificate in any of the following cases—

[Form L. First Schedule.]

(a)     if it shall appear to the registrar that there is reason to believe that the deceased died either a violent or unnatural death, or died suddenly from a cause unknown, or whilst confined in a lunatic asylum or in prison;

(b)     if the registrar shall consider that the circumstances connected with any death require investigation; or

(c)     if he shall be informed that a report concerning the death in question has been or is about to be made to the coroner.

32.   Coroner may authorise burial before registration of death

Where a coroner has made an order for burial under the provisions of the Coroners Law, such burial may take place notwithstanding the fact that the death of the deceased person has not been registered.

[Cap. C16.]

33.   Registrar’s certificate and coroner’s order to be delivered to person burying

Every certificate of the registrar under section 31 and every order of the coroner made under the provisions of the Coroners Law shall be delivered by the person to whom it is issued to the person who buries, or the person who performs any funeral service over the body of the deceased.

[Cap. C16.]

Penalty: a fine of four naira.

34.   Prohibition against burial without proper sanction

(1)     Unless a magistrate or medical officer of health shall in writing order otherwise, no body of a deceased person whose death is registrable or a still-born child whose birth if he had been born alive would have been registrable shall be buried or otherwise disposed of until a certificate shall have been granted by the registrar or an order shall have been made by the coroner.

Penalty: a fine of forty naira.

(2)     A magistrate or medical officer of health may, subject to the like restrictions as are imposed on the registrar by the proviso to section 31, make such order in any case in which he may consider it to be necessary in the interest of the public health, but shall in every case notify the registrar in the Form M in the First Schedule of such order having been made.

[Form M. First Schedule.]

35.   Time within which dead bodies are to be buried

Every body of a deceased person or of a still-born child shall be buried within twenty four hours of the issue of the registrar’s certificate or the making of the order of the coroner, magistrate or medical officer of health.

Penalty: a fine of forty naira.

36.   Burial of deceased child as still-born

(1)     No person shall wilfully bury or otherwise dispose of or procure to be buried or otherwise disposed of the body of any deceased child as if it were still-born.

Penalty: a fine of twenty naira.

(2)     A registrar shall not issue his certificate for the burial of any still-born child before there is delivered to him either—

(a)     a written certificate in one of the Forms N in the First Schedule that such child was not born alive signed by a qualified medical practitioner who was in attendance at the birth, or who has examined the body of such child; or

[Form N. First Schedule.]

(b)     a declaration in the Form O in the First Schedule signed by some person who would, if the child had been born alive, have been required to register the birth, to the effect that no medical certificate can be obtained, and that the child was not born alive.

[Form O. First Schedule.]

Appointment of Burial Grounds

37.     Power to appoint burial grounds

The State Commissioner may by order—

(a)     declare any burial ground within the Lagos State to be a public burial ground for any area specified in such order;
[L.N. 257 of 1959.]

(b)     appropriate any public burial ground within the Lagos State to persons of any class, nationality or religious denomination mentioned in the order;

(c)     order that any burial ground within the Lagos State, whether a public burial ground or not, named in such order shall from a date specified be discontinued either wholly or subject to any exceptions or qualifications mentioned in such order.

38.   Control and management of public burial grounds

Every public burial ground shall be under the control or management of such person or body of persons as the State Commissioner may direct.

[L.N. 257 of 1959.]

39.   Where public burial ground provided corpses not to be buried elsewhere

Where one or more public burial grounds have been declared for any area by any authority empowered in that behalf by or under any enactment, no corpse shall be buried in any place within such area other than a place within such public burial grounds without the consent in writing of a divisional officer.

[L.S.L.N. 16 of 1972.]

Penalty: a fine of forty naira.

Burials Generally

40.   On whom duty of causing a body to be buried falls

(1)     The duty of causing the body of a deceased person to be buried is imposed on the persons following—

(a)     the executors of the deceased;

(b)     in the absence or default of an executor each and every one of the relatives of the deceased; and

(c)     in the absence or default of the relatives, the occupier of the premises on which the body lies: Provided that any person who shall cause a body to be buried shall be entitled to be paid all reasonable expenses incurred out of the property of the deceased in priority to all other charges.

(2)     The duty of causing the body of a still-born child to be buried is imposed on the parent and in default of the parent the occupier of the premises on which the body lies.

41.   No corpse to be buried at less depth than four feet

Except with the consent of a medical officer no corpse shall be buried at a less distance than four feet from the surface of the ground.

Penalty: a fine of twenty naira or imprisonment for two months.

42.   Power of court to close dwelling-house near which corpse is buried

(1)     A court may on the application of a health officer order that any dwelling-house in which, or within a hundred yards of which, a corpse has been buried be closed until the same is fit for habitation, and may if necessary authorise any police officer to remove from such house the occupants thereof.

(2)     Any person inhabiting a dwelling-house so closed shall be liable to a fine of two naira and a further fine of fifty kobo for each day that such habitation continues.

(3)     No order shall be made under this section if the corpse has been buried in a public burial ground.

43.   Search warrant for corpse buried near a dwelling-house

(1)     Upon the information of a health officer or any person authorised by him that a corpse has been buried in any dwelling-house or in any place, not being a public burial ground, within one hundred yards from any dwelling-house a court may issue a warrant, authorising any member of the police or any officer of the court to search, and, if necessary, to dig up any ground in any such dwelling-house, or within one hundred yards from such dwelling-house, for the purpose of ascertaining if any corpse has been buried.

(2)     Any corpse found in the execution of a warrant issued under this section shall be removed and buried by such person or persons as the court may direct, and the costs of such removal and burial shall be paid by the persons by whom such corpse has been buried or caused to be buried in the place from which it has been removed or otherwise as the court may direct.

[Removal and burial of corpse buried in contravention of Law.]


44.   Exhumation

(1)     The State Commissioner may by writing under his hand order the exhumation of any body buried in any place within the Lagos State and may direct that any such exhumation shall be carried out in the presence of, and in a manner approved by, a medical officer and give such other directions with regard to any such exhumation as he may think fit.
[L.N. 257 of 1959.]

(2)     Save as provided in subsection (1) no corpse shall be taken up, exhumed, transferred or removed from a public burial ground: Provided that nothing in this Law shall be deemed to affect the power of a coroner to order exhumation under the provisions of the Coroners Law.

[Cap. C16.]

(3)     Any person contravening the provisions of subsection (2) shall on conviction be liable to a fine of two hundred naira or imprisonment for two years.

Penalties and Miscellaneous

45.   Penalty for failing to register birth or death

Every person required by this Law to register any birth or death, who shall fail to register the same or to comply with a summons of the registrar, or shall wilfully refuse to answer any question put to him by the registrar relating to the particulars required to be registered shall be liable to a fine of four naira.

46.   Offences by registrars

Every registrar who—

(a)     fails to register any birth or death which he is required to register under this Law;

(b)     registers any birth or death which he is prohibited from registering under this Law;

(c)     refuses or fails, without reasonable excuse, to deliver or issue in accordance with this Law any certificate or certified copy; or

(d)     delivers or issues any certificate which he is prohibited from delivering or issuing, shall be liable to a fine of twenty naira.

47.   Registration of non-registrable births and deaths

Whenever a birth or death occurs in the Lagos State which is not registrable under this Law any person desiring that the birth or death shall be registered may furnish to any registrar of Nigerian or alien births and deaths, as the case may be, the particulars required to be furnished with regard to a registrable birth or registrable death, as the case may be, and the registrar shall, subject to the provisions of sections 14 and 21 register such birth or death and shall enter in the margin a note that the registration of such birth or death is not compulsory but has been registered at the request of the informant. The informant shall sign the register in the appointed column, and shall place his initials at the end of the note in the margin.

[L.S.L.N. 16 of 1972.]

48.   Power to make regulations

The State Commissioner may make regulations—

[L.N. 112 of 1964.]

(a)     for the government and guidance of the registrars;

(b)     for adding to or altering the forms in the First Schedule;

(c)     for altering the fees specified in the Second Schedule;

(d)     for prescribing the manner in which entries shall be made in registers;

(e)     for regulating burials in public burial grounds;

(f)      for the protection of memorials of the dead in public burial grounds;

(g)     for regulating the size, the position of, and the prices to be paid for spaces for graves and burials;

(h)     for prescribing the duties of keepers of burial grounds; and

(i)      generally for the better carrying into effect of the provisions of this Law.

First Schedule

Form A


[ss. 2 and 7.]

(Chapter B3)

Births Register of Aliens

No. Date of birth Place of birth Sex of child Name (if any) Name and nationality or country of father Maiden name and nationality or country of mother Rank or occupation and address of father (or, in default, of mother) Signature,
description and address of informant Date of registration Signature of registrar Name if added after Registration 


[ss. 2 and 7.]

(Chapter B3)

Births Register of Nigerians – (Substituted by Regs. 43 of 1936 and amended by L.N. 112 of 1964)

No. ………………………………………

Date of birth ………………………………………

Place of birth ………………………………………

Sex of child ………………………………………

Full Name (if any) ………………………………………

Full name and tribe of mother ………………………………………

Full maiden name and tribe of mother ………………………………………

Age of mother ………………………………………

Rank or occupation and address of father (or, in default, of mother) ………………………………………


relationship, if any, and address of informant ………………………………………

Date of Registration ………………………………………

Signature of registrar ………………………………………

Name if added after ………………………………………

Registration of birth ………………………………………

Form C


(Chapter B3)

Deaths Register of Aliens

No. ………………………………………

Date of death ………………………………………

Place of death ………………………………………

Name ………………………………………

Sex ………………………………………

Age ………………………………………

Rank or occupation………………………………………

Nationality or country ………………………………………

Abode ………………………………………

Cause of death ………………………………………

Name of certifying medical practitioner (if any) ………………………………………

Duration of illness………………………………………

 Place of burial………………………………………


Description and address of informant………………………………………

Date of Registration………………………………………

Signature of registrar ………………………………………

Form D


(Chapter B3)

Deaths Register of Nigerians (Substituted by Regs. 43 of 1936 and amended by L.N. 112 of 1964)

Signature of Registrar ………………………………………

Date of Registration………………………………………

Signature, description and address of informant ………………………………………

Place of burial ………………………………………

Duration of illness ………………………………………

Name of certifying medical practitioner (if any) ………………………………………

Cause of death ………………………………………

Last place of residence before arrival in Registration area ………………………………………

Period of continuous residence in registration area ………………………………………

Usual place of residence ………………………………………

Rank or occupation ………………………………………

Place of birth ………………………………………

Nationality or tribe ………………………………………

Age ………………………………………

Sex ………………………………………

Full name ………………………………………

Place of death ………………………………………

Date of death No. ………………………………………

Form E


(Chapter B3)

Registrar’s Summons to appear and testify

To, ………………………………………

of ………………………………………

You are hereby required to appear before me, the undersigned registrar of births and deaths, at …………………….. on the ………………. day of ……………………. , 20 ……., at ………………… o’clock in  the …………………. noon, then and thereto testify of your knowledge concerning the of ………………………………………

Herein fail not.

In default you will be liable to a penalty of Four naira. 

Given under my hand this ……….. day of ……………………….., 20 ………………. 

(Signature) ………………………………………


Form F


[s. 13.]

(Chapter B3)

Certificate of Registration of Birth

I,                                                                 , registrar of births and deaths at …………………………….. in Nigeria, do hereby certify that I have this day registered the birth of (James Williams), born at (Ikoyi), the child of (insert the names of the parents if the child is legitimate, or of the mother if the child is illegitimate). 

Witness my hand this …………… day of ……………….., 20 …………………… 

(Signature) ………………………………………



[s. 15.]

(Chapter B3)

Notice to Registrar by Person baptising Infant without production of Certificate of Registration of Birth

I, …………………………….. the undersigned, hereby give you notice that on the ………… day of ……………, 20……………..,

I baptised an infant of the name of………………………………………, the child of ………………………………………, of ………………………………………, and ………………………………………, his wife, and that no certificate of registration of the birth of the said infant was previously produced to me. 

(Date) ………………………………………

(Signature) ………………………………………

(Additions) ………………………………………

(Address) ………………………………………

To the Registrar of Births and Deaths. 


[ss. 16 and 17.]

(Chapter B3)

Certificate of Name given in Baptism

I do hereby certify that I have this day baptised by the name of (Isabella) a child produced to me by (Henry Johnson) as the child of (William) and (Susanna Wright) and declared by the said (Henry Johnson) to have been born at (Okepa) on the (3rd) day of (February), 20 …………….

Witness my hand this …………. day of …………… 20 ……………… 

(Signature) ………………………………………

(Additions) ………………………………………

(Address) ………………………………………

Form I


[s. 16.]

(Chapter B3)

Certificate of Name given not in Baptism

I do hereby certify that the male (or female) child born on the ………. day of ……….., 20………….. , at ………………….. , to his wife, whose birth was registered at ……………………………………..,  on the day of 20 …………. , has, without, being baptised, received the name of (or names of and ). 

Witness my hand this ………… day of ………………., 20 …………….. 

(Signature) ………………………………………

(Occupations) ………………………………………

(Address) ………………………………………

Form J


[s. 22.]

(Chapter B3)

Medical Certificate of Cause of Death Medical Certificate of Cause of Death 

I ……………………………………… hereby certify that I have medically attended I hereby certify that I have medically attended 

of* ………………………………………

who was (a) apparently or stated to be aged………………………… of* ……………………………………… who was

(a)     apparently or stated to be aged …………… years, that I last saw on the ………………, 20 …………………., that was then suffering from ………………………………………  that died as I am aware, or

(b)     informed, on that died as I am aware, or (b) informed, on the ………… day of …………….., 20 ………………, at ………………………………………

(c)     and that the cause of death was to the best of my knowledge and belief as herein stated:—

Primary cause Primary cause ………………………………………

Secondary cause Secondary cause ………………………………………

and that the disease had continued

(d)     and that the disease had continued

Witness my hand this ……………. day of ………. 20………………. 


Medical qualification………………………………………

Address Signature………………………………………

Medical qualification………………………………………

Address ………………………………………

*State address ………………………………………

(a)     Omit “apparently” or “stated to be” as the case may be.

(b)     Omit “aware or” when hour of death is known from report.

(c)  State the time. 

(d)  State duration of illness if possible. 

Note that by primary cause of death is meant the disease present at the time of death, which initiated the train of events leading thereto, and not a secondary, contributory or immediate cause or a terminal condition or mode of death. Note that by primary cause of death is meant the disease present at the time of death, which initiated the train of events leading thereto, and not a secondary, contributory or immediate cause or a terminal condition or mode of death.

Form K


[s. 28.]

(Chapter B3)

Certificate of Correctness of Copy of Entry in Register Copy of Entry

Certified to be a true copy of an entry in the Register of Births (or Deaths) at ………………………………………

Given at this day of 


Form L


[s. 31.]

(Chapter B3)

Certificate for Burial

This is to certify that the death of late ……………………………………. of ……………………………………., deceased, has been duly registered at page ………………. of volume ……………..  of the Registrar of Deaths at ………………….. (or that I am credibly informed that a child of ……………………………………., 
of ……………………………………. and ……………………………………., his wife, born on the …………. day of ……………., 20 …………………., was still-born): and I hereby give permission for interment of the body. 
of the Register 

Given under my hand at this ………. day of ………….., 20 ……………. 


(Registrar of Births and Deaths) 

Form M


[s. 31.]

(Chapter B3)

Notice to Registrar by the Magistrate or Medical Officer of Health ordering Burial of Body

I, ……………………………………. the undersigned, hereby give notice that on the day ………… of …………., 20 …………. I ordered the body of ……………………………………. of ……………………………………., to be buried. 

The persons responsible for the registration of the death are ……………………………………. (set out the names and addresses). 

(Signature and office) 

To the Registrar of Births and Deaths at …………………………………….


[s. 36.]

(Chapter B3)

(1)     Certificate that Child was Still-born, by Medical Practitioner who was in attendance at the Birth

I, ……………………………………. the undersigned medical practitioner, hereby certify that I was present at ……………………………………. on the ………………. day of ………………, 20……, when……………………….., of ……………………………………. (or, if the child was born in wedlock, say ……………………………….., the wife (or widow) of ……………………………………. of …………………………………….), gave birth to a male (or female) child, and that the said child was not born alive. 

Dated at the ………. day of ………………….., 20…………….. 




(2)     Certificate that Child was Still-born, by Medical Practitioner who has examined the Body

I, ……………………………………. the undersigned medical practitioner, hereby certify that I have examined the body of ……………………………………. a male (or female) child to which as I am informed and believe, 
of ……………………………………. (or if the child was born in wedlock, say ……………………………………., the wife (or widow) of ……………………………………., of …………………………………….), gave birth at ……………………………………. on the …………… day of ………………………, 20 ……………, and that, in my opinion, the said child was not born alive.

Dated at ……………………………………., the ……………. day of ……………………., 20 ……………….. 




Form O


[s. 36.]

(Chapter B3)

Declaration by Informant that Child was Still-born

I, ……………………………………. the undersigned, hereby declare that a male (or female) child was born to ……………………………………., of ……………………………………. (or, if the child was born in wedlock, say ……………………………………., the wife (or widow) of ……………………………………. of …………………………………….), at ……………………………………. on the …………….. day of …………….., 20 ………….., that the said child was not born alive, and that no medical practitioner was present at the birth (or, and that no medical certificate of the said child having been born alive can be obtained). 

Dated at ……………………………………. the ……….. day of …………………, 20 ………………… 

(Signature, description and address of declarant) 

Second Schedule

[s. 30.]


N   K 

For registering a birth when the child is not more than three months old                                                      Nil 

For registering a birth when the child is more than three months, but not more than twelve months old            0.       75 

For registering a birth when the child is more than twelve months old                                                                    1.       00 

To get certified true copy of birth or death certificate                                                                                             50

For entering the baptismal, or other name of a child, upon a certificate being produced, after registration of birth (to be paid by the person procuring the name to be entered)                                                                                                   10 

For correcting an error of fact in a register (to be paid by the person requiring the error to be corrected)             25 

For each search of the index to, and inspection of an entry in, a register                                                               10 

For each certified copy of an entry in a register                                                                                                      25 


List of Subsidiary Legislation

1.       Appointment of burial grounds under section 37 

2.       Directions under section 38 

3.       Regulations under section 48 (burial grounds) 



Cemetries Orders in Council Appropriated to the use of Area Specified 

1.       Ikoyi (a) 23 of 1929 (12th Sept.) Discontinued with effect from 19th August, 1946, save in so far as burials in grave spaces purchased before the above mentioned date are concerned (see 29 of 1946, 22nd Aug.), but re-opened to be used as a public burial ground for the City of Lagos by Western Region Order in Council 4 of 1953.

(a)     All that piece of land situated at Ikoyi, Lagos, comprising an area of approximately 13.35 acres the boundaries of which are as follows— Commencing at a concrete pillar marked P.B.D. 572 the co-ordinates of which are 1,452.47 feet north of and 6,139.40 feet east of the Lagos Observatory, thence on a bearing of 109°-53’-11” for a distance of 133 feet 8 inches to P.B.D. 573, thence on a bearing of 157°-49’-08” for a distance of 772 feet 11 inches to P.B.D. 559, thence on a bearing of 268°-03’-08” for a distance of 892 feet 4 inches to P.B.D. 575, thence on a bearing of 323°-48’-44” for a distance of 415 feet 2 inches to P.B.D. 570, thence on a bearing of 54°-00’-43” for a distance of 779 feet 6 inches to P.B.D. 571 bounded by a curved line for the distance of 92 feet 4 inches to P.B.D. 572, the point of commencement, shall be a public burial ground for the City of Lagos. 

2.       Ikoyi (b) —ditto— —ditto—

(b)     All that piece of land situated at Ikoyi, Lagos, comprising an area of approximately 8.87 acres the boundaries of which are as follows—Commencing at a concrete pillar marked P.B.D. 581 the co-ordinates of which are 1,503.32 feet north of and 5,998.35 feet east of the Lagos Observatory, thence on a bearing of 236°-45’-43” for a distance of 363 feet 10 inches to P.B.D. 582, thence on a bearing of 231°-24’-51” for a distance of 431 feet 1 inch to P.B.D. 576, thence on a bearing of 328°-11’-34” for a distance of 569 feet 4 inches to P.B.D. 577, thence on a bearing of 68°-43’-19” for a distance of 426 feet 8 inches to P.B.D. 578, thence on a bearing of 327°-04’-08” for a distance of 36 feet 0 inches to P.B.D. 579, thence on a bearing of 57°-01’-45” for a distance of 361 feet 8 inches to P.B.D. 580, thence on a bearing of 146°-48’-34” for a distance of 474 feet 11 inches to P.B.D. 581 the point of commencement, shall be a public burial ground for the City of Lagos. 

3.       Ikoyi (c) 28 of 1946 (22nd Aug.) —ditto— (c)  All that parcel of land at Ikoyi, Lagos, containing an area of 12.63 acres the boundaries of which are as follows— Cemetries Orders in Council Appropriated to the use of Area Specified 
Starting at a concrete pillar marked P.B.L. 4362 the co-ordinates of which are 23,264.37 feet south and 16,462.88 feet east of a concrete pillar marked L.C.S. 165P the origin of Lagos Cadastral Surveys the boundaries run in straight lines the bearings and lengths of which are as follows— 

From Bearing Length To 
P.B.L. 4362 269° 11’ 175.1 feet P.B.L. 4361 
P.B.L. 4361 354° 57’ 143.4 feet P.B.L. 4360 
P.B.L. 4360 42° 17’ 470.5 feet P.B.L. 4359 
P.B.L. 4359 346° 22’ 372.4 feet P.B.L. 4358 
P.B.L. 4358 47° 18’ 96.5 feet P.B.L. 4357 
P.B.L. 4357 91° 15’ 653.8 feet P.B.L. 4356 
P.B.L. 4356 181° 15’ 599.8 feet P.B. 656 
P.B. 656 262° 15’ 253.8 feet P.B.H. 573 
P.B.H. 573 241° 53’ 150.0 feet P.B.H. 572 
P.B.H. 572 241° 55’ 200.1 feet P.B. 653 
P.B. 653 241° 52’ 218.1 feet P.B.L. 4362, 
(the starting point) 

shall be a public burial ground for the City of Lagos. 

All property beacons are concrete pillars, all bearings and lengths are approximate and all bearings are referred to True North. 

4.       The former Contagious Diseases Cemetry—Ikoyi (d) 23 of 1929 (12th Sept.) Wholly discontinued with effect from the 19th August, 1946 (29 of 1946), but re-opened to be used as a public burial ground for the City of Lagos by Western Region Order in Council 3 of 1953. All that piece of land situated at Ikoyi comprising an area of 3,387.57 square yards the boundaries of which are as follows—

Commencing from a concrete pillar marked P.B.D. 610 and from thence on a bearing of 240°-16’-29” for a distance of 126 feet 2 inches to P.B.D. 581, thence on a bearing of 326°-51’-33” for a distance of 239 feet 3 inches to P.B.D. 612, thence of a bearing of 57°-14’-41” for a distance of 125 feet 6 inches to P.B.D. 611, and from thence on a bearing of 146°-45’-00” for a distance of 245 feet 11 inches to P.B.D. 610 the point of commencement, shall be a burial ground for the City of Lagos. 

5.       Ajele 23 of 1929 (12th Sept.) Discontinued with effect from the 19th August, 1946, save in so far as burials in grave spaces purchased before that date are concerned. Wholly disused Times and most being used for other public purposes. All that piece of land situated at Oke Ite, Lagos, comprising an area of approximately 3.47 acres the boundaries of which are as follows—

Commencing at a concrete pillar marked P.B.D. 603 the co-ordinates of which are 1,333.85 feet north of and 256.64 feet west of the Lagos Observatory, thence on a bearing of 195°-52’-05” for a distance of 392 feet 3 inches to P.B.D. 604, thence on a bearing of 300°-38’-11” for a distance of 494 feet 0 inches to P.B.D. 601, thence on a bearing of 30°-04’15” for a distance of 289 feet 5 inches to P.B.D. 602, thence on a bearing of 107°-52’-34” for a distance of 406 feet 11 inches to P.B.D. 603 the point of commencement, shall be a public burial ground for the City of Lagos. 

6.       Moslem Epetedo 3 of 1932 (4th Feb.) —ditto— The Mohammedan Cemetery at Epetedo shall be a public burial ground for the City of Lagos. 

7.       Moslem Oke Suna 1 of 1941 (9th Jan.) —ditto— The Mohammedan Cemetery at Oke Suna shall be a burial ground for the City of Lagos. 

8.       Sango Cemetery, Ebute Metta 23 of 1929 (12th Sept.) —ditto— The piece of land situated at Ebute Metta, comprising an area of approximately 5.2 acres the boundaries of which are as follow—

Commencing at a concrete pillar marked P.B.D. 551, thenceon a bearing of 157°-45’-30” for a distance of 318.2 feet to P.B. 928, thence on a bearing of 247°-45’-30” for a distance of 712.1 feet to P.B. 927, thence on a bearing of 337°-45’-30” for a distance of 318.2 feet to P.B. 873, thence on a bearing of 67°-45’-30” for a distance of 712.1 feet to the point of commencement, shall be a public burial ground for the City of Lagos. 

9.       Atan Cemetery Yaba 23 of 1929 (12th Sept.) —ditto— The piece of land situated at Yaba, comprising an area of approximately 40 acres, the boundaries of which are as follows—

Commencing from a concrete pillar on the Yaba-Aregbe Road, marked P.B. 577, and from thence on a bearing of 69°-03’-29” for a distance of 1,180 feet to P.B. 9252, thence on a bearing of 92°-15’9’-27” for a distance of 152 feet 4 inches to P.B. 9246, thence on a bearing of 159°-03’-29” for a distance of 945 feet to P.B. 9247, thence on a bearing of 204°-03”-29” for a distance of 445 feet 6 inches to P.B. 9248 thence on a bearing of 249°-03’-29” for a distance of 1,005 feet to P.B. 9249, thence on a bearing of 339°-03’29” for a distance of 1,320 feet to the point of commencement, shall be a public burial ground for the City of Lagos. 

10.     Iganmu Cemetery, Alaka Village 20 of 1935 (13th June) Persons of all nationalities and religions resident in the villages in the district of Abebe, Ebute Metta. All that piece of land situated at Alaka Village, comprising an area of 4,443.839 square yards the boundaries of which are as follows—

Starting from a concrete pillar marked P.B.L. 2515, the co-ordinates of which are 10,032.63 feet south and 4,142.23 feet west of a concrete pillar marked L.C.S. 165P, which is the origin of surveys at Lagos and environs, thence bounded by straight lines the bearings and lengths of which are as follows— 

P.B.L. 2515—P.B.L. 2518 bearing 199° 04’ length 200.0 feet. 
P.B.L. 2518—P.B.L. 2517 bearing 287° 44’ length 200.0 feet. 
P.B.L. 2517—P.B.L. 2516 bearing 19° 04’ length 200.0 feet. 
P.B.L.           2516—P.B.L.            251              bearing           107°           44’           length               200.0           feet. 

(the starting point) shall be a public burial ground. 

The above bearings are referred to True North. 

11.     Government Station—Epe 23 of 1929 (12th Sept.) Persons of all religions. All that piece of land situated at Epe along the roadway to Ilefun at a distance of 1,271 feet from P.B.R. 94 which is at the junction of Ilefun roadway and Ijebu-Ode road, comprising an area of 1,450 square yards the boundaries of which are as follows— 

Commencing at a concrete pillar marked P.B.R. 173 the Colony co-ordinates of which are 937,241.09 feet north and 571,881.64 feet east; thence bounded by a straight line on a bearing of 270°-06’-38” for a distance of 174 feet 0 inches to P.B.R. 174; thence by a straight line on a bearing of 360°-06’-38” for a distance of 75 feet 0 inches to P.B.R. 171; thence by a straight line on a bearing of 90°-06’-38” for a distance of 174 feet 0 inches to P.B.R. 3172; thence by a straight line on a bearing of 180°-06’-38” for a distance of 75 feet 0 inches to P.B.R. 173 the point of commencement, shall be a public burial ground for the Government Station area at Epe. 

12.     Moslem—Epe —ditto— Persons of the Mohammedan religion. All that piece of land situated at Epe at the junction of Ijebu-Ode and Iraiye-Oke roads comprising an area of 3.355 acres the boundaries of which are as follows— 

Commencing at a concrete pillar marked P.B.R. 175, the Colony co-ordinates of which are 938,958.05 feet north and 570,593.62 feet east; thence bounded by a straight line on a bearing of 57°-23’-41” for a distance of 251 feet to P.B.R. 176; thence by a straight line on a bearing of 152°-43’-51” for a distance of 278 feet 5 inches to P.B.R. 177; thence by a straight line on a bearing of 189°-46’-18” for a distance of 315 feet 6 inches to P.B.R. 178; thence by a straight line on a bearing of 355°-19’-25” for a distance of 445 feet 0 inches to P.B.R. 175, the point of commencement, shall be a public burial ground for the area of Epe. 

13.     Christian—Epe 23 of 1929 (12th Sept.) Persons of the Christian religion. All that piece of land situated at Epe along Iraiye-Oke road and at an approximate distance of 350 feet from its junction with Ijebu-Ode road, comprising an area of 2,349.29 square yards, the boundaries of which are as follows— 

Commencing at a concrete pillar marked P.B.R. 176, the Colony co-ordinates of which are 939,093.32 feet north and 570,805.09 feet east; thence bounded by a straight line on a bearing of 57°-23’-41” for a distance of 75 feet 4 inches to P.B.R. 180; thence by a straight line on a bearing of 152°-43’-55” for a distance of 285 feet 5 inches to P.B.R. 181; thence by a straight line on a bearing of 242°-43’-27” for a distance of 75 feet 0 inches to P.B.R. 177; thence by a straight line on a bearing of 332°-43’-512” for a distance of 278 feet 5 inches to P.B.R. 176, the point of commencement, shall be a public burial ground for the area of Epe. 

14.     Moslem—Epe —ditto— Persons of the Mohammedan religion. All that piece of land situated at Epe along the road from Ita-Opo Market, and at an approximate distance of 1,835 feet from its junction with Ijebu-Ode road, comprising an area of 1.259 acres, the boundaries of which are as follows— 

Commencing at a concrete pillar marked P.B.R. 186, the Colony co-ordinates of which are 937,942.42 feet north and 569,091.85 feet east; thence bounded by a straight line on a bearing of 243°-04’-20” for a distance of 215 feet 0 inches to P.B.R. 187; thence by a straight line on a bearing of 333°-04’-20” for a distance of 255 feet 0 inches to P.B.R. 188; thence by a straight line on a bearing of 63°-04’-20” for a distance of 215 feet 0 inches to P.B.R. 189; thence by a straight line on a bearing of 153°-04’-20” for a distance of 255 feet 0 inches to P.B.R. 186, the point of commencement, shall be a public burial ground for the area of Epe. 

15.     Pagans—Epe (Stranger’ Ground) —ditto— Pagans. All that piece of land situated at Epe along the road from Ita-Opo Market and at an approximate distance of 1,100 feet from its junction with Ijebu-Ode road, comprising an area of 1,111.15 square yards the boundaries of which are as follows— 

Commencing at a concrete pillar marked P.B.R. 183, the Colony co-ordinates of which are 938,239.93 feet north and 569,763.01 feet east; thence bounded by a straight line on a bearing of 152°-52’-26” for a distance of 100 feet 0 inches to P.B.R. 182; thence by a straight line on a bearing of 62°-52’-26” for a distance of 100 feet 0 inches to P.B.R. 183 the point of commencement, shall be a public burial ground. 

16.     Moslem—Epe —ditto— Persons of the Mohammedan religion. All the piece of land situated at Epe on the foreshore of the lagoon comprising an area of 3.347 acres, the boundaries of which are as follows— 

Commencing at a concrete pillar marked P.B.R. 113, the Colony co-ordinates of which are 935,336.45 feet north and 575,255.63 feet east; thence bounded by a straight line on a bearing of 260°-06’-14” for a distance of 540 feet 0 inches to P.B.R. 114; thence by a straight line on a bearing of 350°-06’-14” for a distance of 270 feet 0 inches to P.B.R. 115; thence by a straight line on a bearing of 80°-06’-14” for a distance of 540 feet 0 inches to P.B.R. 116; thence by a straight line on a bearing of 170°-06’-14” for a distance of 270 feet 0 inches to P.B.R. 113, the point of commencement, shall be a public burial ground for the area of Epe. 

17.     African—Ikorodu 23 of 1929 (12th Sept.) Africans. All that piece of land situated at Ikorodu along the Ikorodu Shagamu road at a distance of about one mile from the town comprising an area of 1.033 acres the boundaries of which are as follows— 

Commencing at a concrete pillar marked P.B.R. 167, the projection co-ordinates of which are 954,904.52 feet north and 396,234.70 feet east; thence bounded by a straight line on a bearing of 205°-45’-38” for a distance of 300 feet 0 inches to P.B.R. 168; thence by a straight line on a bearing of 295°-45’-38” for a distance of 150 feet 0 inches to P.B.R. 169; thence on a bearing of 25°-45’-38” for a distance of 300 feet 0 inches to P.B.R. 170; thence on a bearing of 115°-45’-38” for a distance of 150 feet 0 inches to P.B.R. 167, the point of commencement, shall be a public burial ground for the area of Ikorodu. 

Directions under s. 38

All public burial grounds in the City of Lagos shall be under the control and management of the Lagos Local Government Councils.

[Notice 554 of 1933.]

Regulations under s. 48


1.       Every registrar shall at the beginning of each month forward to the Principal Registrar a true copy, certified under the hand of such registrar, of all entries made during the preceding month in the registers kept by him.

[F. & L. 1958, VII, 65.]

2.       Every registrar shall keep alphabetical indexes showing all births and deaths respectively registered in his office. Separate indexes shall be kept for alien and Nigerian registrations.

3.       The registers and indexes shall be kept in a locked safe or other secure receptable and shall not be taken out of the registry, except by permission in writing of the Principal Registrar or under the order of a court.

4.       The entries in the registers shall be made in order, and shall be numbered progressively from the beginning to the end of each year, the entries for each year beginning with number 1. Every entry shall be divided from the preceding one by a line.

5.       In cases in which no certificate of a medical officer is produced, registrars shall ascertain as accurately as possible from the person registering a death the cause of such death.

Public Burial Grounds

6.       The position of all grave spaces shall be delineated and plotted on a plan prepared by a Government or licensed surveyor and kept in the office of the officer in charge of the cemetery.

7.       Each space shall be numbered and a register kept recording the following particulars:—

Number of space on plan Date of Grant  Name of Grantee Name of person buried

8.       The size of a grave space shall be eight feet by four feet.

9.       No greater number than ten such spaces comprising an area of sixteen feet by twenty feet shall be granted to any one person or family for the construction of a brick vault.

10.     The charges for grave spaces (except in that portion of a burial ground allotted for free burials) shall be as follows:—

(a)     for a grave space other than one granted for the purposes referred to in paragraph (b)—

(i)      in burial grounds on Lagos Island N1.25K. 

(ii)     in burial grounds elsewhere in the City of Lagos 55k. 

(b)     for every grave space granted for the construction of a vault or which is to be enclosed by a curb, rails, chains or any other form of enclosure, or on which is to be erected any headstone or other mark in permanent material—

(i)      in burial grounds on Lagos Island 52k. per square foot of superficial area with a minimum charge of N16.80k. 

(ii)     in burial grounds elsewhere in the City of Lagos 25k. per square foot of superficial area with a minimum charge of N8. 

(iii)    in burial grounds where properly constructed vaults with 3 chambers each are provided by the Council  – N77.05k. 

Note:—The charge of N77.05k includes 25k. for stacking building materials in the cemetery.

(Charges for grave spaces in burial grounds outside the City of Lagos are not here reproduced.)

11.     The foundations of a headstone or other memorial shall not extend more than two feet below the surface of the ground.


12.     When the State Commissioner shall make an order for the exhumation of a body he may require the person applying for such order to pay a fee of such amount, not exceeding ten naira, as the State Commissioner may determine, and may direct that the exhumation and removal of the body shall be carried out in the presence of, and in a manner approved by, a medical officer, and may order the payment to the medical officer of the whole or any portion of the fee paid as aforesaid.

13.     The State Commissioner may remit any of the fees prescribed in these regulations either generally in respect of any public burial ground or in special cases.



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